Minoxidil/Fluridil after Scalp sores are gone - PICS


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I buzzed my hair off about 2 weeks ago (number 1 cut) and I'm planning to start Regaine/Rogaine once my scalp is normal again. I've had spots on my scalp on and off for the past year or so but they've got worse recently, so I think I might need some topical antibiotics or something, I think it's scalp foliculitis.

I've been looking on Boots.co.uk at Regaine products, what would be best to start with? There are so many, gels, foams, ointments, regular strength, extra strength, any advice?

I'm not a fan of finasteride, never tried it but I'm worried about affect on Libido, I'm 22, so it worried me greatly. It's either Minoxidil or Eucapil (Fluridil).

Any recommendations? Also where would you put me on the Norwood scale?

Because all Norwood pics have receding hairline, I don't think my frontal hairline recedes that much...


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I am sorry to be the bearer of sad tidings,the entire frontal region[where balding usually occurs] seems to be severely affected with\prone to miniaturization.
Minoxidil alone wont be able to prevent the inevitable therefore I suggest that at least you give finasteride a try if you want to retain your hair till something better comes along.

Start with a low dose if you are afraid of the sides and in a few weeks your body will get used to it.Most likely you would never have any sides from it and combine that with Minoxidil,you will have the best possible solution out there.Believe me it is certainly worth giving finasteride a try...You wouldn't want to live with the regret of not even trying to save your hair later on in life.


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A 5% Regaine solution would definitely help to regrow the hair in the thin diffused areas on top and at the back.

However, to really thicken up your whole head of hair, you're probably going to need Finasteride (You can get Propecia from Boots on prescription also). I experienced lame libido, 80% erections and brain fog when I took it, but everybody's different and as said above, if you lowered the dose from 1mg to 0.5mg you might avoid the nasty side effects. Definitely worth a try anyway!

If that fails then you'll need an Finasteride alternative to combine with the Minoxidil in order to get the best possible results. In that scenario usually the best meds would be spironolactone Cream + Revivogen/Proxiphen, which would help to thicken your hair at least slightly by inhibiting DHT and blocking Androgens, though obviously they won't be as powerful as Finasteride.


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Primo said:
If that fails then you'll need an Finasteride alternative to combine with the Minoxidil in order to get the best possible results. In that scenario usually the best meds would be spironolactone Cream + Revivogen/Proxiphen, which would help to thicken your hair at least slightly by inhibiting DHT and blocking Androgens, though obviously they won't be as powerful as Finasteride.

If you recommend an androgen blocker is it worth going with Eucapil for a while first? It seems to have mixed reviews with most of the negatives not being that it doesn't work, it's harsh on some people's scalp.

I'm going to discuss Finasteride with my GP when I go in to show my scalp acne and try and sort out the inflammation from that.

Thanks for pointers, where would you put me on Norwood scale at the mo if you had to say?


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Dude, we have the exact same type of hair loss. Mine came on and within 2 years I went from full head of hair to exactly where you are now. I even got the red bumps that scabbed over. I have been on minoxidil for about 5.5 months and finasteride for 4.5 months. Here are some pics from my hair at baseline (pre treatment, February) and then after a minoxidil shed and the scalp sores (this was my hair at it's worst, July 1). I am older than you by a lot (38), but you have the closest hair loss pattern to me as I have seen pics of. I will post current pics tomorrow since I take them weekly now.


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The order of pics is backwards. Baseline is LAST 3 pics, 3 months in with shedding and scalp sores (visible in pics) is FIRSTc3 pics.

Tomorrow I will post my current pics (7 weeks since the shedding pics)


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RSR38 said:
Dude, we have the exact same type of hair loss. Mine came on and within 2 years I went from full head of hair to exactly where you are now. I even got the red bumps that scabbed over. I have been on minoxidil for about 5.5 months and finasteride for 4.5 months. Here are some pics from my hair at baseline (pre treatment, February) and then after a minoxidil shed and the scalp sores (this was my hair at it's worst, July 1). I am older than you by a lot (38), but you have the closest hair loss pattern to me as I have seen pics of. I will post current pics tomorrow since I take them weekly now.

I think I agree, we might be diffuse thinners but get this my brother and his friend (both doctors) looked at my 'long hair pics' and my brother said there's nothing wrong. He then called his friend over and didn't say it was me, his friend immediately said "Alopecia Areata?" and then went on to say that I'm not thinning, it's just human variation.

I'm going dig up pics from when I was 18 and shaved my head and show them and you guys too, they haven't seen it first hand like I have. Pointing out that a shaved head suits me is not the same as saying I'm not thinning lol.


