LOOseItAll's Story (23/24 - agressive hairloss)


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I've been balding since 18. Started with receding temples and then moved on to the frontal 1/3.

Currently Im an anterior NW4. I inherited the balding gene from my maternal grandfather. He's a NW5A and almost 80 years old but started balding very early and it all finished before his thirties.

Since I'm a mixed african/caucasian my hair does not allow styling and my bald spots are all there for everyone to see.




I've undergone a hair transplant a year ago, a failed hair transplant by a micrograft butcher. That's why I still have some hair on the temples. 600 grafts overall, very poorly angled but I gues I am lucky that my hair go all over the place anyway.

I'm scheduled for a hair transplant on 18 December with Dr. Lupanzula. Hopefully 3000 grafts or maybe even 3500 to recreate a natural hairline and the frontal 1/3 maybe a some of the middle too.

My question is. Should I try dutasteride to keep my natural hair or should I just forget about it and do another hair transplant once my crown gets bald? I already have some itching sensations in the crown and in the frontal "island" of hair. So it is just a matter of time when they will thin out.

I must say I am a bit sceptical about all those drugs and reading about all those side effects do not encourage me... Not the ED since that is not much of a matter to me, but mostly liver disfunctions


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Im african american, and trust me when i say this..You need to just shave it off. I dont care what you do after the fact whether that be meds or something unconventional,..but ya gotta invest in some clippers. Even if you have a weird head shape, trust me it will be better shaved off.

Real talk.


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Actually Im only growing hair like that to conceal my hair transplant. Once everything grows out well I will keep my hair short. At the moment Im putting concealers on my hair so its not that noticable


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Yes, try Dutasteride! You might have a shed, but I'm sure you'll be able to regrow at least a bit. It has thickend up my hair enourmously at least (not too sure about regrowth) even around the hairline. And if I'm currently in a shedding, I might even regrow a lot of my hairline (seeing a lot of little hairs on places which where obvious bald before). Seeing has you have spread out hairloss, it should probably even work better for you.

Give minoxidil a try to. Might be a pain in the beginning to apply, but you'll get used to it. Medications can give some good results, and are cheaper than a hair transplant (which in the end, you'll need meds for to, to keep the results). Good luck man.


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I would advise you to do a better research of a hair transplant doctor. You said your first hair transplant was a fail and now you're gonna try with some doctor of which I never heard before and believe me - I've done a lot of research and I know the most and the least reputable one. Your Doctor is certainly not among them. That may not mean anything, but since you're planning on transplanting a big amount of grafts I would certainly try to get the best doctor available, cause you won't be just spending your money, what's more important - you'll be using your limited amount of donor hair...


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deadlocks hey but I heard that dutasteride is highly toxic and it poisons your liver pretty badly. Same with finasteride but on a lesser scale. Man some say finasteride/dutasteride is ok while others that it's deadly and you can get perm side effects. Who should I believe :dunno: Yesterday I was reading on a polish formum that finasteride + alkcohol is a deadly mixture and almost every guy that was drinking while taking finasteride experienced a liver pain that was never present while drinking and not taking finasteride. :(

SemperFi dr Lupanzula is the co-founder of the BHR clinic he was working there with dr ********. But now their routs have split apart and he created his own clinic. Plus he works under the HAIRMED company along with dr Mwamba and dr Arvind Poswal. I managed to get a special December discount so I decided to give it a go. For 3000 grafts I will pay 4900 euros instead of 7000.


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Just as I planned I got a hair transplant on 18 December. Here are some pictures:

Post op:




9 days after, scabs have fallen out after some gentle massage. Some hair along with them. The transplanted grafts are really thin (especially those on the hairline) those old improperly angled grown out a bit too. AS You can see my hairline was lowered a bit to hide the pluggy grafts.

I also did not shave my head properly. So it's all uneven some places have longer hair where others are very short but I was afraid of damaging the grafts.


another front look

Total 3165 grafts. 150 grafts are placed on my old scar.

Anyway hope it will turn out well. I am going for stitches removal today. Will post pictures of my new and old scar.


Wow, looks great! If the hair grows well, you'll be sporting a full head of hair!
Congrats dude


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Hey, looks good! Keep us posted and who did you say did the surgery? Take a strip out or FUE. Your posts above confused me a little so not really sure who did it?
Dr. making you take finasteride?


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Wow! That looks very impressive so far! Do let us know how it progresses.


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timallen45 said:
Hey, looks good! Keep us posted and who did you say did the surgery? Take a strip out or FUE. Your posts above confused me a little so not really sure who did it?
Dr. making you take finasteride?

Dr. Lupanzula via strip method. He advised me to try oral saw palmetto first. I will still have some time till my hair follices permanently die so I will give it a go. If it doesn't work I will start finasteride.


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DAAAAANG BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! wow, thats looks like its gonna be amazing. Your gonna be balling pretty soon :) :hump: :punk:

Hope it turns out well 4 you but its lookin good


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Wow incredible results....I may go the hair transplant route in the future when I'm older (30+) and If I progress to a NW4. If you don't mind me asking how much did this procedure cost you? Really quality work! If I get a hair loss I probably wouldnt have my hairline as low as yours. To be honest i prefer a strong NW3 hairline over a NW2 or 1 for myself just because I'm white and it would look kinda weird on me but it looks good on you though bro!


