Minoxidil hairloss shed on the first day of use!


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Hi, I started using minoxidil a few days ago. Now I donot really have male pattern baldness , though I did get paranoid about my fron hairline, .
Basically I did minoxidil to enchance my hair and grow a little more dense.
U would have never known I had hairloss by looking at me.
But The very first night I put minoxidil on my head, I woke up with my hair falling out! its been 3 days now and My hair has clearly receded from minoxidil use & the white part of my scalp is visible in the front where it wasnt before...
Now I know that this is the normal phase of minoxidil usage as it is supposed to shed....
But my confusion lies on how sudden this has ocurred. I always read online that shedding happens months after you start, yet I shed the very first Night!!!! How is that possible unless its a bad reaction???
Im worried, Did I shed so suddenly because Minoxidil is very good n affective on me ??
And let me state again, I donot have male pattern baldness , so maybe this is why I have shed so quikly and its already working ????
I just hope for the better thats all.


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I think it's pretty much impossible, if not, extremely rare. You should expect some shedding from the minoxidil use.

It only takes a few months. If those hairs fell out – it was because they were going to fall out anyway.

The whole point is in is to force the existing chairs to fall out so they can be replaced by new thicker hairs. Continue using it if you're going to continue using it, and make sure to be diligent and apply every day.

The times when I've stopped even for a week, I've had bad results. There's fallout and it takes months for them to come back.


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I don't think Minoxidil makes healthy hairs fall. Only weak hair is going to fall. Also a couple of days of Minoxidil use won't make you go bald. If you don't have male pattern baldness, stop it and go enjoy your life!