minoxidil puffy face using LESS than 1 ml


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I quit minoxidil the first time because of swelled ankles and puffy face, but I attributed this to using more than 2 ml per application. I cut down to maybe 1/2 ml JUST on the hairline and temples and puffy face and general puffiness has come back. What the hell? Am I just too sensitive? I look like I havent slept for weeks in the mornings when I wake up


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After the 4th application of min, my scalp started to get blisters...really bad..my scalp was red for 3 days and now fading. I used Nizrol after the 4th application and i notice my forehead and scalp was getting puffy. I think my puffiness might be from nizrol...cause it said not to use on open skin.

So Min is a big NO for me! What pain these weeks been for me. :cry:


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my brother has the same problem. even the 2% minoxidil makes his head look like he has been sun burned 4 times in a row.

the ppg causes the blisters, though the puffy face is probably the minoxidil. minoxidil.com has the ppg free version, but it is $18 per month.

you many have to skip the minoxidil and just use SOD's instead, and use spironolactone cream on just your hairline and temples, the places you can access the scalp easily.

you could dilute the 5% with 70% isopropyle alcohol, and add 1 mL of oil so it is not as surfacting on your skin. one last shot perhaps?

i doubt irritating the hell out of your scalp will regrow hair.


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College, I plan on having a layer of cotton ball implanted under my skin and making sort of a cotton ball helmet. This well soak up the excess minoxidil and keep it from going through my bloodstream, thereby diminishing the puffer fish face effect and will keep my body from looking like a peach