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Hey Halotd, since we have such similar hair loss, here are a few pics I snapped this morning. These are 7 weks past the worst my hair has ever looked...


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RSR38 said:
Hey Halotd, since we have such similar hair loss, here are a few pics I snapped this morning. These are 7 weks past the worst my hair has ever looked...

Wow, that is fantastic progress!

Would finasteride be enough for me? Because I hear you lose the hair Min puts on once you stop using it.

I'm going to my doctor tomorrow hopefully to get on the road to get my hair back to what it was :).

Are you seeing any side effects from finasteride?


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guys I have had the same red bumps(pimple like) and they were occurring where all my thinning was(mostly crown).

After being on propecia for 4 months they are gone. They went away pretty much the same time I started using capasaul shampoo as well(has coal tar in it). I swear by this shampoo now, I am not even kidding bee on it for well over a month. I use a little bit everyday. I have zero itching, no more red bumps and my hair the last month is starting to really feel good and thicker up top and the crown is just starting to progress I can see it.

All I am saying is please try this shampoo(I tried everything from natural to coconut oil etc). I don't deny that propecia has probably done most of the hormonal work.


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vikings1234 said:
guys I have had the same red bumps(pimple like) and they were occurring where all my thinning was(mostly crown).

After being on propecia for 4 months they are gone. They went away pretty much the same time I started using capasaul shampoo as well(has coal tar in it). I swear by this shampoo now, I am not even kidding bee on it for well over a month.

I think you may be right, I used Nutrogena's T-Gel Shampoo (Coal Tar) and it was very good at soothing the itch but I haven't used it since I ran out, using Nizoral 2% now, every other day.


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Halotd said:
vikings1234 said:
guys I have had the same red bumps(pimple like) and they were occurring where all my thinning was(mostly crown).

After being on propecia for 4 months they are gone. They went away pretty much the same time I started using capasaul shampoo as well(has coal tar in it). I swear by this shampoo now, I am not even kidding bee on it for well over a month.

I think you may be right, I used Nutrogena's T-Gel Shampoo (Coal Tar) and it was very good at soothing the itch but I haven't used it since I ran out, using Nizoral 2% now, every other day.

I very much feel that if my scalp is inflamed from pimples sores, folliculitis whatever you want to call it, that DHT is winning. And if it isn't that perhaps I am.

Nizoral made my scalp more inflamed so I had to stop


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Doctor is ordering blood tests to make sure it's not a hormonal problem and be more confident that it's male pattern baldness. Will have more info next week.


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Nothing wrong with my blood test, all hormones are fine. I'm being sent Finpecia tablets from Family in India. Should arrive soon.

RSR38 how are things going? Have you seen any sides? Any new pics?


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No sides to speak of. I took 6 month pics on my I-phone, but then I dropped it and broke it soon after. Just got the new I-phone 4 that has much better resolution and a flash. I am going to do 7 month pics on 10-15. I think things stabilized during months 5 and 6 and not much change, but now in the last few weeks, I am seeing a lot of new small hairs. They are tiny, but not vellus hair, so they should go terminal. I think the finasteride is doing more of the work than the minoxidil at this point. I added Retin A a while back and recently began using an azole topical for growth.

Overall, I figure most people that are decent responders achieve most of the big improvement within the first year of treatments. I figure I may have 5 months or so to see regrowth and thickening before things level off. I don't know if I will ever be able to grow my hair longer and style it satisfactorily or not. But I do believe that with a shorter buzz cut, I have an acceptable level of hair for someone nearly 40. However, I really want the radical change that some people get. I'd say I am a good responder, but not excellent.


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You can always get Propecia or finasteride tablets from inhouse uk pharmacy (google it) or google rogain foam uk, top link does packs of 3-4 usualy.

You guys are very lucky too have great hair, should count your lucky stars your frontal hair line still looks thick and healthy :)


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RP3X said:
You can always get Propecia or finasteride tablets from inhouse uk pharmacy (google it) or google rogain foam uk, top link does packs of 3-4 usualy.

You guys are very lucky too have great hair, should count your lucky stars your frontal hair line still looks thick and healthy :)

My family in India sent me 100 tablets of Finpecia and I'm on day 2 of taking them so far so my journey has started!


Established Member
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Nice to hear that you're using finasteride now; good luck with that.

With any luck, people who aren't as OCD about hairloss as we are won't even be able to tell that you're thinning.


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Completed my first 100 tabs, things are going well, no side effects to speak of, going to keep going for a year and compare :)


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Keep us posted...Good luck too im in the same boat too but scared to use finasteride too...Going to the GP next week.