minoxidil on temples makes templehair fall out quicker?

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Hey guys
been using minoxidil on my temples and sides for two weeks now. My temples are becoming much more visible already and the hair that i used to be able to cover the temples with I am loosing rappidly.
Is this normal? or is it a good thing? I'm really loosing hope here because i don't see new sprouts or anything. :(
don't just read my post! Make a profile, reply and take action of your own concerns.
Reply - please


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It "should" be a good sign as shedding during the intial phase is normal. The weaker hairs are being forced out and new thicker hairs are supposed to regrow. BTW wat kind of minoxidil are you on foam, liquid and what concentration? Experiencing any sides e.x. bloating face? I started too and im slightly getting it, not sure if i should ride it out or switch from liquid to foam =S
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I've been using foam from Rogaine and so far (3 weeks) i havn't noticed anything really. Maybe a little bit of headache after adding.
I'm still shedding btw. Dunno if it is minoxidil or propecia


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My initial loss was on the hairline so i decided on prevention. So used Regaine (UK Market name for Rogaine). I was using it for 3 months and the shedding continued. I have discontinued for some time and am now on an equally ineffective regaime of tricologic & Nizoral. I havent tried Regaine on the back of the head which is beginning to noticeably shed now but my inital use of Regaine resulted in hair loss increasing rather than decreasing.

J&J responded saying it is proven to be more effective in the crown when I wrote & complained.


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BallsDeep said:
My initial loss was on the hairline so i decided on prevention. So used Regaine (UK Market name for Rogaine). I was using it for 3 months and the shedding continued. I have discontinued for some time and am now on an equally ineffective regaime of tricologic & Nizoral. I havent tried Regaine on the back of the head which is beginning to noticeably shed now but my inital use of Regaine resulted in hair loss increasing rather than decreasing.

That's because you stopped using it after 3 months. You didn't even give it time to work.


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timbo said:
BallsDeep said:
My initial loss was on the hairline so i decided on prevention. So used Regaine (UK Market name for Rogaine). I was using it for 3 months and the shedding continued. I have discontinued for some time and am now on an equally ineffective regaime of tricologic & Nizoral. I havent tried Regaine on the back of the head which is beginning to noticeably shed now but my inital use of Regaine resulted in hair loss increasing rather than decreasing.

That's because you stopped using it after 3 months. You didn't even give it time to work.

No no. The increased shedding phase was meant to last 2 weeks.

After using for 3 months, it didn't stop it actually accelerated, so as per the advice when I complained I stopped using (I have the copy of the email for reference if you don't believe me).

The point is that Rogaine/Regaine didn't do anything and if anything, during the period I was using it the hairloss increased dramatically.


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BallsDeep said:
No no. The increased shedding phase was meant to last 2 weeks.

The point is that Rogaine/Regaine didn't do anything and if anything, during the period I was using it the hairloss increased dramatically.

You obviously needs some teaching as to the way Rogaine/Regaine works.

First off, 3 months is not enough time to accurately make the above statement.

Your increase hair-loss was likely from a minoxidil induced shed. There is no set time for how long a shed is "meant" to last. It could last longer.

A shed from minoxidil is usually a precursor to results. It sheds weak hairs that were already going to fall out in the next few months anyway and works to create a healthier hair to replace it. You obviously quit before any of that could happen...


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timbo said:
BallsDeep said:
No no. The increased shedding phase was meant to last 2 weeks.

The point is that Rogaine/Regaine didn't do anything and if anything, during the period I was using it the hairloss increased dramatically.

You obviously needs some teaching as to the way Rogaine/Regaine works.

First off, 3 months is not enough time to accurately make the above statement.

Your increase hair-loss was likely from a minoxidil induced shed. There is no set time for how long a shed is "meant" to last. It could last longer.

A shed from minoxidil is usually a precursor to results. It sheds weak hairs that were already going to fall out in the next few months anyway and works to create a healthier hair to replace it. You obviously quit before any of that could happen...

