minoxidil dependency of hair not thickened by minoxidil?


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I'm currently taking propecia.
I want to thicken some of my thin hair.

my question is:
if I start to apply rogaine on thick hairs (have those next to the thin ones) - do you think those hairs will become dependent on rogaine and turn thin if I stop using rogaine ?
does that make sense ? do you understand the question?


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i believe it of course varies from person to person but in my experience i was using finasteride for about 8 years and minnox for about 4 and then i quit minnox for about 5 monthes and i didn't really notice any shed or difference in density which would lead me to believe that the majority of my hair became dependant on it as they say minnox wears off within 2 monthes. so although i had used alot of rogaine my hairs did not become addicted to it... or atleast not in a noticable way. i think the general thinking is that minnox will extend the life cycle of hairs and thats all. also i have heard that finasteride could possible help retain hair grown using minnox but i cant prove this.


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thanks bigjohnson, I appreciate it.

I want to here some more opinions on this theory