Medications and Balding / Thinng Hair - Pics Then and Before


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IMAG0354.jpgIMAG0436.jpgWhen I was about 19, I started noticing my hair was thinning and retreating. I will post some pics. What I did was get on finasteride, nizoral, and later rogaine foam. I don't really know if it did anything, I stayed on it for a year but quit once I started getting puffy nipples - I don't want gyno just to have a full head of hair. So that was 3 years ago. I'm 23 and currently in a disposition. I don't know if I am balding slowly or if its my medication or if its stress. The medications I currently take are as follows- Zyprexa 20mg at night, Lamictal 200mgs at night and in the morning, and Klonopin 2 mg 3x a day = total of 6mg a day. I have been on this same medication for awhile. I stopped taking Lamictal for several months due to night sweats but then got back on it once I tried to kill myself one year and two weeks ago. I am going to post a few pictures. I've noticed my hairline looks like the letter A - to an extent and its thinning on the middle of my head. I don't have any bald spots where the core of my hair meets on my head. The picture of me flexing my back with my arm out is from the year 2011. The picture of me flexing my abs is also from that same year. Th epicture of me with my shirt off while taking a picture through the mirror is from last month. You can see I'm not balding from the back. The pictures of me in the grey Burberry sweatshirt are from today. I know I need a haricut, I'm getting one this week. Thoughts? Opinions? Advice? My assumption that along with the medication, stress is the real reason. I'm always stressed. Over little things and big things. Hence why I am prescribed the max dosage of klonopin which would make all of you pass the **** out if you took it. Is stress why my hair line changes and gets thicker and thinner?

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I have been on Wellburtin, Remeron, Ambien, Xanax, Prozac, Zoloft, but Zyprexa, Lamictal, and Klonopin are the ones I am on now. I exercise a lot to deal with stress. Recently went from the low 160lbs to the high 190lbs, now I am cutting my weight and going for 175 under 10% bf. I am at 180lbs now.


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To be honest it's likely not stress man, if stress does cause hairloss it's normally all over the top of the head and characterised by massive shedding, the same as tellogen effluvium. A receding hairline is not tellogen effluvium or stress related hairloss, it's male pattern baldness. Same with medications, they would normally cause unpatterned hairloss unless the medication was some kind of androgen source like testosterone replacement therapy.


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So why do I have the same amount of hair/thickness from years ago? I know that I had male pattern baldness, well part of me did. I just don't understand it, shouldn't I be bald by now? Or does it go slower in others? Does my hairline rule out a mature hair line? Say like Johnny Depp?

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its beyond me so many people are viewing this website but no one answers you unless you have success. I was thinking of getting back on finasteride, nizoral, and rogaine.


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Zyprexa (20mg Olanzapine) and Klonopin (Clonazepam) can cause hair loss.

Drug-induced alopecia usually presents as a diffuse, non-scarring alopecia most commonly involving the scalp. In almost all cases there is recovery of hair loss within 3 months after discontinuation of the medication.

Hair loss, and in particular telogen effluvium, may also occur in response to a number of triggers including fever, hemorrhage, severe illness, stress, and childbirth, and a thorough exclusion of these potential confounders is necessary before the hair loss can be attributed to the medication.

Stress can increase hair shedding but it grows back as normal. If you really believe you have hair loss from stress than it is probably just an increase in hair shedding and not the bald patches some people get.

Even more likely, is that you have an increase in hair shedding from being in winter.

If you have hair loss in a pattern, it is safe to assume that you have Androgenetic Alopecia and not hair loss from anything else.

By the looks of your pictures, you only have Androgenetic Alopecia at the early stages.


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Zyprexa (20mg Olanzapine) and Klonopin (Clonazepam) can cause hair loss.

Drug-induced alopecia usually presents as a diffuse, non-scarring alopecia most commonly involving the scalp. In almost all cases there is recovery of hair loss within 3 months after discontinuation of the medication.

