Looks like I have gone from worse to even worse



My hair now looks the worst it has been for years. It's about 7.5 months on Proscar and it's done it's job. It has ruined my hair and possibly for good. I am at wits end. I love my hair and i'm not sure how I will cope if this shed does not grow back.



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Give it more time if you're able to. Merck publicly states that some people may continue to lose hair for up to 12 months. Some people in the 2 year trials did not see any results until after that time. You're still nowhere near the end of the window period, so hang in there.



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Remember, give it a year man.

This shed may be your 'big one', before a huge regrowth occurs.


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HairlossTalk said:
Give it more time if you're able to. Merck publicly states that some people may continue to lose hair for up to 12 months. Some people in the 2 year trials did not see any results until after that time. You're still nowhere near the end of the window period, so hang in there.


HairLossTalk.com...I thought Merck states on the site that 12 months, not 24 months, is the necessary window to gauge Propecia.

Traxdata...I am about at 6 months on Propecia and feel that I lost way more hair in months 4-6 than 1-3...It is tough, I know as I am also wondering whether to continue to use Propecia...each time I think about stopping, I just consider the people who only saw success in months 8-12 and keep hoping that I will be one of them. Keep your chin up...


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Im coming up on month 12 .... quick recap ///month 1-3 great/ month 3-6 sucked ***/ 7-10 looking good month 10-11 sucks. But right now im getting regrowth and guess what? Coming in good this is the temple region . I will post pics so you can see the transformation.



Thanks for the support guys. I never thought that I would see myself in this situation. I was even a bit offish with my girlfriend tonight. I thought I could handle a shed but it's really really hard.

I know I have to carry on. It would be foolish to stop right now so If I can have support I will continue. Once again thanks to everyone. I hope I get some regrowth soon.

I will of course keep you informed..



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Chill Trax chill.

You are pure and simply going through your second big shed... this will all regrow bigger and better than ever... You know this.

But, i understand its easy to be logical when its not your own hair falling by the dozen.

I hereby guarantee that if i'm wrong i will sacrifice my own scalp by offering it to you...Although you will still have to soak it in minoxidil.

I estimate that within 1/2 weeks shed paranoia will be a thing of the past and you will again be singing and dancing - "Oh happy days..." etc etc


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traxdata said:
I thought I could handle a shed but it's really really hard.:)
I hear ya bro. I'm going through a monster shed right now too and it's a hard thing to deal with. I get nervous before each shower knowing that there's going to be this huge clump of hair in the drain. I wen't from 4-5 hairs in the drain to about 60. Then I have to take the dustbuster to the floor in the bathroom when I'm through with my routine to pick up the rest of the fallen heros. Just keep thinking "it'll pass".



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I've been on finasteride for 7 months now, and I'm not sure if I've been through a shed or not. I think I was losing more hair around the 3 - 4 month mark - certainly there was more in the shower, but I've continued losing hair gradually over the past 3 months, and it now feels really limp, and it's much easier to see through in the light, more temple recession, and the back is much thinner.

It's hard for me to be optimistic because I don't think I've been through a shed, and then seen great regrowth, only to go through another shed... It's just been a gradual thing.

Reading posts about people not seeing any results at all until month 8 or even longer keeps me going though.


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Hey Traxdata,

You got away with this one pretty easy! I posted the same questions a couple of weeks ago and I got absolutely slaughtered. Petchsky came to my rescue with some proper replies.

Anyway I am coming close to my 8 months on propecia and I am shedding a lot! I guess I have been shedding for close to 6 weeks now ang I am getting pretty desperate. I know how hard it is for you (because I am going through the same thing at the moment), but I guess we just have to soldier on.

Petchsky or others: How long is a shed normally meant to last? I hear 2-5 weeks but I am past that?


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HairlossTalk said:
Merck states that some people may continue to lose hair for up to 12 months.
Homer said:
HairLossTalk.com...I thought Merck states on the site that 12 months
They do. 24 months was referring to the study.



PartTimeNinja said:
Hey Traxdata,

You got away with this one pretty easy! I posted the same questions a couple of weeks ago and I got absolutely slaughtered. Petchsky came to my rescue with some proper replies.

But did you ask a question about shedding. I didn't. I'm just explaining my current shed and that it's a really rough ride. I knew a shed was coming but was not sure how I would cope with it. It's certainly a rocky ride that's for sure. I just hope to god it grows back otherwise I will get a hair transplant next year at some time....


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I am sorry to hear about the shed Traxdata. I am into the 3rd month of my shed :shock:.

I had the girlfriends mum make a comment the other week about my crown in front of a lot of my girlfriends family and friends and I had to just laugh it off but it really hurt me.

I don't want to tell you about what I was thinking of doing to her mum as I am really a nice guy :cry:

I guess you just have to hold in there no matter what people say and keep popping the pills and putting the stuff on your hair till you get the results :)

Keep it up Traxdata :wink:


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Im experiencing the same thing, I’m also on proscar and almost @month 7 and my hair is looking worse than when I actually started the whole thing.
Its gotten very bad at front that I cant even style it the way I used too, I hope things will start turning around soon.
Does anybody know when does the hair rebound on average when you’re on finastride??


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Thats i think because of Proscar.. you guys are taking 1.25 mg of it than the FDA approved dosage of 1mg... i have heard that it not only increases the chances of side effects upon you, it causes a lot of hair loss as well.. and i am yet to hear from a single person who got good regrowth after that while on Proscar.... :(


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On 1mg...

Warrior101 said:
Thats i think because of Proscar.. you guys are taking 1.25 mg of it than the FDA approved dosage of 1mg... i have heard that it not only increases the chances of side effects upon you, it causes a lot of hair loss as well.. and i am yet to hear from a single person who got good regrowth after that while on Proscar.... :(

Not sure if that's really the reason. I am going through the exact same thing everyone above is talking about. I just passed the 7 month mark on Propecia and I've really hit a low point, especially at the hairline. Let's just all keep our fingers crossed and stay positive. :cry:


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I can't stop looking at that girls boobies. Where did you get that clip, I could really "use" it.


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im ready to give up myself. ive been on finasteride for 10 months, and i am currently going thru another shed. i know everyone says that this means your hair will grow back, but it didnt the first shed. i guess thats why im so pessimistic. seems like there are more horror stories then happy endings. my hair looks like crap and i keep get zits on my head which seems like a discouraging thing. i guess it is what it is.


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blueshard, it's just a gif file, so right click and save picture as whatever to your desktop or something.


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Same thing happening here - although coming close to 8 months.

Shedding a lot. My hair is really limp in the front - thinner than ever. It seems like the hair I'm loosing is the same thickness all over but I guess 1/3 of the dropping hair is really thin & pathetic.

Had my first shed the first 3 months of treatment and I can slowly see that the massive temple shed is growing back - although it's still got a good way to go. This sh*t is making me so god damn angry and depressed!!! :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: