Male hair loss medication and pregnancy


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Hi everybody,

A bit about me: 40 y/o, losing hair since I was twenty, I used Minoxidil 2% for more than ten years with somewhat good results and then stopped all treatment for a while, beginning with Propecia two years ago.

The result have been excellent, and I’m really satisfied, but since my wife and I are trying to have our second baby I stopped taking it and I’m using Minoxidil 5% now. I will go back to Propecia in a year I guess, but now I am looking for a complement to Minoxidil; ideally, something that also reduces or block the famous DHT in the scalp. Initially I considered products including Saw Palmetto, and then I checked:

Because of its potential hormonal effects, pregnant women should not use it, it says; I am cautios simply because nobody knows for sure to what extent what you use goes into your bloodstream, your semen, and the fetus. Well, you know, you can never be too careful with these things. Does anybody have a suggestion? Something to use in addition to Minoxidil, at least to preserve what I’ve accomplished for a year?


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Have a read of the "Propecia and Pregnancy - Is It Safe" article linked to in the top left-hand corner of this screen.

It's pretty reassuring as far as finasteride causing birth defects goes but if you want to stay off it then perhaps spironolactone would be useful for you, I'm not a user myself but plenty on this site are so have a search on the boards for some info.



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Although Propecia is safe, I did the exact same thing you are doing. I cut the Propecia out and got on a good multi-vitamin to clear my system. I took the same pre-natal vitamin as my wife did, she had the Doctor prescibe her and me the same vitamin. I had a beautiful healthy baby girl. With all of todays birthing problems, I'll go completely bald if it means having a healthy baby.


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Hi Kooikid,

Thanks for replying. We already have a lovely daughter, conceived before I started with Propecia; as you said, better bald than remorseful, we’ll run no risks.

Do you have any suggestions for me? I have been thinking I ought to use Minoxidil, and I already ordered some, but I used it for a long time and by itself is not enough. What vitamins did you use? Any other topic treatment?




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Well if I were you I would consider fluridil if you choose not to use the finasteride. Revivogen might be an acceptable choice too. Stay away from the spironolactone..........if you want to use an androgen receptor fluridil is the way to go. Don't waste your time and money on spironolactone. Fluridil is much more potent.