Major Shedding On Rogaine and dutasteride


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I'm 45 and have had 2 hair transplant's (10 and 20 years ago). I've always had really thin hair but I've noticed in the past 6 months, my hair has been shedding quite excessively and I'm stressed out of my mind because you can easily see my scalp on the front and crown area. I was able to cover it in the past by combing my hair over but not anymore I have to apply hair fibres to cover my thinning areas now. When I started rogaine 5% foam, i noticed that I had less shedding in the 1st couple of months. I then added dutasteride to my daily regime and didn't notice any change after 9 months of using it except for the excessive shedding in the last 6 months or so. I stopped taking it and on finasteride now (took it in the past with no results). I'm hoping the shedding was due to the dutasteride but only time will tell. Has anyone else had similar experiences and have any feedback that may help me out? I'm quite desperate as shaving my head isn't an option because of the 2 linear scars from my hair transplant's


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Impossible for anyone to say, but you seem to be doing all you can, so I would try to take your mind of it (hard I know). One thing you can do is dermaroll/dermapen. Considering you are using finasteride and min and have diffused loss you stand a good chance of being a responder.