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Great looking hairline, looks excellent.

All being well, you'll be a very happy camper for next years new year celebrations!

Good luck :)


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You mention Euros in the post about your transplant, where do you live? I'm from Europe, and seeing your new hairline got me curious. Might want to remember this surgeon for later. COuld you tell where you did this?


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Well more hair shed so at the moment it doesn't look good at all. Man it's gonna be a tough 6 months time.

Hate2LoseIt said:
Hope it turns out well 4 you but its lookin good

Hope so too. Thank you.
afrik123 said:
Wow incredible results....I may go the hair transplant route in the future when I'm older (30+) and If I progress to a NW4. If you don't mind me asking how much did this procedure cost you? Really quality work! If I get a hair loss I probably wouldnt have my hairline as low as yours. To be honest i prefer a strong NW3 hairline over a NW2 or 1 for myself just because I'm white and it would look kinda weird on me but it looks good on you though bro!

Yup if I were a white guy I would probably be sattisfied with a NW2.5 look. I could always grow my hair longer on the temples if it bothered me. Honestly if not for the first messed up hair transplant I would probably just shave it off(as much as it sucks to be force to shave your head I still think it is the best way to deal with male pattern baldness, definitely the healthier and least expensive) but I made a stupid move and now it will cost me dearly. So remember to do some research and really think it through carefully. That is an advice to everyone reading this.

GeminiX said:
Great looking hairline, looks excellent.

All being well, you'll be a very happy camper for next years new year celebrations!

Good luck :)

Thank you. Best of luck to you too. :)

Manutd4545 said:
I cannot understand why a hair transplant surgeon would advise saw palmetto. It is an unproven DHTblocker. Surely I would expect a doctor to ensure you are on finasteride a while before you had the operation.

Being on a proven DHT blocker is the most important thing if you dont want to lose any more hair.

I guess it depends on the age of the patient. While young it is believed that one should have a pretty rich seksual life(well most of them have anyway) so they always advice to try a safe route before jumping on with huge caliber weaponary.

deadlocks said:
You mention Euros in the post about your transplant, where do you live? I'm from Europe, and seeing your new hairline got me curious. Might want to remember this surgeon for later. COuld you tell where you did this?

I live in Poland and I advice anyone who values his own life to stay away from polish hair transplant clinics. My hair transplant was performed in Belgium by dr. Lupanzula and his staff. I paid 4900 euros, but the normal price is around 7000 euros for the amount of grafts used. But that was some kind of special offer and I had less than a month to decide. Since I was going to get a hair transplant in January or Febuary anyway I gave it a go.


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K it's been about 10 months since I have undergone a hair transplant. Since the initial buzzcut the hair has been growing freely. I am aiming for shoulder-length if baldness won't make its move

Here are some recent pics:









The density is not great but still at least I can pass as a non balding for a while and I am pleased with the result. Hopefully meds will maintain what I have.


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LooseItAll said:
deadlocks hey but I heard that dutasteride is highly toxic and it poisons your liver pretty badly. Same with finasteride but on a lesser scale. Man some say finasteride/dutasteride is ok while others that it's deadly and you can get perm side effects. Who should I believe :dunno: Yesterday I was reading on a polish formum that finasteride + alkcohol is a deadly mixture and almost every guy that was drinking while taking finasteride experienced a liver pain that was never present while drinking and not taking finasteride. :(

SemperFi dr Lupanzula is the co-founder of the BHR clinic he was working there with dr ********. But now their routs have split apart and he created his own clinic. Plus he works under the HAIRMED company along with dr Mwamba and dr Arvind Poswal. I managed to get a special December discount so I decided to give it a go. For 3000 grafts I will pay 4900 euros instead of 7000.

What was this polish forum? i am very interested in this because when i was on finasteride there was a night when i was drinking a lot with friends and i experienced very severe pains near my liver - i just fell on my bed screaming.

Is your username meant to mean 'lose it all' by the way?

Great decision on avoiding finasteride

Finasteride alters hormone profiles to be the same as 5AR2 deficient pseudohermaphrodites - that is a person whose external sex organs look intermediate between the typical clitoris or penis (google it)

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entre ... ds=1689740

Do you know how the drug was discovered?

There was a study on 'pseudo-hemaphrodites' in the Dominican Republic by Jennifer Imperato-Mcginley in 1974 which noted that they had smaller prostates and no hairloss. Merck realised formulating this could cash in on treating BPH and also of course hairloss and make $$$$. Never mind that these genetic freaks were raised as girls until their balls dropped at age 12, and had micropenises.

Finasteride also causes cell death and atrophy of the prostate


Below are some videos that cover the issue of persistent side effects





Have you visited Merck's official propecia.com website recently? they have taken the site down and replaced it with a large side effects warning and a link to report adverse side effects to the FDA. I wonder why? oh, maybe it has something to dow the numerous lawsuits that are being held against them for sexually decimating thousands of men.


Merck were allowed to get away with killing over 60,000 people with Vioxx, so i doubt they even care about what they are doing with finasteride.
