Minoxidil Caused Sexual Dysfunction


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Hi everyone.

I am writing from Italy..

I was in the third stage of the Norwood scale when I started to therapy.
All my family are present in hair loss . I am 23 years old. At first I tried minoxidil side effects because I thought it was small .

However minoxidil has caused me serious sexual side effects, the ninth month of the treatment . My sexual functions completely had gone..

Then I quit minoxidil. I used nothing for months.

My hair turned reinstated after the lapse of 6 months. My hair began to pour again .

I decided to use finasteride . I used 1.25 mg finasteride tablets per day . Loss was completely cut off . At the end of 1 year, I had gained a little .

However, this development did not satisfy me. I decided to use high doses of finasteride Based on a study I read in PubMed.

I received finasteride 5 mg tablets per day . Italy sold in the name Proscar .

Finasteride side effects as a result much less than minoxidil . In the first year there was some side effects such as decrease in semen . The second year was not completely side effects .

My sexual functions are wonderful now.

Minoxidil is much worse than finasteride for sexual side effects in my body.


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I got sexual side effects from Rogaine. Erections not as strong or lasting as before. it was absolutely the reason because I was not taking anything else.


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I've had this issue as well. Although people like to rudely dismiss me. I started Minoxidil without ANY prior knowledge of ANY sort of side-effects. Within just the first two weeks of consistent use, I noticed I had a problem obtaining an erection.
I take no medications, and my stress levels were low/normal.

I never questioned Minoxidil until after a few months of usage (and horrible libido) I noticed zero change in my hair, not even shedding or scalp irritation, so I stopped.
About a month after I quit, my libidio slowly restored to 100%. There was absolutely zero changes to my life style. Had great sex drive, started Minoxidil, sex drive dropped. Stopped minoxidil, sex drive returned shortly after.

It wasn't until after it returned, did I bother even researching it. It seems it's extremely uncommon.


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I think it's a coincidence. Minoxidil has zero impact on that aspect of your physiology. It may be psychological stemming from a lack of confidence die to your hairloss situation. It makes sense that you would decide to stay minoxidil at the same time that your hairloss was at the point that it was impacting you psychologically.


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I'm no expert, but it seems unlikely that something applied to the scalp could cause such issues? It's not like a drug where it is processed by other parts of your body.


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Minoxidil is a liquid hypertension drug. Minoxidl can be absorbed through hairy skin. Minoxidil acts hormone balance and receptors in systemic absorption. Minoxidil caused a lot of side effects in me and my friends like sexual dysfunction, decreased libido, erectile problems..

Minoxidil is worse and worse than finasteride for side effects.

And for hair, minoxidil results are so temporary. I think it looks like hair fibers aka toppic.
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I'm no expert, but it seems unlikely that something applied to the scalp could cause such issues? It's not like a drug where it is processed by other parts of your body.

minoxidil actually can effect other parts of the body. It was originally developed as a treatment for the heart but somehow showed to have hair growth as a side effect when applied to the hair.

minoxidil can influence your blood circulation and alter you heartbeat. Erections are based on blood flowing to your penis... so there is the connection. I believe that this side effect is really possible.

- - - Updated - - -

And for hair, minoxidil results are so temporary. I think it looks like hair fibers aka toppic.

They are temporary only in the sense that your hair will get a lot worse when you stop the treatment but I do not think that the results are only temporary in the sense that you only see improvements in the beginning of the treatment or something


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Look I started Rogaine about 7 years ago. I had never heard of sexual side effects with it. For a few days, I could not get a good erection. After that, it got better, but never seemed to get back to where it was before I started the Rogaine. This is the truth. It's not psychological. Interestingly, since I've added Revivogen and nizoral my erections are closer to normal again.


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My Regimen
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This thread is filled with misinformation. Minoxidil was originally developed to treat HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, meaning the veins and arteries are too constricted. Minoxdil is a VASODILATOR meaning I EXPANDS blood vessels. Minoxidil EXPANDS the blood vessels and DECREASES BLOOD PRESSURE. Therefore, if minoxidil even reached systemic circulation (which it rarely does) you would have MORE BLOOD flowing to your penis because the vessesl would be expanded. Mioxidil would actually IMPROVE sexual functioning.

Finasteride directly influnces DHT which plays a significant role in sexual functioning. This thread is littered with misinformation.


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This thread is filled with misinformation. Minoxidil was originally developed to treat HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, meaning the veins and arteries are too constricted. Minoxdil is a VASODILATOR meaning I EXPANDS blood vessels. Minoxidil EXPANDS the blood vessels and DECREASES BLOOD PRESSURE. Therefore, if minoxidil even reached systemic circulation (which it rarely does) you would have MORE BLOOD flowing to your penis because the vessesl would be expanded. Mioxidil would actually IMPROVE sexual functioning.

Finasteride directly influnces DHT which plays a significant role in sexual functioning. This thread is littered with misinformation.

You are littering more misinformation as blood pressure medication is well known to cause sexual dysfunction. While you are right about Finasteride having a significant role on sexual functioning via hormonal pathway, blood pressure medication does as well but via the circulatory system. Too much vasodilation means problems just as too little does..


