masculineyourheart's story - (Age 23, NW2)


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<snip> <snip>

I've removed my story because of some weird and abusive pm's I received. I don't see much reason to leave it here to see anyway. If I work out the cure to hairloss, I'll let ya's know.

My hairloss pattern is diffuse thinning with some hairline recession. You don't need any more story than that.



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Re: myh's story

you are not balding, its just a mature hairline.


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Re: myh's story

wow, i wouldn't even consider you a Norwood 2 yet. honestly, i would do anything to have ur hairline, no joke. you are FAR from a Norwood 3 bud.

uncomfortable man

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Re: myh's story

Wow, another paranoid egomaniac who thinks he is going bald. I came to this forum to converse/commiserate and get advice from other people like me, who are actually experiencing hairloss. I don't think you realize how insulting it is to me and others like me to have people like you come onto these forums and complain about your perfect head of hair. Truth is you are afraid of looking like me and if you saw me on the street or in some sort of social situation, you would probably make fun of me. Do you really think you have it that bad to go through all this effort, I don't.


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Re: myh's story

COmpletly agree with you <uncomfortable man>

That isnt even hair loss, its called GROWING UP.

Get a grip dude!


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Re: myh's story

from that pic alone, its really hard to tell how bad your hair loss is.


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Re: myh's story

your hairline hasnt receeded too much, its hard to say if its a mature hairline.

You do have thinning on the top, I think finasteride alone should do the trick for now.


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Re: myh's story

Well I don't really see any lose myself. But you do see yourself everyday, so you know your recession better than anyone else. I guess from the pictures it's hard to see hairloss since the hair is so short right now, which looks great in itself too. Maybe when you let your hair grow out a little more we can all see some regression in your hairline, but hopefully you can stop it now.


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Re: myh's story

judging from the pics you posted, it looks like a mature hairline to me.

I am sure you know your hair better, get on finasteride if you think you are losing it.
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Re: myh's story

uncomfortable man said:
Wow, another paranoid egomaniac who thinks he is going bald. I came to this forum to converse/commiserate and get advice from other people like me, who are actually experiencing hairloss. I don't think you realize how insulting it is to me and others like me to have people like you come onto these forums and complain about your perfect head of hair. Truth is you are afraid of looking like me and if you saw me on the street or in some sort of social situation, you would probably make fun of me. Do you really think you have it that bad to go through all this effort, I don't.
I dont know how lame this is gonna be, but who cares.

A post of mine in my own thread (minor fixes):
"I've noticed "very bald" people getting jealous when people are in earlier stages of hairloss. Its normal being jealous, I guess, but responding with anger and bitterness towards that person instead of support, is pathetic in my opinion. You would think when you are basicly in the same position, and you know exactly what their going through, you would be able to empathize and not having difficulty putting yourself in their shoes."

uncomfortable man: its almost funny how you fit the description of, in your words, a paranoid egomaniac.

masculineyourheart: good luck, and remember it looks like fixing this stuff takes a while. remember to post pics.