male pattern baldness with periods of vastly increased shedding


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My hair loss seems to happen mostly in short bursts for some reason. For the most part it's stable, consistently losing a few hairs here and there, nothing crazy. But every so often I have a period of a few days to a week where I lose a lot of hair very quickly and I get constant itching. I'm on 1mg finasteride consistently and while I think it helps overall it does against these shedding periods. To me this suggests that too much DHT isn't really the cause of those.

I'm trying to spot the correlations so I can figure out how to avoid these sheds. So far, best guesses:

- Too much stress
- Very low physical activity
- Reduced scalp hygiene

It's hard to say for sure because these things usually go hand in hand. Crazy work deadlines = lots of stress + sitting at my desk all day + skipping showers for lack of time. But it's probably safe to say that stress itself is the biggest culprit. When I was a child I was told by a doctor that I have what he called a hyper-reactive immune system. Based on my life experiences I'm pretty sure he was right. So I think when I get really stressed my immune system goes into overdrive attacking my follicles. It's not telogen effluvium though, I don't lose random plucks of hair or anything like that. It's just vastly accelerated male pattern baldness, my hairline recedes as much in 1 week as it normally does in several months.

Does this seem plausible? Anyone else have things they need to avoid because they trigger vastly accelerated male-pattern baldness?