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You are littering more misinformation as blood pressure medication is well known to cause sexual dysfunction. While you are right about Finasteride having a significant role on sexual functioning via hormonal pathway, blood pressure medication does as well but via the circulatory system. Too much vasodilation means problems just as too little does..

There have been hundreds of studies involving minoxidil and NOT ONE has stated ED as a side effect. The ED is not caused by minoxidil


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There have been hundreds of studies involving minoxidil and NOT ONE has stated ED as a side effect. The ED is not caused by minoxidil

I think some people on here need to wake up and smell the coffee. Just becos most people don't experience this side affects it don't mean it's not apparent. Surely 1000's of personal experiences shared on here is bigger than any single study? The fact of the matter is that everybody reacts differently to the same drug. If multiple people are sharing the same side affect experience surely it shouldnt be dismissed on the basis of a few "studies".


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Get your facts right, you reckon people can't differentiate when they apply minoxidil topically or take them orally? You don't have sides effect doesn't mean other people don't have side effects. I can tell you I am one of them who is suffering bad sexual dysfunction side effects, I have not been taking finasteride for the last 3 years, just 4 months on minoxidil 15% once a day and now I have lost morning wood and decreased libido and couldn't get penis up when having sex. I am not taking other medicines and I don't have depression at all, I go to gym 5 days a week and I am regular a runner. So if anyone saying minoxidil does not have sexual dysfunction side effect, I have to say it is bull****. Not everyone has this side effect but definitely some of them are suffering it.


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Fifteen percent? So this isn't regular Min. How do you know it's not something mixed in with it?

I have been using 15% minoxidil in the past with Dr.Lee and now using it Dugen 15 with NO PG from minoxdilmax, I am very cautious on selecting the product the only reason I switched from Dr.Lee solution because they were closed, I did lots of research on the product before I chose it.
I had sexual side effects before when I was on both minoxidil and finasteride, but at the time I didn't think too much because I thought the side effect was caused by finasteride not the minoxidil, so I used them for a couple of years and decided to quit using them because I needed my male mojo back. In the last few months my hairloss was accelerated so I started with minoxidil only because I wanted to maintain my sex drive. However, it is not the case, I have now lost my libido and sex drive gradually in the last few months.

There are lots of people using 15% minoxidil, it is quite common in this forum but you are using 30% minoxdil I am sorry but you should be the one not using the 'regular' minoxidil.


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Get your facts right, you reckon people can't differentiate when they apply minoxidil topically or take them orally? You don't have sides effect doesn't mean other people don't have side effects. I can tell you I am one of them who is suffering bad sexual dysfunction side effects, I have not been taking finasteride for the last 3 years, just 4 months on minoxidil 15% once a day and now I have lost morning wood and decreased libido and couldn't get penis up when having sex. I am not taking other medicines and I don't have depression at all, I go to gym 5 days a week and I am regular a runner. So if anyone saying minoxidil does not have sexual dysfunction side effect, I have to say it is bull****. Not everyone has this side effect but definitely some of them are suffering it.

Listen.. This is why there are studies done, this is why clinical trials take place so that when a drug is released and people start coming out of the wood works, they will be prepared. Does this mean they get it right every time? Absolutely not, but to suggest that in the entire history of this drug, this major side effect has just gone unrecognized by the medical community is misguided.

Let's clear something up to start. ED can be mental and physically manifested. Claiming minoxidil has somehow effected the strength of an erection could on some level 'for some people' hold relevance. On the other hand, to suggest that minoxidil has any effect whatsoever on Libido or your level/ability to be aroused is ludicrous. It's a hypertension drug, not a drug that effects nuero-transmitters. There are some doctors who believe continued used of hypertension drugs cause the muscle at the base of the penis to over relax causing an issue with maintaining proper blood flow, but again this is not the overwhelming of common opinion. Do a quick search and you will find medical trials of Minoxidil being tested as a topical ED treatment.

If you are genuinely concerned see as GP and have him direct you to a urologist. Get a professional to way in.

It's not safe to form opinions based on band wagon evidence of forum members who likely develop the their symptoms after reading about the possible presence or experience of others. Psychosomatic symptoms are very real and a recognized side effect of hearing/reading/seeing something unsettling to you. Don't force pieces of the puzzle together just because, it creates far to much confusion and only delays getting genuine answers.


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Minoxidil works for hair growth very well. But in some people, twice a day x %5 regimen causes sexual function problems. 1 ml equals to 5 mg minoxidil. If you have wide bald areas in your head, you have to use too much minoxidil like me. Too much minoxidil can cause sexual problems.

What should I do ?


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I haven't looked for any clinical studies backing but I came across something curious in the instructions of a local brand of minoxidil. It says, "non-dermatologic secondary side effects appared in the form of sexual dysfunctions" ("Des effets secondaires systémiques d'ordre non dermatologiques sont apparus sous forme de dysfonctions sexuelles.").

Whether that means minoxidil can really cause sexual dysfunction or if that warning got added because some users complained isn't specified.

source: https://compendium.ch/mpro/mnr/2638/html/fr