This is the email I got back. (note the information she gave me is also on the leaflet).

“Temporary hair loss may occur during the first 2-6 weeks of use. This is likely to be as a result of a change within the growth cycle and it should stop within a couple of weeks. If this hair loss continues for longer than 2 weeks, stop using the product and talk to your doctor.â€￾

Philippa Mort RGN

Medical Information Officer

Professional Information Ltd

Now given that I was using for over 12 weeks then I would think it's fair to say it was reasonable of me to expect that hair shedding would at least slow down.

on behalf of Johnson & Johnson Ltd


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You have to give minoxidil more time than 3 months. The shedding phase itself can often last 100 days because thats how long the telogen phase is. minoxidil tends to make the telogen hairs reach the end of this phase much quicker so that new stronger hairs can grow.

People need to realize that they have to stay on the treatment for a long time. At the very least 4-6 months. 3 months is too few.


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In my experience it took 6 months to see a positive difference with Rogaine. Less than that is not enough to make a fair assessment. I can empathize with how disheartening it is to see all the shedding in the first couple of months, but it does grow back.

The most positive difference with Rogaine is in the overall thickness of my hair. I don't have the thin, miniaturized hairs anymore; every hair that falls out when I shampoo or brush is of uniform thickness. Some regrowth yes, but the real deal is the increase in thickness and prevention of further loss.


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That does make sense. The hairs that fall out obviously need a few months to grow themselfs.

Glad to her you have success with rogaine. From you regimen it seems you don't use any drugs? Is that correct?

edit: nevermind you are not a male


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Obviously some of you guys have had better luck with rogaine/regaine than I had, which is very fair.

But again I have to stress I am not talking about re-growth or reversal, I was referring to the original question of hair shedding from temples.

Like stated by the correspondence and leaflet, shedding should stop. But in my case (and the original authors) it continued.


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dude listen to what others have said in regards to minoxidil usage. i have been using minoxidil for years now and when i first started using it i shed like a cat for a good 3 months before it stopped.

if you only used minoxidil for 3 months then stopped you messed up. 3 months is nothing, i dont care what those people told you. you didnt even give your hair a chance to respond.

so it want that minoxidil didnt work for you its just that ou didnt give it time to work...end of story, period.


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Hi all, first post because I found this thread interesting.

I started using minoxidil 5% and Nizoral a little under two months ago. I was expecting a 'shed' inside two-six weeks like the literature says but nothing happened until last week (approx 8 weeks) when I noticed the hair at my temples was starting to recede even further and my crown was feeling thinner as well, i.e. the areas where I'm applying the minoxidil. I was quite concerned at first because I thought I was 'outside' the normal time frame for this to be the forecasted minoxidil-induced shedding, but reading this has made me reconsider. Should I just relax and take the shed as a sign that it's actually starting to work?

I have no sides that I've noticed, originally there was a slight headache after application and I have occasional itch as well but that's all I think.

PS: I originally went with this regimen - i.e. no finasteride etc. because I was a bit scared of doing anything that messes with the internal mechanics of my body. Do I stand a decent chance of keeping my hairloss at bay with this current regimen, in readers' opinions? I'd be happy to keep the hair I have with a little bit of regrowth.


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blaze said:

dude listen to what others have said in regards to minoxidil usage. i have been using minoxidil for years now and when i first started using it i shed like a cat for a good 3 months before it stopped.

if you only used minoxidil for 3 months then stopped you messed up. 3 months is nothing, i dont care what those people told you. you didnt even give your hair a chance to respond.

so it want that minoxidil didnt work for you its just that ou didnt give it time to work...end of story, period.

So, I have decided to give Regaine another shot as the bald patch was growing pretty noticeable and what others have said to give it longer.. On it 6 weeks now an still pretty disheartening, the hairline seems like a lost cause but at least hoping to keep some on the crown. I have a photo blog up to show the loss, I don't know if everybody else saw the same.