Minoxidil Application : A Question Concerning Washing hair..


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Hiya guys, i was just wondering after applying my first application of minoxidil of the day, how long after this can i shower? i usually shower after going to the gym, at about 3.30/4.

A typical day for me:
10.30am (or when i get up) - minoxidil 5% 1ml
4.00pm - shower and wash hair
8-10.15pm (depending on the day) - minoxidil 5% 1ml
10.30pm - finasteride pill

another question is is it alot better to take the minoxidil applications the same time in the morning each day and the same time in the evening, as it has been mentioned that taking finasteride at the same time every day is a good idea. i was just wondering if this was the same for minoxidil.

also, isit true i shud leave it atleast 8 hours between apllications?

sorry about all the questions, thanks.


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You should ideally wait 4 hours before washing your hair, so it looks as if you're ok. It's also considered best to space them evenly...if you can do them 12 hours apart that would be optimal, and yes, it's been advised to wait at least 8 hours between applications.


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ic, thanks.

yeh i thought i'd heard 4 hours was good to wash.

um, so wud u suggest that taking the applications at the same time everyday is also a good idea or wont it make much difference?

i mean mondays and wednesdays i have work 5-10, so i cant put it on til i get back home those days, as if i did it before work it wud be too early.


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It doesn't really matter whether or not you apply minoxidil at the same time each day. Just try to make sure that you leave a decent enough time space (min 8 hours) between each application.


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I recently asked Dr Lee this very same question (but I use PPG-free Xandrox15). He said an hour was fine, which kind of suprised me.

Not sure if this actually helps or not :)


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^yeh i beleive that dr lees solutions dry quicker tho, so thats probably why.


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ANDREW_J_I said:
^yeh i beleive that dr lees solutions dry quicker tho, so thats probably why.

I agree. If you're using Rogaine or any other over the counter generic minoxidil, I would suggest waiting a lot longer than an hour....that stuff is still sitting on top of my head after 4 hours....it takes a lot longer to absorb.


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what type of male pattern baldness do u have again beaner?

i have to spread 1ml over my whole top and crown coz im a diffuse thinner. prob drys much quicker as its on a bigger space.

wud u say its lee effective coz im spreading so far?


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^ i use the dropper. im just thinking shud i use 1.5ml or does the scalp only absorb 1ml a time. coz i have read u shud def use no more than 1ml.


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wash your hair when you feel like it

If money is not an issue, and you want to go swimming or your girlfriend wants to put her hands in your hair right after you applied minoxidil, just wash it out, do what you want to do, and put it back in when you are done. 75% of the amount absorbed in 4 hours is absorbed in less than 2 hours. You don't have to wait 4 hours, but if you want the most for your money, wait 4 hours. It is best not to overdose, and to space them out, but you can do 2 hours 3 times a day if you want. And although the label says only the crown, your entire scalp will benifit from application, but it only works where you put it. UpJohn just tested it on the crown, so FDA won't let them advertize that it works elsewhere, researchers found out later in small trials, I think, that it works everywhere it is applied. Enjoy your swim, but don't wait too long to put it back in, as your follicles need that stuff.