Losing Hope And Feeling Confused. Is My Regime Working Or Not?


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So, i have been on finasteride for one year and 4 months now and so far i have a hard time telling if it actually working, last christmass my hair was the worst its ever been, but then it got better and now it seems to be getting worse again while my left temple is steadily getting better. so i dont understand. if my left temple is getting better surely the finasteride must be working, but why then does my right temple seem to be getting worse.


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Hey what did you do wrong recently? Change brand with Finasteride? Also what’s your full regime?


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Most likely finasteride is working. Take photos and compare. Checking the mirror everyday for worsening/improvement will lead to wrong conclusions.


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Hey what did you do wrong recently? Change brand with Finasteride? Also what’s your full regime?
Hi, my full regime is, nizoral 2mg two times a week the other days i use watermans shampoo, i also take 320 mg of saw palmetto with the 1mg of finasteride daily, fish oil biotin multi vitamin d vitamin. occasionally i have derma rolled but didnt see any benefit.
i did forget to mention that yes i have changed brand of finasteride multiple times.


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Most likely finasteride is working. Take photos and compare. Checking the mirror everyday for worsening/improvement will lead to wrong conclusions.
yeah...ive been told to stop doing that, family members say they can see a clear improvement, and looking at pictures from last year i definitely see its gotten a lot better on my left temple, its the right that i am personally in doubt with.

Androgenic Alpaca

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Usually finasteride by itself is only enough to maintain the hair that you have. Getting substantial regrowth is pretty rare on just finasteride. And that's pretty much what you're on, the other stuff you're using is pretty weak and will have only a minor effect. I agree with @baba_yaga - look at some older photos and compare. Ask friends to get their opinions on whether the photos look different.


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Hi, my full regime is, nizoral 2mg two times a week the other days i use watermans shampoo, i also take 320 mg of saw palmetto with the 1mg of finasteride daily, fish oil biotin multi vitamin d vitamin. occasionally i have derma rolled but didnt see any benefit.
i did forget to mention that yes i have changed brand of finasteride multiple times.

Right and have you changed brand recently? As that can have an effect as I have read many stories when people switch brands they lose ground even flyer years and years being on Finasteride.

What brand are you using now? Try Propecia by Merck.


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Right and have you changed brand recently? As that can have an effect as I have read many stories when people switch brands they lose ground even flyer years and years being on Finasteride.

What brand are you using now? Try Propecia by Merck.
right now im using finasteride by Teva, because thats what i have been on the most, i dont think i can get that merck brand where im from. but i appreciate ur responses, im just gonna stick with teva and see how it goes


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right now im using finasteride by Teva, because thats what i have been on the most, i dont think i can get that merck brand where im from. but i appreciate ur responses, im just gonna stick with teva and see how it goes

Where you from?

Here For the Lulz

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yeah...ive been told to stop doing that, family members say they can see a clear improvement, and looking at pictures from last year i definitely see its gotten a lot better on my left temple, its the right that i am personally in doubt with.

I get what they’re saying and they have a point as it can lead to obsession. Pictures are important, but spacing them out is equally so. Identical pictures every 3 months or so would help you. Anymore than that and you risk seeing problems that aren’t there.

Hair grows at different rates at different times, track it too often and you may mistake natural hair fall for hair loss as you may see it before the Anagen phase kicks in and regrows it to cover the area. This could account for what you described though there’s no way to know for sure.

It sounds like the finasteride is doing its job. There is no guarantee that it can stop your hairloss, sometimes the best it can do is slow it down. Unless you are noticeably, consistently worse than when you started taking it, it’s a safe assumption it’s helping.
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I get what they’re saying and they have a point as it can lead to obsession. Pictures are important, but spacing them out is equally so. Identical pictures every 3 months or so would help you. Anymore than that and you risk seeing problems that aren’t there.

Hair grows at different rates at different times, track it too often and you may mistake natural hair fall for hair loss as you may see it before the Anagen phase kicks in and regrows it to cover the area. This could account for what you described though there’s no way to know for sure.

It sounds like the finasteride is doing its job. There is no guarantee that it can stop your hairloss, sometimes the best it can do is slow it down. Unless you are noticeably, consistently worse than when you started taking it, it’s a safe assumption it’s helping.
Yeah ur right, and i havent been spacing pictures out and im probably obsessing over it way more than it deserves. i appreciate ur response, it made me feel a little more at ease


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Serious? Weird I would have thought your country should sell legit brand Propecia.....

You can get Topical Dutasteride from this compound pharmacy they ship to most world wide countries, I use their Topical Finasteride.

unfourtunatly it takes ages for medicine in denmark to get approved, and while we do have dutasteride here it is only approved for post prostate cancer treatment, i would hope the generic finasteride i take is as good as merck, and while i do appreciate the link its too expensive to add any more to my regiment.


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unfourtunatly it takes ages for medicine in denmark to get approved, and while we do have dutasteride here it is only approved for post prostate cancer treatment, i would hope the generic finasteride i take is as good as merck, and while i do appreciate the link its too expensive to add any more to my regiment.

Ah ok, good luck find yourself a good generic brand.