Maybe a cure for male pattern baldness. (news report) check it out.


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This was on wnep tvs site.
Thursday, July 17 11:19am By Jill Garrett

Migraine Treatment Grows Hair?
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American Academy of Dermatoogy: Root of Hair Disorders
Current Technology
MedLinePlus: Hair Disease & Hair Loss

In Canada, researchers found a treatment for migraine headaches had the added benefit of increased hair growth.

Anne Kramer was treated for migraines but also had pattern baldness. What's called electrotherapy not only helped her headaches but her hair started growing again. She and her husband started a company called "Current Technology of Vancouver". It's mission: to develop a hair loss treatment based on electrotherapeutics. She persuaded a New Zealand doctor to do a trial to treatment pattern baldness. Now calling the procedure, ElectroTrichoGenesis (electro-tri-co-genesis).

ElectorTrichoGenesis is applied through a hood that creates an electrostatic field at the patient's scalp. Dermatologist, Dr. Jason Rivers, says early results have been promising, "The studies that were done, initial studies were on men, and showed that the majority of people could actually retain hair during the course of the treatment. The treatment also can cause hair re-growth in some individuals."

Trichogenesis was also used on breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy there was no hair loss.

The company plans to pursue the Food and Drug Administration's permission for a study in the United States.


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It doesn't sound like the Lasercomb. It sounds like the BX3.4 hair helmet. This product supposedly has gotten some play in France, but it seems to me to be pure BS.. the only outsider cases I have found for it claim no results after months of usage.

cosmo gene

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anyyways, lets be patient and waight for the results to come in, one thing we are not is gunniepigs, (man I still remember gettoing scammed by fns), so totally lets keep up to speed on this procedure, if they got something effective and safe for us ultimately we'll be there, if the results remains inconclusive and somewhat sketchy (ie. the effective ingredients replaced by cinaman), than obviously we run for the hills. hopefullty though we got something here. So is it different science than the elusive electric comb?? I never know these things.