minoxidil makes my hair look worse


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So I apply the minoxidil to the temples where the thinning occurs, but the problem is it looks worse after it's applied. Does this happen for anyone else? It seems to have thickened the hairs, but I don't know if it's even worth the trouble.

The Rock

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hey it is actually doing its job then keep with it


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briancl said:
So I apply the minoxidil to the temples where the thinning occurs, but the problem is it looks worse after it's applied. Does this happen for anyone else? It seems to have thickened the hairs, but I don't know if it's even worth the trouble.

It has the same effect for me. It appears to have thickened my hair, but it does not appear to have affected progression of hair loss; nor does it appear to be re-growing hair.

But do not underestimate the significance of this hair-thickening effect. I would rather appear to use something that disguises (to a degree) my loss, than use nothing at all.


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I will still with the minoxidil/proscar/nizoral combo then. How long should you be on minoxidil to actually decide whether or not it's been effective? 6 months?


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briancl said:
I will still with the minoxidil/proscar/nizoral combo then. How long should you be on minoxidil to actually decide whether or not it's been effective? 6 months?

The package insert says one year, so I would give it at least that much time. Remmeber, it is not possible to determine the pattern or rate of hair loss -- or of hair growth.


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has anyone expereinced a slick bald patch that wasnt there before suign minoxidil?
cuz i got one and it sux, right in the middle of my freakin head and i have just shaved it, i almost wanna stop and go back to baseline but i am to scared, i know thy say aftr a shed regrowth is comin but a slick spot?!


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I'm convinced that in some folks, minoxidil may worsen your condition. I know of a few people who have gone on and off minoxidil several times and watched their hair deteriorate each time they were on.


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so u think i should stop minoxidil is what u are saying?
could it be possible the people u know just do not ride out the sheds>?