Minoxidil Frustrations


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I have dark brown hair that's thinning in a NW6 pattern over the entire top of my head, and I've found that applying minoxidil over this area is very difficult and frustrating. First, I don't really know how much minoxidil needs to be on my scalp to be effective. I keep imagining the drawing that comes with the box that shows a man with vertex balding, and how he should apply exactly 1ml of minoxidil to that very tiny spot on the back of his head. Well, not only do I have a large area to cover, but my hair also seems to soak this stuff up like a sponge. I wonder if that 1ml is enough when spread out over the entire top of my head when comparing it to the vertex application instruction.

After the minoxidil is on my scalp, enough seems to be on my hair that I can no longer style it in any way, so I wait until it dries. Hours later I go back to the mirror, the hair on top of my head looks as if it's been in the sun for hours, all dried out and tinted white. The hair on the side and back of my head is normal, dark brown. It's dry enough that I am still unable to style it, and even if I could, I can't hide the center of attention which is now the dried out, white-tinted thining hair on the top of my head. Then the itching that comes with minoxidil. I can deal with that, but if I even think of scratching a tiny spot, the minoxidil flakes fall.

It seems that if I want to look normal, I would have to be able to wash the minoxidil out of my hair, which really defeats the purpose of using it at all. I have the Kirkland brand at the moment, but I'm going to be buying the Foam either today or tomorrow. I know the faster drying will make a difference, but I'm sure the question of application amount will become even more difficult, and I'm unsure if the white hair look will continue.

The next step is the buzz, and I'm reluctant to do it. Why? Well, for one, I don't know how I'll look. But the main reason is that I could buzz my hair and easily apply topicals like minoxidil...perhaps my hair will begin to grow back. Then what? I have to use the minoxidil to keep my regrown hair, and the main idea behind keeping my hair was the ability to grow it as normal. Keeping it buzzed defeats that purpose too.

Anyway, I figured I'd post my frustrations here and get them out of the way. I have a lot of respect for you guys who've used minoxidil for so long, because even after just a short while, this has been overwhelming.