Men look at men.



Let me tell you something. Men look at men. They really do. I knew this anyway, but coming here and seeing some of these posts, confirms the theory. It's just unsaid.

About my hair pictures.

Even though I have said otherwise 100's of times, people here think I look great. Even though, I have only posted pictures of my back.

Men used to do the same as you're doing now actually. Look at me from behind/side, and think I was Brad Pitt or something. Ridiculous.

When they view me face on, where I am a butt ugly, they no longer give me the time of day. Instead of the admiration look that was on their faces, this is replaced by a look of relief. More or less saying "Phew, he doesn’t look as good as I thought, I can breathe easier now".

Am I making since or ringing bell? You bet I am! Everyday of the week.

Vanity. Most of you are here for vanity purposes. You really are. I am not! I am here because I can’t get away with not having hair. I don’t look good. I do not want hair because it looks good, I what hair so I can get long like a normal person.

I’m here to fix my hair loss. I have never once said I look good, because I don‘t. It’s not about that. I cannot reiterate it enough, this is not about looking good.

Most of you lot want hair so you can become Brad Pitt again, that’s the reality. I want hair so I can get along like your normal average joe.


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look good for yourself, screw the average joe! it would be nice having hair like bradd pitt and all... on second though, i'm happy with who i am.. sure this thining is a kick in the ballsack but its life, i'm sure if we all had a bushy head of hair we would encounter other problems non male pattern baldness related...thats just life and it's sh*t... oh well.


hairschmair said:
You are as vain as we are my friend!!!

I have just stated why I am here.

You're in denial if anything. You probably think you're Brad Pitt yourself. You're trying to convince yourself everyone else is vain with you.


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"Vanity: Lack of usefulness, worth, or effect; worthlessness."
That's the definition pal. You say you want to grow hair to look "normal" obviously you have a lack of self worth. I guess the 25% of men between 25-35 who have male pattern baldness and 50% of men over 50 with male pattern baldness are all just freaks.
Your post here was totally rediculous, with all respect.


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How can you possibly be so obsessed with your hair and self-image and not think that at least SOME of it is due to vanity though?


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Also, how the f**k do you know what people think when they look at you from the back?

You're talking as if you have a camera installed and you catch people's initial expression (oh my god, that guy looks like brad pitt), followed by their relief when you turn around.

Listen to yourself dude...


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The biggest problem that I have is not only creating the illusion that I have no problems with my hair, but just trying to forget about it and get on with things. My mind has been turned to chop suey over the past couple of years.

There is no such thing as over reacting on this subject as far as I am concerned.

You are not a "freak" in the grand scheme of things because many others suffer the same. You are a freak as an individual because you are losing part of yourself. You are not the same. It is impossible to ignore this fact. Your body is changing - for the worst - You could go from being a great looking young guy with cool hair and personality to a bald young man - just like that (I don't mean overnight, just how it initiates).

You know when you wake up from a nightmare and for a split second you get that rush of relief that it was just a dream?

This is like waking up from a pleasant dream only to find yourself in a living nightmare.

I'd give anything to wake up


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I think hairloss is normal and part of aging. It sucks when it hits at an early age but you have two options 1) Do what you can to preserve and enjoy your hair for as long as possible and live life to the fullist 2) b**ch and moan and live your life in depression.
male pattern baldness is not a positive thing but it is reality so deal with it. Stop feeling bad for yourself because what are you accomplishing with those emotions?
BTW you are allowing our vain society to define what is normal. I grow tired of this sort of cowardous reaction and think you should grow up and recognize that life is far worse for others and all we can do is make the best of the cards that we are dealt.


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Gunner said:
Men used to do the same as you're doing now actually. Look at me from behind/side, and think I was Brad Pitt or something. Ridiculous.

When they view me face on, where I am a butt ugly, they no longer give me the time of day. Instead of the admiration look that was on their faces, this is replaced by a look of relief. More or less saying "Phew, he doesn’t look as good as I thought, I can breathe easier now".

I'm still waiting on your answer on this by the way. How do you know what people are thinking for the couple of seconds they can only see you from behind, when you yourself are looking the other way!


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He doesn't...Thats just what he thinks and has told himself is true. You are your own worse enemy Gunner and self loathing ain't going to get you anywhere. Plus women find it a turn off...

Red Rose

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Gunner judging from your other posts it seems your main problem is that you don't have any other distractions in your life besides hairloss.

You are suffering from analysis paralysis.

You can if you want spend the rest of your days debating the permutations of hairloss from every angle but you will still never be better off and the end result will always be the same.

Sure we all post here rather a lot because ultimately we all want to better ourselves but most of us draw the line when it comes to worrying about what other people think of us because if you go through life that way you will eventually stray onto the path of self destruction.

Although you're a clever guy and you knew that already.


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Gunner said:
Because hair loss doesn't look normal.

Hairloss is completely normal and therefore looks normal. Before I started going bald I hardly paid attention to anyone but now I find myself checking out people's hair all the time and there are loads of people out there that are bald or going bald. I don't know if it is just that I am now paying more attention but I'm sure there are more bald people around nowadays.


Yes, vanity is a problem with some of us. If any or you guys were as good looking as me then I would feel threatened. But I don't....

My girlfiriend says I'm stunnng so that's good enough for me...



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My gf says thinks the same of me trax. Actually I'm getting to where I want to just shave it, and ultimately I'm gonna do what makes me comfortable, but she really doesn't want me to. I can't imagine having the horseshoe without shaving it but hey who knows, maybe my new regimen will provide some slowing or growth for me and I can postpone it.

I'll be 21 this year and basically will have lost most of my hair in one year. Yes that's right, last month was one year mark that I noticed my hair going and it has been a b****. Depressing. Especially until I got my hair cut shorter. I find it's easier to accept(at least for me) I don't know about others. But I'm not really that insecure. I think I look decent enough and I'm ultimately happy and living my life all that I can with college and stuff. Trying not to let it slow me down too much. Sure I'd like all my hair back but if not I'll deal with it, it's life and I'll focus on other aspects.

Just something that made me smile and not worry so much. Most guys find my aunt attractive, and she usually does date guys with full heads, or mostly full heads, of hair. At a family gathering today she had a new friend with her. Guess what?? The guy was like a NW3. It can be done, we can be successful with women and in life. It's all in your head.


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gunner, have you ever considered moving to the United Arab Emirates and wearing a traditional head covering (ala the late Yasser Arafat)

i'm not being an a*hole, i'm 100% serious, you'd get to be normal and have a job without the spector of hairloss

you could just focus on your career and such: it's a very wealthy and stable nation (you probably already know this)


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or you could get a hair transplant :) (unless youre diffuse thinning into a NW7 like me, in which case, united arab emirates is the ticket)

The Gardener

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Gunner said:
Let me tell you something. Men look at men. They really do. I knew this anyway, but coming here and seeing some of these posts, confirms the theory. It's just unsaid.

I'll say it. Yes, I look at men. As I see them walking at the mall, or wherever, I check out their norwoods, and what they are wearing. I examine their ears and nose to see how well groomed they are. I check out their fingernails.. manicured, or not? I check out their shoes to see if they are cuter than mine. I check out the product situation on the hair, and then down to the crotch to try to see how their package is hanging. Lastly, as they finally walk past me and then behind me, I give a final look to check out the *** and see if it looks jucier than mine.