Hair loss, and in particular telogen effluvium, may also occur in response to a number of triggers including fever, hemorrhage, severe illness, stress, and childbirth, and a thorough exclusion of these potential confounders is necessary before the hair loss can be attributed to the medication.

Stress can increase hair shedding but it grows back as normal. If you really believe you have hair loss from stress than it is probably just an increase in hair shedding and not the bald patches some people get.

Even more likely, is that you have an increase in hair shedding from being in winter.

If you have hair loss in a pattern, it is safe to assume that you have Androgenetic Alopecia and not hair loss from anything else.

By the looks of your pictures, you only have Androgenetic Alopecia at the early stages.

I think my klonopin might be the culprit to it. I now noticed that my klonopin dosage has increased gradually since I was 19. I use to only take 1mg a day, now its 6mg. Hopefully, its drug induced hair loss but lets be honest- its Androgenetic Alopecia of male pattern baldness. Why isn't my hair balding faster or more? I feel like I have the same hairline from 19. I have noticed since I've been straightening my hair, I see more hair fall out. Its just weird because I thought I would be really bald by now but even my new girlfriend said, "You and your hair! What are you going to do IF you go bald?" and I wanted to answer, "b**ch, I am balding. You just can't really tell. Would finasteride/propecia, rogaine foam, and nizoral help with this? I plan of buying a series of hair transplants when I am a little older and making more money. Business has been slow so Istill haven't made six figures. Sucks.

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Also, I think my hair looks like a NW3v, Is that safe to say? or am I NW2 or a NW4? Why is it taking so long for me to bald? Is there a chance it just stopped balding?


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i would say you are around NW2.
and some people stay at NW2 for a long time.

but actually; I don't know if you have Androgenetic Alopecia at all.
miniaturised hair in the normal pattern area is normally the give away.


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i would say you are around NW2.
and some people stay at NW2 for a long time.

but actually; I don't know if you have Androgenetic Alopecia at all.
miniaturised hair in the normal pattern area is normally the give away.
Would taking pictures of my hairline/hair help you guys figure out what balding I have like if its drug induced or male pattern baldness(which I think it is)? The recent photo I took of my hairline was off of my phone. Would you suggest me getting back on finasteride/propecia, rogaine, and nizoral? also, how do you make spaces on here? I hate typing one paragraph. Is it possible that I have stopped balding and now this is my hairline?


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Would taking pictures of my hairline/hair help you guys figure out what balding I have like if its drug induced or male pattern baldness(which I think it is)?

It would help.

Some tips on photos:
- non-flash
- light source in front of you
- with and without wet hair


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It would help.

Some tips on photos:
- non-flash
- light source in front of you
- with and without wet hair
Okay, here are a few more. I forget to take some when I got out of the shower this morning.

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im so depressed. im so sick of having bi-polar disorder. I hate it. I hate myself. I don't have any friends. people only call me when they need marijuana because I have a medical marijuana recommendation. I deny them but yet they still call. everytime my phone goes off, I get excited and hopefull that it will be someone asking me to do something or hang out but it never is. im really sick of it all. on top of that, my best friend took all my klonopin so I cant get my refill until the 20th, unless my doctor, whom I am seeing today can write me an early refill. im just such a failure in life. I don't have anyone to really talk to and im in my office crying with me brother sitting about 6 feet away from me. im just shedding tears so he doesn't hear me. I hate myself


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hairline looks a bit weak with your hair pulled back but your still have loads of hair. look at your family history, if your dad didn't go go bald young you probably have little to worry about.


