Mice point to cure for baldness


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"Cotsarelis is involved with Follica Inc., a privately held start-up company that has licensed the patent on the process from the University of Pennsylvania. He said it probably would be more than five years before a treatment was possible."

ROFLMAO Five more years! LMAO

Armando Jose

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It is posible that "As son goes out the window, another comes in the door"??

I refer at the crush of Curis with P&G and hededegog

OTOH Wnt experiments are not new.



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damn! I saw the story on Yahoo's frontpage.. "Baldness breakthrough".. but it's only in the distant future.... apparently wounded skin in mice regenerates brand new hair follicles, scientist are trying to find a way to do this in humans without injuring them.

S Foote.

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There is an important point here people seem to be missing?


"Wounding activated the signalling pathway of a gene, called Wnt, which is essential for normal hair development. When the scientists inhibiting this pathway, it led to a substantial decrease in the number of new hairs.

But in mice whose Wnt activity had been artificially boosted, there was a "significant increase" in new hair follicles compared to normal mice, the study showed."

So they are saying that if Wnt's is manipulated during this healing, new hair follicles are produced just like our original follicles were produced.

Well if the current theory is correct, our "original" follicles were formed pre-programed to become male pattern baldness follicles when exposed to androgens.

So according to the current theory this procedure in male pattern baldness suceptable humans, will give us twice as many male pattern baldness follicles as we have now!!

:freaked: :freaked: :freaked:

S Foote.


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Yes Wnt and Notch pathways specify location and number of hair follicles.

Like the Hedgehog pathway chance for tox issues. Same type of embryonic pathway activation.

S Foote.

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hedgehog_info said:
Yes Wnt and Notch pathways specify location and number of hair follicles.

Like the Hedgehog pathway chance for tox issues. Same type of embryonic pathway activation.

There is also a previous study by Fuch's in this field, and i am supprised that this latest study did not refer to this?



"Fuchs notes that more research is needed before scientists will even know whether manipulating ß-catenin and the Wnt pathway in skin might be a feasible treatment for certain types of hair loss. Scientists need to find a factor that can stabilize the natural ß-catenin within skin cells just long enough for new follicles to form—but not so long that the skin thickens and develops tumors. At the same time, researchers must find ways to induce the expression of Lef-1 so that it can bind the stabilized ß-catenin in order to create new hair. "

So the major risk of tumors with such Wnt's manipulation has been known for some time!

It makes you wonder about the true motives of some of these people? We always seem to get this kind of regular hype, that no doubt boosts the share values of companies, but nothing else in reality! :roll:

S Foote.


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how many times have i heard about the breakthrough in curing male baldness.

it's boring.

newspapers love the headline.

bald men love the renewed hope....

in truth its all pie in the sky.

goodnight all.


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Yes that is the main problem with most of these embryonic pathways. In embryonic development different concentrations of certain proteins will give rise to different types of cells and tissues. For example, high concentrations Hh a gives rise to neuronal tissue, in creation of hair follicles the Higher the concentration of Wnt the more hair follicles develop, however the higher the concentration of Notch less hair follicles are developed.

Also if you don't have the correct concentration of Wnt/notch/Hh to develop hair follicles you will obtain an undesired cell type and thus side effects. My hope that because the Hair follicle is one of the most sensitive types of cells to Hh pathway activation that one could develop a formulation that could potentially develop the target cells. I plan on calling curis in the near future to obtain what exactly the side effects are. IE, undesired proliferation, wrong hair color, hair size, ...ect

The published report from curis didn't report any of these side effects... be interesting to find out.

As you can see stem cell research applied directly on humans carries risk.


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It was even in the TV news like its some big new breakthrough and a cure will be here shortly.

HM is the closest thing we have so why they have to come sensationalising some other cures that are still only in idea stage is ridiculous.

They could focus on watching HM and its progress...we all want more info on that as it will happen but we want to know exactly when and how testing is going....


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May 18, 2007
Kidney Cancer Shuts Down Protein Destruction Complex

New evidence shows that Wilms tumor - a rare kidney cancer that affects children - promotes its own growth agenda by taking over a genetic program used by normal cells during development. The studies demonstrate that Wilms tumor exploits the same signaling pathway that is targeted by colorectal cancer cells, but it goes about hijacking that pathway in an entirely different way. The finding suggests that drugs targeting this pathway may be effective against a variety of cancers.

