Maturing Hairline or male pattern baldness?


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I noticed how my front hairline is starting to thin. Mostly around the temple area. Some background on myself. I am 19 years old. Going to be starting my sophomore year in college in a few weeks. Both of my parents grandparents still have full heads of hair. My father has lost his hair but he still has some of it but I would put him father down on the Norwood Scale. Thoughts?



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It's maturing into a new hairline at the back of your head. It's male pattern baldness, no doubt.

Read studies about finasteride, minoxidil, ketoconazole shampoo and dutasteride if you want to treat it.

Natural treatments don't work so don't waste your time with them.

Future possible treatments : setipiprant, CB-03-01, and other things more or less promising.

Or if you're brave enough, you can always embrace baldness in all its glory, but you ended up on this forum so I guess you won't.


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It's maturing into a new hairline at the back of your head. It's male pattern baldness, no doubt.

Read studies about finasteride, minoxidil, ketoconazole shampoo and dutasteride if you want to treat it.

Natural treatments don't work so don't waste your time with them.

Future possible treatments : setipiprant, CB-03-01, and other things more or less promising.

Or if you're brave enough, you can always embrace baldness in all its glory, but you ended up on this forum so I guess you won't.

What do you mean the back of my head? The pictures I showed you don't show the back of my head. And you said it's maturing. Im confused.


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What do you mean the back of my head? The pictures I showed you don't show the back of my head. And you said it's maturing. Im confused.
Picture a bald guy. Where's his hairline ? At the back of his head.
Oh well, sorry about the joke.


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It seems like it's just maturing. No reason to worry.
No he definitely has male pattern baldness. You literally joined the forum a couple days ago so lurk a little more.

You are balding you should definitely hop on finasteride, minoxidil, and keto AKA The Big Three if you want to save your hair


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Could it possibly be just stress? I've been very stressed out lately due to work and school as well. What makes you so certain it's male pattern baldness?


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Could it possibly be just stress? I've been very stressed out lately due to work and school as well. What makes you so certain it's male pattern baldness?
Stress can trigger male pattern baldness earlier or make it worse, but it cannot mimic male pattern baldness.
If you're losing hair in the horseshoe area, it's male pattern baldness, if you're losing everywhere or in a random area, it's possible that it's something else : stress, iron deficiency, thyroid problems, etc.. But it doesn't seem to be your case.

Captain Hook

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Definitely male pattern baldness/Androgenetic Alopecia, sorry mate but your hairline is worse than mine and even I've given up the idea that I have a "mature hairline". To be honest I don't even think the phrase should exist, it's just the phrase tends to be used because some people will recede to a certain point in their 20s and then it stays that way up until even 50 ish, like Johnny Depp for example. A "mature hairline" is really just Androgenetic Alopecia that starts then stops and then may very well start again very late in life. At least that's what I've gathered from research and anecdotal evidence, feel free to correct me.

If I were you I'd definitely get a prescription for Nizoral 2% (since I see you live in the states) and then thinking about adding a DHT inhibitor like finasteride or topical spironolactone and minoxidil if you really are keen on seeing regrowth.


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I know it's hard to accept, especially at your age. You can take the advice here and accept it or you can deny it. I was in denial for awhile, most of us probably were. My advice to you is to get on finasteride and never worry again...

Captain Hook

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How do you know it's not maturing?

Think of it this way, "mature hairline" is really just a term for Androgenetic Alopecia that starts and stops and then starts again much later in life. He can of course wait a few years and see if he gets worse, but then he might feel bitter he didn't treat it earlier. I feel like it's better to treat it now and then if it ends up being a mature hairline be like "oh my hair isn't getting much worse" for many years to come than take the chance.

This is just my opinion though. I personally have been told I'm a NW1.5 with a "mature hairline" and that I may not even have Androgenetic Alopecia. Nonetheless I feel like I like the way my hair is now, I've noticed my hair loss worsen in the past months and my hair certainly looks different now compared to the way it looked back in April so hence I feel like seeking treatment is a better option than continuing to wait, I don't want it to get any worse. If my hair loss never gets worse and I actually end up having a "mature hairline" well into my 50s then great! but I feel secure in treating myself now because the regimen I'm on can't hurt it can only help.


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I know it's hard to accept, especially at your age. You can take the advice here and accept it or you can deny it. I was in denial for awhile, most of us probably were. My advice to you is to get on finasteride and never worry again...



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Stress can trigger male pattern baldness earlier or make it worse, but it cannot mimic male pattern baldness.
If you're losing hair in the horseshoe area, it's male pattern baldness, if you're losing everywhere or in a random area, it's possible that it's something else : stress, iron deficiency, thyroid problems, etc.. But it doesn't seem to be your case.

ive this too.. im on finasteride now.


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How do I know that it will stop receding? Like the one guy said, it could stop receding then pick up later in life. Is there anyway to know?


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How do I know that it will stop receding? Like the one guy said, it could stop receding then pick up later in life. Is there anyway to know?


If you're still convinced you don't have male pattern baldness then you can wait a few months and monitor the situation before starting treatments. From your pictures its clear you male pattern baldness.


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How long do I have until it starts becoming very noticeable? In other words, how fast does this whole process occur?


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You could go to a trichologist and have a scalp test for miniaturization . Unfortunately, its largely prevention. Most things are - not just hair but also skin care ect.