Loosing ground on Propecia. . . . make the switch now?

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Hey everyone

Ive been on Propecia nizoral and xandrox5% and 12.5lotion on the hairline for about 18 months now. I had great initial results, at about 4 months, and has peaked at 6 months and slowly declined eversince. Its getting to the stage now where i really need to start doing something else. Either continue the battle, or just say '%$£% it'!

At the moment i have a few options. Basically, its my hairline that is suffering, withthe hairs going quite sparse and thinner, the front is always more sensive to the rest of my hair, but i know, overall, its just a reflection of overall loss. Now, is spironolactone all that? Could it really help thicken up my hair at the front and temples?

I was travelling 4 for months and dropped 12.5 with seemily no adverse effects, then by end of travelling it wasnt all great, so i thought id start 12.5 again and see if it helped. Well, 4 months on it hasnt. . . .

So for me its either Dutasteride, or spironolactone. . . .

Ideally id like to see if spironolactone would help, but im at a stage where i wonna just try Dutas. I have it sitting waiting just havnt started it yet. .. . . . . little scared, but i do like my hair and i think its just anxiety making it feel worse than it is. . .ive had no probs on Propecia with sides. Slightly thinner body hair and less *** hair but thats expected. . .

Let me know your thoughts.. . . ..

Im thinking of doing 0.5mg EOD



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i take it eod no sides.if you use dutas you could probably add spironolactone as well if you thinking about it as theyre both pretty cheap. if you didnt have any finasteride sides its likely you wont get any from dutasteride. especially if you dont take it every day.


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i'd say go with dutasteride and spironolactone, but as always, i would recommend 0.5mg of dutasteride every 3 days and certainly not every day.


MPBWarrior said:
i'd say go with dutasteride and spironolactone, but as always, i would recommend 0.5mg of dutasteride every 3 days and certainly not every day.

yeah, why take the recommended dosage of the drug that the vast majority of people on it for BPH or male pattern baldness take? That's just stupid.
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I assume that was an attempt and/or was sarcasm :lol: but. . . . there may be some truth in it no. . .?

Every 3 days reduces the chance of sides, and, as we all know, if GSK was to have brought out dutasturide for Hairloss its doubtful it would have been the prostate dosage no. . .

Dont see many people taking 5mg of proscar for hairloss, they skip that and go straight onto dutasteride, even though, in logical terms it 'should' be the next step. . . .

Theres a feeling of 'my prostates fine, i dont wonna take an old man dosage amount'. . . .

maybe just me but i feel 0.5mg everyday is overkil. If they made a 0.1mg dutasteride, im sure most ppl would take that as the next step from propecia


JayMan said:
MPBWarrior said:
i'd say go with dutasteride and spironolactone, but as always, i would recommend 0.5mg of dutasteride every 3 days and certainly not every day.

yeah, why take the recommended dosage of the drug that the vast majority of people on it for BPH or male pattern baldness take? That's just stupid.


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thank u yeayeahwhatever! but i could probably say the earth only has 1 moon and jayman would still attack me saying it wasn't true! and the problem here isn't even because it's a BPH dosage (even though it is!). the problem is that no one knows what the longterm effects of blocking half of 5aR type I cause in your body (and brain). i'm not saying this to be annoying but why not take 0.5mg of dutasteride every 3 days which should be fine considering it's halflife?
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I think going on the side of caustion is always the best thing. Its important to balance risks with gains when fighting this 'cosmetic' stuff, and i think with thigs liek this its best to start low and work ya way up. . . maybe if it was researched more in us young'uns id 'jump in', but i do agree with you on this one.

MPBWarrior said:
thank u yeayeahwhatever! but i could probably say the earth only has 1 moon and jayman would still attack me saying it wasn't true! and the problem here isn't even because it's a BPH dosage (even though it is!). the problem is that no one knows what the longterm effects of blocking half of 5aR type I cause in your body (and brain). i'm not saying this to be annoying but why not take 0.5mg of dutasteride every 3 days which should be fine considering it's halflife?


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glad to see someone else thinking 3 times a week is a better dutasteride dosage than every day :)


Yet neither of you are on dutasteride.

honestly though, male pattern baldness, how can you recommend your every 3 day dutasteride dosage having never even used the drug?

this would be like me recommending frequency of your scalp exercises.


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JayMan said:
MPBWarrior said:
i'd say go with dutasteride and spironolactone, but as always, i would recommend 0.5mg of dutasteride every 3 days and certainly not every day.

yeah, why take the recommended dosage of the drug that the vast majority of people on it for BPH or male pattern baldness take? That's just stupid.

I just got a little scared when I found some fat on my nipples. It might have always been there. But just to be safe, since i was taking dutasteride every day with grapefruit juice, I'm doing MWF for now. It saves money. When I'm satisfied I don't have the beginnings of gyno, I might up the dose again.

But definitely do the spironolactone. It is not as strong as propecia, but in combo with dutasteride/finasteride it can make a difference, people say.


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isn't 0.5mg everyday the recommended dose only for BPH anyway? Did glaxo even specify a recommended dose for male pattern baldness?
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Just the idea of starting low and working up is what i preach. Each to thier own though at the end of the day.

JayMan said:
Yet neither of you are on dutasteride.

honestly though, male pattern baldness, how can you recommend your every 3 day dutasteride dosage having never even used the drug?

this would be like me recommending frequency of your scalp exercises.


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x collegechemistrystudent:

how did you switch from finasteride to dutasteride? Gradually? How long are you on dutasteride now? Did you shed? Results?

x aussieavodart:
I remember you were perplexed about duta dosage/effects at some point. How's going now?


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JayMan said:
Yet neither of you are on dutasteride.

honestly though, male pattern baldness, how can you recommend your every 3 day dutasteride dosage having never even used the drug?

this would be like me recommending frequency of your scalp exercises.

i may have to go on dutasteride someday if my hairloss gets worse and too strong for finasteride, so i have to read up on dutasteride plenty before i even start thinking about making the change. and as it stands, i think 0.5mg every 3 days is better. but im not saying this to create fights, it's just my humble view. :$


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MPBWarrior said:
i think 0.5mg every 3 days is better. but im not saying this to create fights, it's just my humble view. :$
Why do you think so?


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Jacky81 said:
MPBWarrior said:
i think 0.5mg every 3 days is better. but im not saying this to create fights, it's just my humble view. :$
Why do you think so?
dutasteride has a huge half-life. after 3 days there should be plenty in your system to block high-90s levels of DHT from 5ar II (%). and blocks less type I which no one knows of its longterm side effects from its absense.