Marlon Brando Had The Best Skull To Get Bald


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ofc nothing to his prime with hair


but still ... he has the skull which you can go comfortably bald with...once you passed 40


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Yeah, Brando looked good. He pulled it off thanks to good midface width and jaw proportions. No light bulb effect.


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He also had pretty much everything else. Great piercing eyes, nice symmetrical lips, strong nose and brows. It's like picking the tires on a ferrari and saying they're responsible for car go vroom vroom


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He also had pretty much everything else. Great piercing eyes, nice symmetrical lips, strong nose and brows. It's like picking the tires on a ferrari and saying they're responsible for car go vroom vroom

yeah i heard several women saying he is/was the most beautiful men they have ever seen (on pictures and tv of course)

he still has great proportionated skull

some people just dont lose

he was quite small though


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I never liked his cocksucker lips, but yeah dude was a good bald.

But even he was extremely self conscous about it, avoiding going into public later in life and only allowing to be filmed in the shadows for apocalypse now.


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Yeah, Brando looked good. He pulled it off thanks to good midface width and jaw proportions. No light bulb effect.
I don't think he looked good when he was younger because of his face or jaw. It was that cool a$$ jacket.


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I never liked his cocksucker lips, but yeah dude was a good bald.

But even he was extremely self conscous about it, avoiding going into public later in life and only allowing to be filmed in the shadows for apocalypse now.

bc he became too fat in apocalypse now

not bc of his hair - it was even his idea to shave it for the movie

but yes - most people are vain especially in hollywood ... but its not a coincidence everyone there has either a drug problem or visits a shrink every week


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i heard that he was at the very least bi sexual curious orwhatever... Also, he didn't memorize his lines in godfather he had sh*t written all over the place and read from there.loll


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Coming up to age 30 in a just over a month, I take stock and look at myself. I feel and look older all the time. It almost seems as if my looks are changing outside of my hair, but perhaps its just the recession is changing the way my skull looks, dependant on haircuts too.

My hair has backed me into a corner; its seemingly too receded to pull-off a short haircut look and definitely longer hair. But that said, I actually think I'm done with the military style short-sides, it almost seems too popular right now. Recently my hairdresser cut my sides short higher up then usual. It looked like sh*t. I think because the contrast between my longer hair on top and then the really short sides with the recession just looked crappy. The hardest thing is looking in the mirror and wondering where your looks went.

I'm trying to stay in shape, and I am just about in shape, if a little bit chubbier then I'd like to be. I have a goodish job, although I recently saw an advert for a similar level of job which was advertised at almost double my salary, which is pretty crazy. But a good sign that I can move in a year or two and get a good salary increase. So, things aren't all bad.

I think its the time of the year in the UK, where we get f***-all real sunlight, its cold and dark. And my 'whiteness' makes me look even mire shitty. God, a tan would really work wonders right now. I still seem to pull girls but its not just about that. It's my own personal satisfaction with how I look. My hair has reached terminal stages like I said. My next options are to work on my physique and my skin as my face looks quite tired, most of the time if I'm completely honest. I've even considered going for regular facials, sounds gay as f*** I know. But I'm turning 30 soon, I want to look after myself.

I'd like to stop watching p**rn, turn vegetarian, and become sober. But I'd probably still end up going to see hookers occasionally. We can't cut all pleasure away.
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What? Do you hang out with male models all day long, did you have lunch with Barrett today? lol

Women have way more demands than men. It's not even close. I don't know any guys who would pas up a non-deformed non-obese white girl. The standards the majority of males I know hold for women are as I've stated: don't be obese and don't be hideously deformed.

I don't know ANY guys irl who would pass up on hooking up with a girl due to her hair color or dress sense (so long as she is not wearing a garbage bag lol).

its common knowledge in science that women have per nature higher standards then men...why?

because the different sex have different reproduction strategies

a man could theoretically impregnate a different woman every 1h (which means higher demand for "pussy" btw)...a pregnancy doesnt come with any risk for him...he goes for masses...his standard is naturally lower

a woman on the other hand... every sexual intercourse meant a possible pregnancy until 100 years ago (at we find attractive hasnt really changed since then)...a pregnancy means 9 month carrying a means risk of dying during the birth meant raising the kid for at least several years after birth....and very important: while a man could theoretically father a limitless number of children a woman can get 12 children max...normally less

so a woman only has 12 shots...a man has unlimited shots

clearly the women goes with 12 shots for quality instead of quantity...

its only natural that she has higher standards then a man. i wouldnt risk that sh*t for an average joe either


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its common knowledge in science that women have per nature higher standards then men...why?

because the different sex have different reproduction strategies

a man could theoretically impregnate a different woman every 1h (which means higher demand for "pussy" btw)...a pregnancy doesnt come with any risk for him...he goes for masses...his standard is naturally lower

a woman on the other hand... every sexual intercourse meant a possible pregnancy until 100 years ago (at we find attractive hasnt really changed since then)...a pregnancy means 9 month carrying a means risk of dying during the birth meant raising the kid for at least several years after birth....and very important: while a man could theoretically father a limitless number of children a woman can get 12 children max...normally less

so a woman only has 12 shots...a man has unlimited shots

clearly the women goes with 12 shots for quality instead of quantity...

its only natural that she has higher standards then a man. i wouldnt risk that sh*t for an average joe either

I'm talking about hook ups with no chance of pregnancy though (vast majority of girls are on the pill).


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I'm talking about hook ups with no chance of pregnancy though (vast majority of girls are on the pill).

lol the pill was invented in 1960

what women or men find attractive isnt a conscious decision (it literally takes people less than a second to decide whether they find a human physical attractive or not) but sth that happens subconscious and is a result of deep attached programm in our brain that is the product of 10000 years of evolution.

it doesnt change.

similar to what we like in food - high calories and sugar is tasty. why? bc in the stoneage we were starving and high calories were good for survival. counterproductive today with food everywhere but the body isnt that fast to adapt to new situation if it adapts at all.

in 10.000 years we will still like the same food and we will be attracted to the same kind of physical features.

the invention of the pill has no impact of what women find attractive and how high their standards are. the body and the brain still works in the stoneage mode regarding this subject.


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He always had bad hair even in his 20s, still women liked him. But nowadays someone with his hairline would never be allowed to be a leading man.


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He always had bad hair even in his 20s, still women liked him. But nowadays someone with his hairline would never be allowed to be a leading man.
Tbh I would think this was some homeless guy


And with a shaved head.. he looked like a random taxi driver in Turkey



Women admired his young self. But I definitely wonder if he wore a hair piece in movies while this was his real hair:


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Tbh I would think this was some homeless guy

View attachment 186745

And with a shaved head.. he looked like a random taxi driver in Turkey

View attachment 186746

View attachment 186747

Women admired his young self. But I definitely wonder if he wore a hair piece in movies while this was his real hair:

View attachment 186748

View attachment 186749

This was his hair in his most famous film On The Waterfront when he was 28/29. Not great. But he was a very handsome man regardless.

Hollywood was less superficial back then, in fact up to the late 90s you could have people with bad hairlines being top stars in dramatic films. Not nowadays.

I don't think he wore wigs in his early career.


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