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hairline looks a bit weak with your hair pulled back but your still have loads of hair. look at your family history, if your dad didn't go go bald young you probably have little to worry about.
do you think I will ever be able to get a hair transplant once im at a NW3-NW4? I am going to save 200-300 a month from now on and put it towards that. I think 5k will get be a great hairline/thicker hair. Tell me if I am wrong. I am making an appointment to see my doctor next week so I think I am going to hop on finasteride/propecia again. I will also pick up rogaine foam and nizoral. I will also be using Alterna shampoo and conditioner for thin hair. I will also check into spironolactone because I heard great things but never tried it. It says that it promotes growth- not sure if that means your hair grows faster or if it causes new ones to sprout. So far, I think I look alright with my hair. No one ever says, hey you got a bald spot. My girlfriend even asked me has she ran her fingers through my hair, "what are you going to do if you start to go bald?" I wanted to shower her my ID which was taken with a shaved head. I looked like a skin head and decided I look better with hair. I wouldn't mind ending up with Kevin Costner, Ed Harris, etc. The reason why I want a full head of hair is because I plan on taking PEDs for bodybuilding, down the line - around 25-26 when I have 3 more years of intense training. My goal is to be 195-200lbs at ~9% BF. I am going to do it natural but if I can't seem to get to that level, I will run Test, D Bol, and then maybe another PED. Then what I maintain after my post cycle therapy - hopefully be up to 220, I am going to cut the weight with Tren of do it semi natural and take the Ephedrine/Caffeine stack. Should I get back on finasteride/procia and the other big two to keep what I've already lost?

Da Crow

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I would say just get back on finasteride, clean up your diet and exercise to keep that estrogen in check.

Scuse me for the irrelevance, but what's up with your username? Do you have a problem developing body heat? That's a sign of low T


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I would say just get back on finasteride, clean up your diet and exercise to keep that estrogen in check.

Scuse me for the irrelevance, but what's up with your username? Do you have a problem developing body heat? That's a sign of low T

When I see my doctor next week, I have to get my blood drawn anyways because of my high Lamictal dosage(400mg) apparently I need blood work because sometimes it will mess up your body. I'll get my test levels checked too. My reason for being cold and always wanting to be warm is a side effect from either of the falling: Zyprexa - 20mg, Lamictal - 400mg, Klonopin - 6mg a day (can you say severe anxiety and social fears? don't forget panic attacks so bad you have to curl up in a ball and cry). I asked my physc doctor about night sweats and being cold, he says its normal and all. I hate night sweats. My username really has to do with how I keep warm. When girls touch me, I am so warm to them - they love to cuddle especially my new girlfriend. I usually wear an under****, a button up, a jacket and a pair of raw denim jeans. Of course, its fall in Washington and barely gets to 50 degrees most days. I love the sun. I wish I lived in Arizona or Florida for the heat and humidity.

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I would say just get back on finasteride, clean up your diet and exercise to keep that estrogen in check.

Scuse me for the irrelevance, but what's up with your username? Do you have a problem developing body heat? That's a sign of low T

When I see my doctor next week, I have to get my blood drawn anyways because of my high Lamictal dosage(400mg) apparently I need blood work because sometimes it will mess up your body. I'll get my test levels checked too. My reason for being cold and always wanting to be warm is a side effect from either of the falling: Zyprexa - 20mg, Lamictal - 400mg, Klonopin - 6mg a day (can you say severe anxiety and social fears? don't forget panic attacks so bad you have to curl up in a ball and cry). I asked my physc doctor about night sweats and being cold, he says its normal and all. I hate night sweats. My username really has to do with how I keep warm. When girls touch me, I am so warm to them - they love to cuddle especially my new girlfriend. I usually wear an under****, a button up, a jacket and a pair of raw denim jeans. Of course, its fall in Washington and barely gets to 50 degrees most days. I love the sun. I wish I lived in Arizona or Florida for the heat and humidity. Anyone have any luck with DS Hair Products? Should I also add spironolactone to the mix?


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do you think I will ever be able to get a hair transplant once im at a NW3-NW4?

Yes but only if you are on finasteride. Unless you are like 40 or 50 when you get a transplant.

Depending on the doctor the transplant may cost 15k.

Should I get back on finasteride/procia and the other big two to keep what I've already lost?

Yes, I recommend finasteride for you.
Your hairline looks too high.


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im back on finasteride/propecia. the reason why I think I stopped balding was because my hairline seems better than when I first started balding. I feel like my hairloss has stopped.