minoxidil 5% 2 times a day breathing sides/chest


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Hey guys,

After doing probably 6 months of research on finasteride and minoxidil I finally took the step to start off with minoxidil.

I just started using it yesterday. I've applied it 3 times now. I dont have any of the common symptoms like rash or itchy head. But right when i put on minoxidil yesterday morning I felt almost immediately like i wasnt getting full air in my throat. There always seems to be like a burp stuck in my throat/lungs area. I have a weird feeling in the chest but its not really pain. Its more of an annoying type of thing. I think my heart is beating faster too but not 100% on that.

I dont have any dark eyes so far or any other symptoms. I really want to give this drug a shot to regain my hair. Are these sides going to disappear as time goes by like how some finasteride users sides go away?

Is it safe to continue if you do feel sides like slight annoyance in the chest or the feeling that your not breathing enough air in the lungs etc?

please help



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did you try lowering your dose or anything? And how bad were the palpations? Was it like painful or just annoying?


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Based on the fact that you researched minoxidil for quite a while before trying it, I assume you also read posts of severe side effects occuring from it. Yes, minoxidil can cause some bad sides, but they are generally very rare and will occur from an allergic reaction.

Also, based on the fact that you are having trouble breathing immediately after you applied it makes me strongly believe you are giving yourself anxiety, and psyching yourself out. minoxidil doesn't absorb immediately; it does so over a course of 4 hours or so.

If you approach these treatments with the mindset of "uh oh, I really hope I don't get side effects" I can almost guarantee you that you will!

What I guess is happening is that you are experiencing a mild anxiety attack when you put it on; i've experienced this before myself. It causes hyperventilation (definitely a feeling that you aren't getting enough air), dizziness, and absolutely a raised heartrate. I also know exactly what you mean by your 'burp' problem; i've had it before hundreds of time. It is quite uncomfortable, and I would describe it the exact same way; a lump or burp like 'bulge' or feeling in your throat, that won't go away for quite some time. I have no idea what it is or what it is called, but it has been documented in people that experience anxiety.

All that being said, people have experienced problems on minoxidil (finfighter is one), and some even claim it has more serious sides than finasteride. I haven't used the stuff and can't comment any further, but keep in mind the possibility of this all being in your head.


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Finfighter, you mentioned you were diagnosed with a heart defect? I was also recently diagnosed with a benign heart murmur. Even though it is benign, it is still troubling to be diagnosed with any heart condition!


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thanks for all your replies.

It is possible that its all in my head. I should have phrased the sentence properly. By almost immediately I meant after a couple hours. I was thinking of a bigger picture out of 24 hours after applying almost immediately could be 2-3 hours after. And the funny thing is the breathing thing I didnt know it could be a side till i searched it online. I only read about increased heart beat etc. in my previous research.

Regardless you could be right, it could be because of anxiety. So I'll continue using it probably with a lower dose or make it once a day and see what happens.

I was just wondering though. Say my increased palpitation and chest annoyance, short of breath etc are minoxidil related. Is it safe to engage in any physical activity? Because I do play sports and workout and I want to continue doing that even during my "test" phase of minoxidil.


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finfighter said:
Wuffer said:
Finfighter, you mentioned you were diagnosed with a heart defect? I was also recently diagnosed with a benign heart murmur. Even though it is benign, it is still troubling to be diagnosed with any heart condition!

Yeah heart issues are scary, thankfully your's is benign that's good, but any time something goes on with the heart it is pretty alarming. Actually I have never been diagnosed with a heart condition, but I have self evaluated myself and I think that I may have SVT althouth after I quit Finasteride my heart issues have resolved.

I see; that is pretty alarming. You are right; if you suspect any problems with your heart, don't ever take chances. I experienced palpitations back when I had a big anxiety problem. My doctors ensured me that they are completely harmless, but that doesn't stop the fact that it completely scared the hell out of me! I usually experienced them when sitting or laying down, when I was most 'calm' and my heart rate is low.. Rarely when I pushed myself from exercise. I'm not sure what causes them or even what they are, but it's probably the most troubling symptom I have ever had.

I had a long-*** EKG done when my murmur was discovered (a year before I started finasteride), and they rated it a 4 out or 6. I think that refers to the amount of noise the third 'click' makes. They also thought it may be a mitral valve prolapse, which only exhibits a few symptoms (none of which I have). However, that condition is linked to increased cases of sudden death, which is pretty much as bad a symptoms get! Maybe do some research on MVP, as one of the common sides is palpitations. They didn't bother to do further testing, since my EKG came up clean and they deemed the condition benign.

In response to Timez, honestly, any time you suspect that there might be a problem with your heart or breathing, you need to go see a doctor for evaluation. Again, if you have no history of heart/breathing problems, I would say it's probably safe to continue exercise. But since you are experiencing a new symptom, minoxidil can not be ruled out as a cause. I just want to point out that it is VERY unlikely to be causing this, but it's impossible to diagnose something like this over the internet!


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hey guys ive reduced it to .5ml and so far so good. I dont feel anything. Ill continue .5ml 2 times a day for a few days and try going up to 1ml.

btw I have a very low cut, probably 4mm long hair. So Im wondering would it be as effective to use .5ml than using 1ml on normal hair because less minoxidil is going to be stuck in hair and more on the skull.


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I would say its probably too soon to say minoxidil is causing you problems. If your not 100% sure that minoxidil is causing you problems, give it a few weeks if not months and try to make an educated analysis of whats going on. It takes time to listen to your body.


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i had exactly the same thing - having trouble taking a deep breath , i am sure its related to the minxoi side effects