Minoxidil on Hairline, PICS!!


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Ok so in July I cut back using Rogaine to 1x a day because of it's greasiness and long drying time. Keep in mind I am still taking Propecia. Not long after, I started noticing I was losing alot more hair in the shower. I figure this was the typical shed we all dread and expected it. It wasnt until about the last week in Oct. there was a photo taken of me at a party. I was horrified to see what my hairline was reduced to. I started to panic. I considered going on Tricomin because of it's short drying time. But being burned in the past by other unproven treatments I decided to stick with minoxidil. So I read the reviews about Dr. Lee's products on here and ordered his standard minoxidil as well Retin-a cream from my doctor (i have some acne). Soon after I started my second battle with hairloss. Well Dr. Lee's minoxidil rocks, it dries in 10 minutes and leaves hardly any greasy residue. I would apply this during the day. For my new regimine at night, I would apply Retin-a on the areas i apply minoxidil, let it dry, then put on rogaine. I have been following this every day since. This weekend I was at the clubs and a hot-*** girl i used to hang with asked what i did with my hair. Not knowing what to say I just smiled and she said it looked really good!! The next day I got out the digital camera to snap a photo, even if it only was 2 months. I must say there is a definite improvement!! especially in the front which is now much more manageable. To everyone else out there, I know a hairloss regimine can be a pain in the @$$ but stick with it. The results are sooo worth it. :D I have posted the before & after pictures below. I will post more in a few months for you guys, enjoy!!



Current Regimen:

Propecia 1x day
Dr. Lee's 5% Standard daytime
Retin-a Cream .05%
Rogaine 5% at night
Nizoral 1%


Established Member
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Try and take one with more light. Pictures show us nothing if the lighting, angle, length of hair and the state of hair (wet or dry) isn't the same in the before and after pictures.

Anyways, looking good! :eek:


Matched the pictures up a bit more, looks like a pretty good improvement to me.



Established Member
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Is your hair dry in both those pictures? It looks a bit damp/shiny. I'm just wondering for comparison's sake.

In any case, looking good, seriously. :)


Senior Member
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lookin' good.. keep it up.

btw, are you a stoner who happens to enjoy the X-Men ?


Experienced Member
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Gooood sh*t main!!! Keep up the good work!!!!

When did you start Propecia....


Established Member
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huge improvement. your hair looks wet in the first, but it's hard to tell. nonetheless, the medication is really working for you!


Experienced Member
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You can tell that you got an improve over all around your head. Keep up with your regimen and you may improve even more.


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