Minoxidil, Dark Eye Circles Fearmongering True Or False?


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So I discontinued minoxidil due to finances, lost a lot of hair and I am going to be hopping back on it. But I came back to the question does minoxidil cause dark eye circles? Personally I can't find any actual study showing proof that it does. I always had dark eye circles due to genetics and couldn't really notice, but I've spent a lot of time, dieting, exercising, doing laser treatments and they're now pretty much gone. So before I hop back on it was wondering if anyone could provide a legit study that shows that it does?

If it does, I might not hop on it, but if there's actually no real studies proving it then I can get back on minoxidil without feeling stress. Sorry to ask this but my searching has literally just gives me a lot of people saying it does, while showing horrible photos with different lighting. I get anxious, and stressed easily, but knowing if something is true or not really helps me feel at ease.