male pattern baldness OR SOMETHING ELSE? *PICS*

male pattern baldness or Something Else

  • male pattern baldness

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i guess i am going to try the propecia and minoxidil for about three-four months. i am also taking some extra vitamins...but i figure whether Telogen Effluvium or male pattern baldness they are a good idea. if i see no change, i'll probably stop the meds. if i see some change, i am stuck in the i assume the meds helped and it is male pattern baldness or do i assume Telogen Effluvium finished messing with my head (quite literally) and i don't need the meds.

mickey your method takes patience and may set you back a short time of treatment of male pattern baldness if it is not just Telogen Effluvium--BUT it does seem a more revealing (and probably better) solution.

SO many people have said that Telogen Effluvium for us diffusers is just the onset of male pattern baldness and it has been the better part of a year with no obvious recovery for me. So maybe I am being pessimistic, but I have been feeling like it is probably the diffuse version of male pattern baldness. If I could find a reputable hair Doctor who could at least look at the follicles on my head and tell me if they are miniaturized--as it sounds like you have truking10--I would go with a 1 year wait it out--and I would hope like crazy that it is just lingering Telogen Effluvium...but without the Doctor to encourage me, I feel like I should try the finasteride/minoxidil option.

At least that is how I feel right now. On that note does anyone have a recommendation for a good hair Doctor to figure out if it is Telogen Effluvium or male pattern baldness in Texas?

PS-Mickey, how evident did the thinning become before it started filling back in?


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PS-Mickey, how evident did the thinning become before it started filling back in?

The vertex and centre parting became very noticable.I was able to easily cover the centre parting with a comb over.But over all i have lost roughly 50% density all over.And only just now since November it is very slowly growing back it hasnt filled in yet but once the regrowth has grown it should be more or less filled.In the front where it is diffuse i notice a load of regrowth when i pull back my hair.Ive still got a way to go.but its hopefull


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sounds very similar to me...if i can figure out how, maybe i'll post a pic for comparison. i am guessing i am only down to about 75 or 80% of my previous hair--but also definitely noticible.


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truk has some new pics up in a new thread to go a long with this discussion. i am going to try to do the same.


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Mickey, two more questions, and continued thanks for your thoughts...

1. If you look at the hair that falls out. HOw much did you lose on an average day? And did the hair seem to be different diameters or taper in either direction? All the hair that falls out seems to retain it's length and diameter, but tons of it fall out...

2. This could be my imagination or mis-remebering, but it seems to me that most of my hair follicles had 1-3 hairs coming out of them (or really close to one another. Lately it seems that each follicle only has one hair coming out of it. Is this a type of manifestation of male pattern baldness? Or is this a sign of something else? Or am I crazy?

Thanks (and of couse if some else has similar experience, feel free to chime in)
good luck to us all


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chew said:
Mickey, two more questions, and continued thanks for your thoughts...

1. If you look at the hair that falls out. HOw much did you lose on an average day? And did the hair seem to be different diameters or taper in either direction? All the hair that falls out seems to retain it's length and diameter, but tons of it fall out...

2. This could be my imagination or mis-remebering, but it seems to me that most of my hair follicles had 1-3 hairs coming out of them (or really close to one another. Lately it seems that each follicle only has one hair coming out of it. Is this a type of manifestation of male pattern baldness? Or is this a sign of something else? Or am I crazy?

Thanks (and of couse if some else has similar experience, feel free to chime in)
good luck to us all
Chew I had that same problem. It seemed as though 2 hairs were falling out attached to each other with a large piece of buildup. Then I started reading how hair grows in follicular units of 2-3 hairs and i got panic attacks thinking i was losing follicular units of my hair if that even makes sense...
I dont know what it is to this day, i think its cause i have sebhorrea dermatitus whatever that sh*t is, and it just built up on more than one hair


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has it improved? or is it like male pattern baldness and basically progressive and permanent in nature?


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chew said:
has it improved? or is it like male pattern baldness and basically progressive and permanent in nature?

Doesnt look like male pattern baldness. Hasnt progressed...just has areas exactly like trucklings that seem to go all the way down my entire head.
Crown seems to have thickened up.


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dang similar to my loss...

i wish there was more hard research on the different types of loss and what causes them...maybe then we'd have better treatments.

I mean if there are 6 or 7 of us on this forum with weird all over diffuse thinning there must be more out there.