Misguided Wnt signaling is now understood to be the culprit in a variety of cancers and other diseases. Normally, Wnt works closely with an intracellular foot soldier called β-catenin, to trigger changes within cells. In the absence of Wnt, β-catenin is actively degraded by a multi-protein destruction complex. When a cell detects Wnt that has been secreted from a nearby neighbor, however, that destruction complex is deactivated, and β-catenin is allowed to accumulate. As its level rises, it gets to work activating the expression of Wnt-target genes.

“One can pursue drugs and therapies blindly, and hope that something works, or one can use the insights into biology from the past 100 years to make educated guesses about how biology and diseases work, and thus perhaps make more effective drugs, and do so more quickly.â€￾
Randall T. Moon

michael barry

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Stephen Foote,

Your sentiments are exactly mine. Just because they can coax skin to grow hairs out of skin cellls, the person in question still has male pattern baldness-genetics. They will grow a headfull of hair that will shortly begin to miniaturize without treatments. On the other hand, with finasteride and topical spironolactone, they might hang on to their newly grown hair for a good while, but it still doesn't PERMANENTLY solve the problem until genes are changed.

Im much more excited about cloning than this. Cloning should be the best near-term "solution". Im very anxious to see what success ICX has by this fall.

ON another note, Im testing a few topicals (green tea extract being one), (BTW----Lavendar acted as a weak stimulant on my toe hair, not an anti-androgen), and one other "therapy"--------cold. I put an ice pack on my right leg above the knee for about half an hour a day while I read the net' (Im a net junkie). I want to see if I stimulate hair growth there with just cold. I'll tell everyone if I get anthing in three or four months.

Results so far on topicals Ive tested.............

Pine oil= antiandrogen that reduced hand hair fairly well. Highest amount of beta sitosterol of any substance.

Revivogen----reduced wrist hair

Crinagen------very little reduction or wrist hair and some inflammation, but there was 'some' reduction

bourbon------alot of beta sis in this. It DID NOT reduce body hair

Nizoral shampoo-------actually stimulated and darkened body hair, contrary to what I expected

Lavendar/tea tree oil.--------weak stimulation of body hair, contrary to expectation.

After green tea, cold, and "homemade" proanthos......I'll be pretty much out of things to test topically.


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In a somewhat unrelated topic can someone explain briefly the relationship between say DHT and what propecia might lower and that smad-7 finding?

S Foote.

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Thanks for the update. It's a pity we dont have more information on the ice carriers, pics etc.

S Foote.


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This is way futher away from a cure than the method being used by Intercytex. The whole thing about "wounding" the scalp doesn't sound terribly appealing either. I 'd much rather have a few injections.


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It's not so much 'wounding' as exfoliation or mild 'damage', according to the article in Nature. The researchers suggest something like a dermabrasion kit combined with a topical cream to stimulate the relevant genetic pathway.

hair today gone tomorrow

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michael barry said:
Stephen Foote,

Your sentiments are exactly mine. Just because they can coax skin to grow hairs out of skin cellls, the person in question still has male pattern baldness-genetics. They will grow a headfull of hair that will shortly begin to miniaturize without treatments. On the other hand, with finasteride and topical spironolactone, they might hang on to their newly grown hair for a good while, but it still doesn't PERMANENTLY solve the problem until genes are changed.

Im much more excited about cloning than this. Cloning should be the best near-term "solution". Im very anxious to see what success ICX has by this fall.

ON another note, Im testing a few topicals (green tea extract being one), (BTW----Lavendar acted as a weak stimulant on my toe hair, not an anti-androgen), and one other "therapy"--------cold. I put an ice pack on my right leg above the knee for about half an hour a day while I read the net' (Im a net junkie). I want to see if I stimulate hair growth there with just cold. I'll tell everyone if I get anthing in three or four months.

Results so far on topicals Ive tested.............

Pine oil= antiandrogen that reduced hand hair fairly well. Highest amount of beta sitosterol of any substance.

Revivogen----reduced wrist hair

Crinagen------very little reduction or wrist hair and some inflammation, but there was 'some' reduction

bourbon------alot of beta sis in this. It DID NOT reduce body hair

Nizoral shampoo-------actually stimulated and darkened body hair, contrary to what I expected

Lavendar/tea tree oil.--------weak stimulation of body hair, contrary to expectation.

After green tea, cold, and "homemade" proanthos......I'll be pretty much out of things to test topically.

Why dont you try nano shampoo or nano conditioner? :lol:


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ohdearno Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 3:18 pm Post subject:


I wish I was a mouse

That's funny :)

Mind you you wouldn't live long...