Minoxidil Alcohol Free Suggestions Within The Uk


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I tried to use minoxidil but it’s burning my scalp causing red spots and is making it really dry and flaky.

Can someone please help me and advise where I can get alcohol free minoxidil in the U.K.?


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On further thought I’m wondering if it’s the alcohol that’s burning my scalp or the minoxidil


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It might be a reaction the the propylene glycol, try foam instead or oral.


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On further thought I’m wondering if it’s the alcohol that’s burning my scalp or the minoxidil
More likely its alcohol that's drying and burning sh*t out of your skin. Constant regular alcohol applications destroy skin's natural epidermis


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More likely its alcohol that's drying and burning sh*t out of your skin. Constant regular alcohol applications destroy skin's natural epidermis
Foam burned me also. Starting to
Lose hair now as stopped finasteride after about 13 years on it due to mood dropping etc


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Foam burned me also. Starting to
Lose hair now as stopped finasteride after about 13 years on it due to mood dropping etc
Lucky you are, ive been on finasteride only a year and now my dick became rubbery and i lost libido, so got off finasteride for 2 weeks to see if i feel different


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I tried the Regaine foam and unfortunately was burning me and scalp was red. Is oral available in the U.K.?

I had the same with minoxidil. Every single formula burnt my skin, caused a severe allergic reaction, swollen eye lids...so frustrating. This was after a year of using withiut issue.

I do now use a very low dose of oral, purchased from a Thai pharmacy. However I have thought about emailing these guys who seem to prescribe it in the UK https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...FjAAegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw3eOsICsIquu-LppaW3gmhL


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Lucky you are, ive been on finasteride only a year and now my dick became rubbery and i lost libido, so got off finasteride for 2 weeks to see if i feel different
Are you on any other meds? Are you stressed? I didn’t lose my libido but during sex hardly any ejaculation and appears watery...I’m convinced it made the skin on my face sag


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I had the same with minoxidil. Every single formula burnt my skin, caused a severe allergic reaction, swollen eye lids...so frustrating. This was after a year of using withiut issue.

I do now use a very low dose of oral, purchased from a Thai pharmacy. However I have thought about emailing these guys who seem to prescribe it in the UK https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.srft.nhs.uk/EasysiteWeb/getresource.axd?AssetID=88353&type=full&servicetype=Inline&ved=2ahUKEwjP_J3buunrAhXjQUEAHRc1DEMQFjAAegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw3eOsICsIquu-LppaW3gmhL
This is interesting. Would this not need to be subscribed via a doctor in the NHS though?


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Are you on any other meds? Are you stressed? I didn’t lose my libido but during sex hardly any ejaculation and appears watery...I’m convinced it made the skin on my face sag
Not on any other drugs, and yeah, watery semen was one of the first sides that i got from fina within weeks of taking it


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I tried to use minoxidil but it’s burning my scalp causing red spots and is making it really dry and flaky.

Can someone please help me and advise where I can get alcohol free minoxidil in the U.K.?

I am from London and order from America the compound pharmacy I use can formulate without, so your scalp will not be sensitive. They also compound different mixture into the Minoxidil like Finasteride.

Check my thread:



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Well they are NHS and seem to prescribe oral minoxidil. I'll shoot them an email and see what they have to say.

I guess that would only be through a dermatologist via your GP referral.


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Foam burned me also. Starting to
Lose hair now as stopped finasteride after about 13 years on it due to mood dropping etc

What symptoms do you have?
I am also using finasteride for 9 years. Recently, I feel heaviness/pressure in my head and need to sleep more due to using finasteride. Also, I am very stressed and sweat very easily, but I don't know if these are related to finasteride.


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What symptoms do you have?
I am also using finasteride for 9 years. Recently, I feel heaviness/pressure in my head and need to sleep more due to using finasteride. Also, I am very stressed and sweat very easily, but I don't know if these are related to finasteride.
The stress may be making you tired cos I slept a lot when stressed, still do..It was hard for me to give it up but as my depression was becoming more intense I just didn’t wanna risk further cognitive issues due to neurosteroid influences. Just wish it was definitely proven safe


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Buy Lipogaine sensitive. Less alcohol and PG. Let us know if you tolerate it