Managed To Limit Shedding With Natural Treatments Only


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Hello guys,

few moths ago I started this thread -> after me and my hairdresser noticed my hairs were less and less dense.
I decided to change lifestyle and diet only, no pills or other remedy at all. I started to exercise 3/4 times a week for two hours, and eat less fatty and sweet things. Results? 5 months ago I was losing aprox. 40 hairs/day, 10-20 during shower only, right now I think I am loosing max 10/day with 1-5 during shower. (sure those numbers are of strands that I managed to see only, maybe the actual number is two..three times bigger...who knows).
Additional things:
1. before I felt really fatigue after work, now I very rarely feel this way!
2. I noticed conection between shedding and state of my organizm - if I wass sick/sleepy for few days/ had migraine or fewer then shedding is increased and hairs seems to be thinner too o0 (couple of days after such condition took place)
3. Maybe this is secondary but I also changed my sitting place in work to be closer to the window and try to wash my hairs as seldom as it is possible...unfortunately recently every 24h since I have a lot of meetings and sometimes feel itchy there...

The only thing that really bothers me is the fact that after 4 months I only improved that state by let's say 20% and of course that I am still shedding! Less nad less but shedding still! On the upside, I see new hairs being grow!

Time for some pics:

Right after shower, wet hairs:

more dry:



That's all from me now. Please post your opinions and thoughts about all of this =)
