Minoxidil in warmer temperatures


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Hey people how are you doing? Got a question about Minoxidil, and it's effectiveness in warm temperatures (like, 30 degrees Celcius or higher).

Currently using Kirkland's 5% version of the product, and am pretty satisfied so far. Not too much regrowth yet, but I see little tiny weaks hairs around the hairline and am truely motivated to get my full hairline back (a mature hairline like a NW2, currently am a NW2.5 I'd guess) but I'm worried about it's effectiveness in the summer, when it's warmer.

Right now, I'm sweating a whole lot. Constantly. And especially on my forhead, as my hair is quite long. I excersise daily as well, so it's not only the weather that makes me sweat. I am just wondering how effective Minoxidil is when your sweating? Like, you apply it 2 hours before working out. Forhead might still be sweaty (hair is mostly dry though), as I have a room on the attic and just have 1 window so it's HOT here.

-Which reminds me, what can I do to keep my Minoxdil good while it's so hot? Doesn't it has a minimum and maximum amount of temperature it can take?-

I'm going on a holiday for more than 3 weeks as well somewhere next week, and of coarse I'm continueing with my regime while I'm there. Of coarse I know swimming will make Minoxidil useless, but what about sweat? Does your head has to be COMPLETELY dry to make it work? In other words, do I have to spend my summer in the shadows instead of in the sun?

I still have finasteride and dutasteride caps in my regime, so it's not like I'm completely dependand on Minoxidil, but I'd like to keep using it with results and not waste my money / time or better... hairline so.. Could anyone give me a good answer to this?

In short: does Minoxidil work when your sweaty?
