Losing hair behind transplanted area


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Hi all,

Just wanted some advice from anyone who has maybe experienced the same thing as me or knows someone who has. I have now started to notice that the area on my left temple behind the transplanted area has been thinning and is starting to get more noticeable. I know this was a possibility as I had a transplant at a younger age, but am wondering if there is any actions I can take to help prevent this from continuing.

I am now 27 years old and have had two hair transplants in the past two years to fix my receding hair line. First transplant was for 2533 grafts and the second was a fix for a little over 1000 grafts to help densify the areas that did respond as well to the initial transplant. It has been a year since my 2nd transplant and am happy with the result, but am worried I am starting to lose the hair behind the grafted area.. I have a good donor area, but would like to avoid doing a third transplant until later on in my 30s if really necessary. I have been on Propecia for close to 4 years now and have been taking it everyday. I also have no thinning in the crown or other areas of my hair at this time.

So if anyone has been through this type of situation and can shed some light on any actions they took that would be greatly appreciated.



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I have some experience with bad transplants that might fit but the five minute university says to start micro needling to shore up or fix transplants that either didn't take completely, or that cobblestoned or that grew in at a weird angle. Derma-rolling can apparently right most of all of that in time with the right protocol.



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From what I am seeing, over time you might be able to re-plenish the donor area if you need more follicles but the process should work all over the scalp where collagen irregularities are found like cellulite, scars, wrinkles and so forth. Micro needling seems to be the best argument against transplants which are a form of voluntary mutilation. I know. I mutilated myself at 25, I think it was.


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You just need a stronger regime or 3rd transplant
Do you n
Hi all,

Just wanted some advice from anyone who has maybe experienced the same thing as me or knows someone who has. I have now started to notice that the area on my left temple behind the transplanted area has been thinning and is starting to get more noticeable. I know this was a possibility as I had a transplant at a younger age, but am wondering if there is any actions I can take to help prevent this from continuing.

I am now 27 years old and have had two hair transplants in the past two years to fix my receding hair line. First transplant was for 2533 grafts and the second was a fix for a little over 1000 grafts to help densify the areas that did respond as well to the initial transplant. It has been a year since my 2nd transplant and am happy with the result, but am worried I am starting to lose the hair behind the grafted area.. I have a good donor area, but would like to avoid doing a third transplant until later on in my 30s if really necessary. I have been on Propecia for close to 4 years now and have been taking it everyday. I also have no thinning in the crown or other areas of my hair at this time.

So if anyone has been through this type of situation and can shed some light on any actions they took that would be greatly appreciated.

Do you understand that there is a limit donor area , right ?


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Transplanted hair/plugs gradually deteriorate over time. That’s why at some point. trying non surgical protocols are important.


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If you are losing hair this rapidly despite being on finasteride, then you should not have gotten a transplant and waited for your hair to stabilize first. Most men do not stabilize until they are 40 at around NW3-5