Losing the battle -- living proof that T causes hairloss


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Just need to vent off frustration and depression!!! I finally have to admit to f*****g losing this male pattern baldness battle. Also, for those wanting proof that something other than DHT causes male pattern baldness (i.e. Testosterone), I am the living proof of it.

I have been on dutasteride for 6.5 months now and though for while I thought it was working....I look at the miror today and my hair is going to ****.

I shaved my head right at the time I started taking dutasteride. So I guess I was disillusioned that it was working as my hair was growing longer as well (giving the illusion that I am regrowing). Anyway, as I am now keeping at a decent length, it's apparent that I have been losing big time.

I was on finasteride for 2 years with good results (regrowth), then in the 3rd year it suddenly stopped working. So I switched to dutasteride ever since and things are still going to ****.

So there, finasteride was working great for me, meaning that DHT suppression really worked....but only for a short while. Since I have been on dutasteride (genuine GSK as well), the 90%+ DHT supporession does not help me further. So, SOMETHING else contributes....and my friend, it is TESTOSTERONE.


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so what ur saying is we need a pill that blocks testosterone all together .... genius! i'll get right on it


What you need is an antiandrogen but you should have added it when you started the dutasteride.

I agree that testosterone can bind to the androgen receptors just not as good as it's counterpart DHT can. I think there are numerous hormones that can bind to any androgen receptor throughout the body but hormones other than DHT have a tough time getting to those places which is why the body converts free range testosterone into DHT.


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this worries me, as i'm about to start dutasteride. soon. One year of finasteride. and minoxidil, and i've actually lost over that time. what's worse, my heart can't handle the minoxidil., so i'm going to have to use dutasteride. alone.

i hate how finasteride couldn't close my tiny bald spot and maintain my pretty thick hair, and all it does is give me zits. and now i'm pretty certain that dutasteride. will do nothing for me.

even 2.5 of it -- it reduces 80-something % of scalp DHT, but that follicular DHT seems to be the key from what other posters say.

i wish i could get a rundown of dutasteride. *not* working in people, but it's hard to find even through the search function