Mann02's Story - 5 month update pics in page 2


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Fuk now I think I'm having gyno my tits frequently hurts...stopping finasteride for few days ..fuckkkkkkk ..for a while I figured my hair is growing but now I have fuking slight gyno....


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mann02 said:
Buzzing hair will not affect the treatment ryt?I'll buzz tomorrow like 2 inch on top then 1 inch side :punk:

Shaving your head is fine, won't effect your treatments at all. If anything it will help by making topicals (minoxidil) easier to apply.

Don't freak out about the gyno/potential gyno btw, you may not even have it, I've probably just scared you into thinking it. I personally wouldn't drop finasteride just yet if I was you, maybe lower the dosage, but dropping it all together may be something you regret. I think your first priority should just be getting to a Doctor to actually confirm whether or not you have gyno, then go from there.

Gyno is certainly treatable though so don't freak out too much. I was on finasteride for a fair bit longer than you before I treated my gyno, so I doubt anything will be permanent for you yet.


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finasteride 1.25mg
Vitamin e (400iu)
Gingko biloba 60mg
2x ascorbic acid (vit c)
Green and brown rice tea

Minoxidil(liquid 5%) 1x a day 8-10 sprays
Retin a 2x a week
Scalp cleanser(before using minoxidil at night)it includes salicylic acid 5x a week
nizoral 2-4 times a week

Well that's all..


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I will quit my finasteride..after 7 months ..finasteride is effective but I think having gyno it's not worthy ...I'll use emu oil from now on before taking a shower


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is this gyno or im just fat?


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abovedagame said:
what is the scalp cleanser exactly that you refer to? what does it do and what brand is it?

nu derm scalp cleanser.. i think it remove sebum after applying it i see a dirt in the cotton


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dude seriously does not look like gyno, looks like fat to me.
you should try a lean cut diet, and lifting weights,
eat a low carb diet with good lean meat and good fats, along with some lifting and you will get rid of the fat and feel better,,


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i have some medical experience and ill tell you that looks nothing like gyno.

however, this is the internet and pictures never tell the whole story... so keep on documenting with pictures and see how it is later on.


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Yeah looking at those new pictures makes me think I was off the mark, it doesn't look like you have gyno to me.
This photo made me think you might because it seemed quite puffy and and breast was sort of protruding;

But it looks like it was just how you took the photo. Looks like you are bent over a bit and it's accentuating the size a bit.

Sorry if I've scared you a bit. I'd still get checked out to be on the stuff side, but like the other guys said, I think you'd benefit from a good exercise regime and a clean diet more than anything.
I don't think you need to drop finasteride either, but again, that's just my opinion.


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Thanks for the replies and encouragement...but I decided to quit finasteride just finishing the few left


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New regime I just used my last 1.25mg finasteride 1000iu vitd3,biotin5mg,
Vit e 400iu,minox5%,zinc picolinate 30mg,gingko biloba60mg,and some vitaminC...what you think????


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hi man002: you have heavy male pattern baldness, you are Norwood 7 in evolution. 1,25 finasteride is unecessary, you need go to 5MG finasteride because 1mg for 5 mg is little difference of DHT reduction. So 1 for 1,25 dont have difference.


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Re: Mann02's Story - ( hair really balding please i need hlp)

hairrific said:

Here IS what you will experience from 1mg finasteride:
Your libido is in fluctuation, body is trying to adjust, this goes away in weeks or month. Nut aches, goes away in the first few weeks. Wetter and funner c*m shots, increase in Testosterone, stays year after year.

Starting over the next three months and continually increasing for a year you will have:
Less shedding episodes and less scalp itching and irritation. Hair loss stops. Visual improvement and obvious balding halted. Possible re-growth starting at end of year. finasteride continues to inhibit DHT year after year so hair stays on your head.

I have more hair now, no sides life's good, glad I did not listen to all the wusses.

This is spot-on. I've been on finasteride since I was 19 (I'm 30 now). I got on it right as it came out. Never experienced any side effects other than a little decrease in libido for a couple of weeks at the start. Nothing since.

I'd be a cue ball without it. I mean, check out my thread. I have a full head of hair now. Yes, I've had close to 6,000 grafts implanted, but without finasteride, I would not have had a enough donor supply to cover my completely bald head. finasteride won't cure baldness, but it will give you a fighting chance at winning the war on top of our heads. It's really the only nuke we have in our arsenal. The rest are just pistols shooting blanks.

Take it from a guy who was balding AGGRESSIVELY, finasteride gave me a chance by helping me keep what I had in the mid-crown area. I then reconstructed the front, which I had lost in 6 months at age 18, through surgery.

It blows my mind when guys post about the axiety they are feeling but can't go about doing the simplest thing to take control of situation. If you have not tried finasteride and are losing your hair, then you deserve to lose it. That's my view.


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Hellboy666 said:
hi man002: you have heavy male pattern baldness, you are Norwood 7 in evolution. 1,25 finasteride is unecessary, you need go to 5MG finasteride because 1mg for 5 mg is little difference of DHT reduction. So 1 for 1,25 dont have difference.

What the???I'm nw7???is this Is this true?or your just playing with other people?worst advice I. Get to take the whole 5mg when I just decided to quit finasteride... :thumbdown2: :thumbdown2: :thumbdown2:


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mann02 said:
Hellboy666 said:
hi man002: you have heavy male pattern baldness, you are Norwood 7 in evolution. 1,25 finasteride is unecessary, you need go to 5MG finasteride because 1mg for 5 mg is little difference of DHT reduction. So 1 for 1,25 dont have difference.

What the???I'm nw7???is this Is this true?or your just playing with other people?worst advice I. Get to take the whole 5mg when I just decided to quit finasteride... :thumbdown2: :thumbdown2: :thumbdown2:

The reason that Propecia is sold in 1mg is because MOST men get the full effect of finasteride at that dose while the side effect profile is quite low at that dosage. If you go up to 5mg, you're going to get very little imcremental benefit, but you WILL see side effects mostly like, specifically gynecomastia.

Regarding others stating that you are NW7, you misunderstood. You're balding pattern is very broad. You're thinning across the entirety of the top of your head and you can see a horshoe forming right now. 5 more years, left unaddressed, and you'll be completely bald. That's the bad news.

Good news is that finasteride will address all but the temple and front portion of your head, so you have a good shot at preserving and potentially regrowing a lot of what you've lost. Also given the amount of hair you have right now, again -- assuming that you do the right thing and preserve it by taking finasteride -- you could proably quite easily pull off various types of concealers. Many guys can't even do that because they've lost so much that the concealer can't be convincingly applied.

Get back on the finasteride dude. Stop getting scared of BS. You'll be fine.


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I want to correct something in that last post. finasteride does work on the temples, it just depends on your genetics.


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TheGrayMan2001 said:
I want to correct something in that last post. finasteride does work on the temples, it just depends on your genetics.

It's been shown to be MUCH less common to grow at temples and in my experience I saw no benefit in that area. Just want this guy's expectations to be realistic. I've been on it for 11 years and I've never seen any observable improvement to the hairline from taking finasteride.

It will work on templates insofar as it stops loss from ocurring in the first place, but I would not expect any regrowth in those areas.