Minoxidil Question


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As I'm sure most of you know increased absorption of minoxidil can be got from applying to a damp scalp. I have recently tried this but am trying to figure out the best time to apply after washing my hair. I waited 20 mins before applying the minoxidil but was still concerned that I was diluting it even though I patted my hair dry thoroughly with a towel beforehand. Can anyone who also uses this method tell me how long they usually wait before applying. I would also be grateful to find out how long the scalp stays damp after washing hair so I know a maximum amount of time after washing to make sure I apply in time to get the increased absorption benefits. Answering these questions would be so helpful to me as hairloss really has hit me hard (started losing at 16, now 17). By the time I reach 18 I hope to have regrown most of my hair and answering these questions could really help me reach that goal.


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Please guys, could someone weigh in on this, I'm only young and this is all new to me. I'm worried I might be diluting the minoxidil so could really do with some judgement on how long to wait after washing my hair before I apply the topical.


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I apply it immediately after I wipe my head off with the towel. As long as you give your head a good rub with your towel, you're good to go in my opinion. You want your scalp to be moist but not dripping wet.

I started to do this a couple of days ago because I seem to tolerate Rogaine pretty well, but I think you should be careful about overdoing it. I noticed yesterday that parts of my scalp are mildly sore. Nothing serious, but I'll probably switch to doing it every other day.


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Thanks for the reply kc444, can't say I've noticed any scalp irritation myself (been doing it a week) but if I do then I'll definitely cut back. I've tried applying it straight after washing but I think my hair is still too wet. This could be because I only pat my hair dry so as to be as gentle as possible. What do you think about waiting 25 mins. Would that be too long or would the scalp still be sufficently wet?


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i asked this to a famous dermatolog in my country(im from Turkey). first wash hairs, then retin-a cream then wait for 15 mins, then Minoxidil applicaiton. he said to me that it will work and i will get 3-4 times better absorption.


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Thanks for the reply guys. I've been waiting around 20 mins so I'm pleased to hear thats about right. Just thought I'd check to assure myself.