Mike's Story


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hey everybody.. i've been trying to figure out my hair for the longest time.. and hopefully some of you can give me some advice..

I have had golden blonde hair my entire life, always keeping it longer (4").. My father has typical male pattern baldness, and most men in his family have some degree of balding... (they have straight hair) However, almost no one on my mom side of the family has balding.. (have curly hair)

in my teens and early 20s, i soaked my hair with hyroxide and sun-in.. i also started applying a sh*t-load of gel/hair spray cause my hair tended to get really frizzy... i had striaght hair...

about 6 years ago, i noticed my brother (who is 2.5 years older than me) using rogaine..he was 23, i was 20.5.. when i turned 22, i started using rogaine 2% becuase i noticed a little bit of thinning.. (i used to sporatically) most of my hair however was still thick... then at 22.5, i decided to up my dosage to 5% for no real reason... at 23.5, i started grad school... it was a really stressful time in my life... at age 25, i came home for x-mas... got a very short haircut.. and noticed that my scalp was some-what visible through the thin hairs on the back (only on the left side of my back).. everybody started saying I was balding.. well, i started to panick, and i began a 2x a day rogaine soaking ritual.. the spring semester following, my goal was to grow my hair long to cover up my back spot.. it worked... that summer (which was last summer) my hair really looked good.. however, i noticed that it was darker than usual.. also it started to curl a little.. at the end of the summer, i got a haircut again... i saw the same thinnning spot in back.. cant tell you if it got worse or not..

when i got back to school, i felt good about my hair again.. i decided to clean my apt.. as i cleaned the carpet, i found thousands of hhairs all over... it freaked me out... nonetheless, my hair still looked good for i didnt let it bug me too much.. that fall semester, i started shedding like a b**ch.. everytime i combed my hair, i lost 20 hairs, put rogaine in and combed my hair, another 30+.. as i was combing my hair, i realized that i was losing a lot of hair from the very top of my scalp.. i could see the scalp if i combed the hair out of the way and looked at it under the bright bathroom light.... luckily, i still had enough hair in front to cover that up nicely.. in all other mirriors, you couldnt see any lighter spots... so back then, my hair looked light sh*t when on rogaine, but looked pretty good dry... howver, i started worrying cause i was growing it really long.. i turned 26 that chirstmas.. deciced to get another haircut.. without a doubt my ahir started to curl again.. it looked good in many mirriors... when i got back to school for my winter semester, i decided to soak it (primarily the front) with sun-in again.. i also noticed that the small thinned hairs in back got a little thicker and longer... i felt good, i had fun.. i got new a gf..... howver, thinks didnt work out with her.. i blamed my hair... therefore, i was still unhappy with the hair on my top, and saw tyhat i was still shedding quite a bit.. so i decided to buy the lasercomb and propecia.. i started using both products early march... from that point to now (early may) my hair went to hell.. the back actually remained the same, but my top started to get worse... then i early april i noticed my temples thinning.. (i first notcied some new growth, then it thinned) In mid april, i started severely shedding in front... i wasnt thinning, just shedding to a point where i can see my scalp in rows from the front to back.. (this was during finals, so things were chaotic) i started having panick attacks...late april, every day i notcied my front looking worse and worse... had terrible itches in front.. all of my shedding was limited to the hairline, and right behind the hairline (which was always the best part of my hair) about 2 weeks ago,i decided to add folligen cream to my hairline.. apparently, everywere i put it, it seeemed to destroy the hair.. (or maybe it was just my immagination)

now its may 5th, and i'm still exp the terrible shed, and getting wrose every day.. i stopped using the laser toi some degree, but still apply rogaine.. my hair is flat... and very weak on top... looks like sh*t in front.. i cant decide to comb my hair back or side to side (like i usually had it) now its been 3 week i've been in depression.. my hair is still shedding.. i havent called my ex-gf or the new girl i started seeing.. i am in terrible shape.. my brother is getting married in 3 weeks, am i am scared how my hair will look like.. (even with an over-distribuation of toppik).. btw, his hair still looks great.. he's 29.. i'm still 26...

i talked with dr. Lee. and he told me i have accelerated hair loss that triggered Telogen Effluvium, and stress prolonged it.. he told me that some of my hair should regrow if i continue treatment. however, he didnt make any real diagnosis, he just replied to my email.......... can you guys from offer any comments? thanks...

PS: i forgot to add.... i added nizoral to my treatment around 3 weeks ago..
Also, just 7months ago, i was embarressed to do any research about hair loss, but not thats all i do...
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Your thinning sounds a lot like mine. I also expierenced terrible shedding on propecia. I was thinning since 18, never gave it much thought. I'm only 20.

I'm hoping the regrowth from the shed will be normal hair. I am starting on month 5 and things have only gotten worse. I'm hoping things will pick up this summer.

Honestly though, you're a junior graduate student?

I would think someone who is an academic, such as yourself, wouldn't resort to ellipses and no paragraphs. Seriously.


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I think your brother responding well to the regimen he must be on can be taken as a positive. Just give your regimen a bit more time, and who knows, you might be pleasantly surprised. Lots of posts seem to think that shedding is a sign that treatment is working.


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Hi jfrank, it sounds like the propecia, lasercomb, or combo of the two, that you started in early March is causing the shed and has panicked you into chucking some folligen cream into the mix.

Number 1 rule for combating hair loss is to give treatments a reasonable length of time before trying to judge their efficacy, and altering your regimen accordingly. The most important thing now is for you to allow your hair to adjust to this array of medications, although I suppose you could drop the folligen as you've been applying it for only a fortnight - your call.

So, stick with the rogaine, propecia and nizoral (the big 3 as they're known around here) and I'd say keep on with the lasercomb - I have no idea how well proven a treatment it is, but I seem to recall reading some positive user feedback and, like I said, consistency is key.

Hopefully your shed should then gradually ease off and some regrowth kick-in - remember it could be several months before you glimpse even the beginnings of new hair, so prepare to have your patience tested.

Good luck,


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thanks.... my shed is still going on... so i'm considering stopping propecia until the wedding (3 weeks), then restarting it... i have no fears of losing any new hairs, since i havent grown ANY yet...


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Hey, your hair follicles' reaction to a 5AR inhibitor will occur after somewhat of a time lag which, although it appears to vary between individuals, is unlikely to be as little as 3 weeks. So, assuming that your current loss is propecia induced, any hairs you lose between now and the wedding will probably be the result of what you've already taken. All in my humble, unscientific opinion of course.



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bad news... thin/colorless/short hair that was concentrated on the temples has wrapped around the frontal hairline... good news, the short hairs at the temples have gotten longer.. seems to me that the temples have filled in a little bit on one side more than the other...

shedding still exists, but seems to be comming from everywhere.. especialy the mid-top area...