Minoxidil decrease my libido & erection

Black Mamba

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I've been using topical Minoxidil lotion 5% for 5 years. From my experience it decreased my libido & caused erection problem. I've done some experiment about its side effect. I found out that if I stop using minoxidil, in 3 months, my libido & erection back to normal. But when I start to use minoxidil again, in just 1 month the libido & erection problem arise again.

To make sure that minoxidil is the culprit, i repeat the experiment cycle during my 5 years usage. And the result is always the same

I have question: how technically minoxidil cause such problem (lowering libido & erection problem) ?


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its a TOPICAL. Theres no chance your ed is from rogaine. Propecia obviously has those effects, but thats a pill.


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I don't yet use minoxidil but have never heard of this as a side affect. Sure it's not a placebo affect you're experiencing? Are you also on finasteride or avodart?

[ not a a doctor or a hair loss expert, just forum poster ]


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There is the simple fact that some blood pressure medications do lower libido but there is no indication in the literature that minoxidil is one of them.
Also you have to ask yourself "would enough minoxidil get absorbed to even cause the same side effects as oral minoxidil" and the answer to this is not completely clear because side effects are dependent on the sensitivity to the medication by an individual.
If you want a simple answer then I have to say that its "No" because there is no scientific evidence backing that minoxidil effects libido.
Also oral minoxidil isn't a new medication so if lowered libido was really a problem we would know about by now.

Also we don't need anymore scaremongering of hair loss products. Like dude do you want people who are desperately hoping minoxidil will work for them because they are too afraid of the sides associated with finasteride to stop using these products all together.

Captain Hook

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To any lurkers reading this, because this side effect is unfounded, it's very likely this is all psychological, sorry OP but this is the first time I've ever seen libido issues being reported from minoxidil use.


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I've been using topical Minoxidil lotion 5% for 5 years. From my experience it decreased my libido & caused erection problem. I've done some experiment about its side effect. I found out that if I stop using minoxidil, in 3 months, my libido & erection back to normal. But when I start to use minoxidil again, in just 1 month the libido & erection problem arise again.

To make sure that minoxidil is the culprit, i repeat the experiment cycle during my 5 years usage. And the result is always the same

I have question: how technically minoxidil cause such problem (lowering libido & erection problem) ?

It actually decreases the libido and causes ED and the explanation is quite simple. Minoxidil is used by people who have hypertension ( high blood pressure), its a vasodilator drug that dilates the veins, so when the veins are dilated the blood will flow more smothly and the blood pressure will drop because the heart doesnt have the need to beat faster.Hypertension drugs (drugs to low blood pressure) cause erectile dysfunction, that´s not a secret. If the blood doesnt flow with a normal pressure, it´s almost impossible to have a full erection.
And it also decrease libido because Minoxodil is a Beta blocker drug and mess up with your Nervous system, makes you feel tired, dizzy and sometimes depressed, which means you will not give a **** about sex.

But in my opinion, all the side effects only happen when you actually Overdose Minoxidil.

In my experience, i tried Minoxidil 1mg, twice a day for 2 days and it was enough to feel all this side effects ( i did overdose it though). My libido really decreased, i couldnt get hard anymore, i felt testicular pain, i was feeling tired and my blood pressure got so low that sometimes i could feel my heart beating involuntarily fast as a reaction to my low pressure, also some chest pain and i couldn't concentrate anymore at my work. I stopped Minoxidil and after a few days, i started to feel better and 1-2 weeks later, i felt perfect again. Speaking directly about lost of libido and ED, i never had problems with ED before and it was a really scary experience, my penis was dead for some days and i lost interess in women, i felt like a zombie. I could just low the Minoxodil dose and proceed with treatment but this drug is really strong and i don't want to mess up with my body and mind again.

Just to finish, everybody is different, and each body has different reactions to drugs, some can deal well with drugs, others not so well, that´s why there´s people who felt side effects and people that never felt.

Minoxidil doesnt mess up with testosterone like Propecia, but Minoxidil mess up with blood pleasure and nervous system and that causes a decrease of libido and ED, no doubt about it.


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This is not pyscological. It's probably fair to say that not everyone experienced this affect, but i certainly experienced it. I remember posting about it years ago and people said it's pyscological even then.

Given the amount of people coming foward about it, i think it's fair to say that this should be a recognised as a possible side-affect.


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How exactly does one determine whether or not the cause of ED is psychological?