message from my online doctor


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I've been ordering propecia from lloyds pharmacy uk at £60 a go for approx 15 months now, so that works out at £900.... i've been a student who can barefly afford rent this whole time too. I just logged on to the website to order more and there was a message in my inbox saying they are now prepared to sell me finasteride. They were bigging it up saying it is much cheaper... a 4 week course is £55 where as a 4 week course of propecia is £59. Is this a joke?

would the finasteride be in the 4 or 5mg form that you split? if so why would it say a 4 week course.. opinions please. I couldn't care less for a £4 saving

- - - Updated - - -

nvm just saw the finasteride pills are 1mg. a saving of £4... are they taking the piss

Agustin Araujo

My Regimen
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Get the 5 mg tablets of Finasteride, cut them into fourths, and take 1.25 mg of the medication daily, it's a lot cheaper using this method than buying the 1 mg tablets of the medicine. I suggest to drop Propecia and get generic Proscar to save money, especially if you're on a tight budget.


Established Member
My Regimen
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£900 for finasteride?

A year of finasteride costs me £54.

Something similar for me. I get a year worth of 5mg finasteride tablets (to be split into 1/4) from lloyds pharmacy Ireland, on prescription. For about €80.


New Member
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Sorry to hijack this thread. Newbie here. Can I get propecia without prescription? I ve bump a Canadian web site that sell this drug and wonder if there are other web that I can get outside US.