Minoxidil causing low blood pressure?


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I have been using minoxidil for almost a year now. I use it once a day at the most. Well, for a week now I have been feeling lousy. My symptoms are heart heaviness (hopefully that makes sense to you), can't sleep much (sleep for three hours at night then wake up and can't go back to sleep), slight headache and neck ache, fatigue and brain cloudiness, slight facial swelling. I always get the swelling however ever since I started). I also occasaionally pop a very low dose of Finasteride (last dose one month ago. Have really terrible sides on it so that is the reason I only pop a low dose only once every couple months). Well, today I used my fathers blood pressure measuring device and it said my BP is 124/47. I took my BP 2 more times and right around the same numbers every time. Should I be nervous? Do you think it's the minoxidil? My last application was 3 days ago (I don't take it Thurs-Sat as mentioned it makes my face swell). I was invited to a party tonight but i'm worried the alcohol may lower my BP even more. Seriously, i'm tired and could really use some sleep but it's like my heart won't allow it as it feels uncomfortable if that makes any sense to you?! Sorry so long. Can anyone please offer some feedback? What should I do? -Tim ps I am a 31 year old male


what for a minoxidil?

i have the same Problem with minoxidil

attempt 2% minoxidil



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Maybe the percentage of minoxil is too strong for you. Try a lower strength like timi suggested at 2%


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follicle84 said:
Maybe the percentage of minoxil is too strong for you. Try a lower strength like timi suggested at 2%

Or just use a lower QUANTITIY of 5% minoxidil, which is the same thing as using 2% minoxidil.


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Thanks guys.
I already only use a little minoxidil. I use the 5% and put it on my fingertip and dab it on 2 or three spots. Seriously, there's only a very small drop on my fingertips when I do this.
Could this mean I am prone to cardiovascular problems as I was getting severe chest heaviness and some pain when I was on Finasteride as well. Anyone offer any insight? Thanks-Tim


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severe chest heaviness and some pain when I was on Finasteride as well.

Check your ESTROGEN levels (Estradiol, Estrone, Estriol). Finasteride can alter androgen/estrogen ratio to be in favor of Estrogens and hence, cause weight gain, gynecomastia etc. One of the symptoms of gyno is chest/nipple pain as breast tissue hardens.
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Hey Tim,

Check my thread here;


I have only been on minoxidil for 2 weeks and I know what you mean by heart heaviness, feels like a greater awareness of the heart beat and I also had heavy breathing (my bp was high, not low though). I also am experiencing pins and needles like electric shocks at random parts across my body. Really uncomfortable being on minoxidil, annoying though as I could be a good responder for all I know - except I know I am to the side effects. I may just go on finasteride but the sides on those are even less desirable.


i can take 5mg finasteride and no side effects

but minoxidil is the Hell for me
Heart Problems
burning red Face and Neck
eys red
Face swollen

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Timi said:
i can take 5mg finasteride and no side effects

but minoxidil is the Hell for me
Heart Problems
burning red Face and Neck
eys red
Face swollen


Really, no sides whatsoever?

I have 5mg Finscar coming - will cut it into 1mg pills. Should I give that a go? It's literally last chance doors as without minoxidil or finasteride I basically have to accept baldness.


i take 15 Years finasteride No side effects
and it worked allways very good
for me is finasteride the best drug

when you become side effects from finasteride
the first 3-5Month this go away

take finasteride and Quit minoxidil when minoxidil gives you side effects

i must take Betablocker after 2Years minoxidil

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Timi said:
i take 15 Years finasteride No side effects
and it worked allways very good
for me is finasteride the best drug

when you become side effects from finasteride
the first 3-5Month this go away

take finasteride and Quit minoxidil when minoxidil gives you side effects

i must take Betablocker after 2Years minoxidil


Just got back from the 2nd appointment at the docs. He just basically told me that minoxidil doesn't have palpitation side effects (to be fair; the medical book he has stated minoxidil sides and they weren't listed).

When I mentioned Finasteride, he warned me dead against it. Basically just told me to accept hair loss as natural and learn to live with it. Easier said than done. But I was already thinking of not even going with finasteride and just leaving it to Mother Nature. Is the topical DHT blocker I've heard about effective? Will it give scalp irritation or heart palpitation like I have on minoxidil?


PS. Sorry, didn't mean to hijack thread, just our problems are basically related.


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Yea, I guess we are in similiar situations....I'm not happy bout iit but what else is there for us? I guess were gonna be hairless.


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]Just got back from the 2nd appointment at the docs. He just basically told me that minoxidil doesn't have palpitation side effects (to be fair; the medical book he has stated minoxidil sides and they weren't listed).

I think your Doctor is a dick! I was taking 2ml per day and got dizzy, heart palps, panic attacks and couldn't drink alchohol without nearly passing out.
I think that the recommended 2mls per day is too much. I was applying minoxidil 5% only once per week and still got some regrowth.
Cheers, :)


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Positronic said:
I was applying minoxidil 5% only once per week and still got some regrowth.

I need to pick up a carton of milk 2% when I go to the store later.