Man are now in deep anxiety, can anyone help?


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I am a 26-year-old man. I started my treatment on male pattern baldness in July, 2005. Very lucky of I was, I got satisfied effect on temple area. 1/4 Poscar per day; Rogaine 5% twice a day.

But, I reduced finasteride to 3*(1/4 Poscar) per week before 3 months, I noticed that the regrowth in temple area became thiner....

I am very anxious about my hair. Could anyone tell me that why it happened?

By the way, English is not my native language, wish that my poor English could be understood well.

Thanks and regards.


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I undestand what you're saying.

My friend, why did you lower your dosage?

Were you having side effects?

The smartest idea is to resume your usual 1/4 dosage of Proscar... you'll probably get your regrowth back.

As far as anxiety goes, you should look into an anti-anxiety medication. I'm using Remeron, and it seems to be working well.