minoxidil-retin-A combo after accutane use?

Angie #7

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I was wondering if anybody has used or has an opinion on the use of retin-A with minoxidil after you have been on accutane?
If you have read any of my posts my son was on accutane @ 14, started and continued loosing his hair and is now 16 and a pretty close norwood 2.
We have started minoxidil5% Oct.14 plus spiro5% but only for night applications. I really want him to have the best results possible until he is old enough to go on propecia, I'm just concerned to try retin-A since I still feel the accutane gave him an overdose of Vit. A and started him on a early journey with male pattern baldness. Anyone with any thoughts?


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I wouldn't rush him into Retin-A...yet.

His current regimen only dates from mid-Oct - I'd give that a few months grace for results before adding anything else. Then you'll have Retin-A as an option. I added it to my regimen recently, but only because I'm not seeing the kinds of results in back that I want from minoxidil.


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I don't know about accutane, but I heard that megadoses of vitamin A (retina) as a pill can cause temporarly hair loss. I also heard that topical retina can reduce the number of androgen receptors in the scalp, reducing hair loss. I don't know what dose is good. I also heard that retina increase minoxidil absorption by making the skin let more stuff in.

I'm tempted to experiment with Lee's 0.025% retina 1oz for $10 by adding some to my minoxidil to make a 0.001% solution. I think that might help me and not have any redness. Not sure though.

Angie #7

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I know its too early to add anything, because I want to see what the xandrox, spironolactone combo yields. I was a little concerned that he wasn't doing enough with the products. As you guys told me the minoxidil is greasy and although I can get the spironolactone to where it needs to go. I wouldn't send him off to school like that, so he is only doing the treatment at night time and then I wonder if its penetrating because he has styling products in his hair and toppik. One encouraging thing though, and I never thought I would say this is good, is he is starting to shed, so I guess he maybe a good responder.
The Retin A I am a little weary of, because of the vit A toxicity issue, and Roche does now admit that the taking of accutane can cause permanent hair loss, about 1 in 14. I think it just accelerated or triggered the male pattern baldness if you were genetically predisposed.
College,I have started Tyler taking the green tea capsules, just because I had bought them and was putting them in his other solution that we discontinued. Should I put them into the next bottle of Xandrox we start? If so how many per bottle?


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While using Retin-a should be safe in your son's condition, I might consult with a doctor first. Although, the prescribed dosage of Retin-a or tretinoin for hairloss is .025, and only a small dab is ever applied to the affected area. Meaning, you're far less likely to get any sort of Vitamin A overexposure. While isotretinoin or Accutane is usually taken orally at many times this dosage. Like you've stated, this sounds like a dangerous recipe for overexposure, or even toxicity.

Also, I personally wouldn't use Xandrox, or any formula containing a any retinoic acid and minoxidil. I've read that if the mixture isn't stablized properly it could be rendered partly ineffective. By applying both seperately, you can also better accurately monitor the dosage based on skin condition.

I apply the Retin-a a half an hour before the minoxidil. At first there's some irritation and stinging until the skin adapts. Also, the skin will start to peel within a day of each application. Although, I notice there's less itching and irratation overall, probably because more of the minoxidil solution is absorbed, and doesn't remain lying on the skin. And while a once a day application of Retin-a is recommended, I've found a once every other day schedule much better for a beginner like me.

Of course, you could also use Retin-a as an acne treatment. While it's probably not nearly as quick a treatment (6 months to a year) in my mind, it's a lot safer. Too bad your doctor didn't recommend Retin-a in the beginning. Maybe your son could have avoided all of these major sides.

Good luck.


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BTW, I wonder how much of your son's condition is permanent, and how much could be changed through a detoxifying of the liver. I would try taking a supplement like TMG/betaine, or even milk thistle, inositol, and curcumin, to see if this helps at all.


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CCS : apparently you can't just add retin a to minoxidil, as it will destroy the effectiveness of both. thats what i read on this forum anyway.


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powersam said:
CCS : apparently you can't just add retin a to minoxidil, as it will destroy the effectiveness of both. thats what i read on this forum anyway.

Which is probably why you read just as many saying Retin-a with minoxidil has absolutely no additional affect on hair growth. They're also probably using a much higher concentration than the recommended .025 percent; or they are simply applying too much or too many applications per day. Sometimes less is more, and a little common sense goes a long way.

Or perhaps how soon after you apply minoxidil following the Retin-a application has a profound effect as well. I see quite a few people doing both in rapid succession.

Angie #7

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We did the detoxifying with Milk thistle as soon as Tyler's hairloss was becoming more apparent. He started last March with a whole detoxifiying, routine with a homeopath. For 6 months Tyler experimented with a whole bunch of naturopath treatments. The hairloss did not seem to be slowing down, so thats when we decided to start with a minoxidil product. I would only consider retin A after thorough research, knowledge of the product, and last resort.


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Angie #7 said:
We did the detoxifying with Milk thistle as soon as Tyler's hairloss was becoming more apparent. He started last March with a whole detoxifiying, routine with a homeopath. For 6 months Tyler experimented with a whole bunch of naturopath treatments. The hairloss did not seem to be slowing down, so thats when we decided to start with a minoxidil product. I would only consider retin A after thorough research, knowledge of the product, and last resort.

If you haven't already, I would try TMG/Betaine next. It's been shown to be one of the most effective detoxifier, as well as its overall effectiveness in dramatically lowering homocysteine levels. However, since Vitamin A is fat soluble it can remain in fat cells and membranes as well, and release itself quite a long time. So I wouldn't blame you for not wanting to compound further Vitamin A damage. Although, you could have your doctor perform a retinol test to make 100 percent certain.

Angie #7

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I've read on accutane sites that since Vit. A is a fat soluable vitamin that it can remain in the liver for 2 to 9 years. I read one person started getting their hair back sometime after the 2 year mark, but I think the damage is already done. I wouldn't ask my doctor to perform any tests on Tyler since he is the *** that told me he could do anything a derm, can do and put Tyler on the drug. He also did not perform the necessary every month blood test for liver toxicity, only prior to taking the drug and 1 month in. The homeopath performed some salivia testing that suggested the liver maybe toxic. All the tests that my doctor did when I first went in with the hairloss problem, including a liver test said they came out fine, although he would not give me those tests to take over to the homeopath. I think because Tyler was just entering puberty and he was 5foot 7 and 140 lbs at the time really messed him up.
Maybe I will try TMG next, it certainly can't hurt.