Minoxidil... Bigger Dose For More Coverage?


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So I've been using Minoxidil for 2 months now. Had lots of shedding in the first few weeks and I think I'm now beginning to see some signs of gain.

Anyway I've been using 1.5 ml twice a day. The reason why I use a little bit more is that I feel like I get a better coverage. Yes they say you should use no more than 1 ml but they also say you should only use it on the vertex. I'm using it on the entire top from the hairline and over the vertex so I was worried with the same dose I would be thinning it out to much. I'm guessing it has a radius of effect (doing something for surrounding areas) so you probably won't have to double the dose for double the area but a little bit more would still be a good idea. What are your thoughts on this? Am I just wasting the extra 0.5 or is it a good idea?

Also in general how important would you say coverage is? I've been keeping my hair short so I can more easily spread it around the scalp but I would at some point like to grow it out a bit more.
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i use 4mg a day, once a day.
it alone has kept me above baseline for more than 2 years.
my rate of hairloss is not very aggressive though.