Looks from woman when you are wearing a cap



I hate this more than anything. It's feels like I am being false.

As you probably know because I state it more than anything on here - I wear a cap all the time. I hate going down the local town, and then notice that I do get a few looks from a few girls. It's because I'm wearing my cap.

If I didn't have my cap on, would they give me the same looks?

Probably not.

Fact is, this is why I hate wearing a cap. it's gives such a false impression. It's ok if you don’t have male pattern baldness, and can wear a cap without potential embarrassment of your hair being exposed, but when you're wearing one because of crap hair, then things are different.

I don't even look at them back when I catch a girl looking. I don't even bother, because I know for a fact it might change if they saw me without my hat.

I feel half human when I wear one, but it prevents me from being myself.

Anyone feel the same?

On a separate note….

Yesterday I went to see my GP. I explained my hair loss situation to him. He was quite understanding, but sat their with his full head of hair, looking at me if I’m insane. He even questioned me about perspective, in a subtle kid of way. I said, I realise that I’m not going to die from it, but I am concerned like never before. Anyway, in the end he gave a script for an anti depressant - Lustral (sertraline) - he said, come back in two weeks and see him again. I’m guessing he wants to see if the anti depressants work or not.

Anyone else on Lustral - sertraline?


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This writing Explains me completely, i didnt use any anti-depressant but i can say that i should use one.


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Actually the latest studies on St John's Wort show that it does nothing to stop depression. However, like anything else, particularly involving emotional issues, it can have a powerful placebo effect if you believe it helps.


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mvpsoft said:
Actually the latest studies on St John's Wort show that it does nothing to stop depression. However, like anything else, particularly involving emotional issues, it can have a powerful placebo effect if you believe it helps.

Care to post them? There are many studies that clearly show it works. One or two stating that it doesn't work does not wipe out all of the others.





The list could go on.........

http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=n ... johns+wort


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mvpsoft said:
Actually the latest studies on St John's Wort show that it does nothing to stop depression. However, like anything else, particularly involving emotional issues, it can have a powerful placebo effect if you believe it helps.

And you have now just ruined that effect for him haha.


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I was on Zoloft for 4 months and it seemed to help. However, you still have to be comfortable with yourself. More than anything when it comes to girls you need to have confidence, without it your not gonna get anywhere. Gunner it seems to me that you seem to be someone without any confidence at all. You need to change that man and all your perspectives on life. Girls dig a guy who is confident, male pattern baldness is not gonna hold you back from having the girl of your dreams. I know plenty of guys who are balding and get tons of chicks. Just open up your eyes when you go out and you will see hot chicks with guys that are losing their hair. The difference between them and you is that they have confidence and don't let male pattern baldness hold them back!!!!!!!!!!! Face the facts your hair sucks and so does mine and it is propbably not gonna improve that much. Your stuck with shitty hair and learn to deal with it.


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I'm "suffering" from low self-esteem right now. I am actually seeing a therapist. There is a girl that I just can't get over. We broke up over a year ago, but she was my best friend ever since, and I am convinced that you are supposed to marry your best friend.

Recently my therapist asked me to make a list of the things that I believe would improve my confidence. A lot of them are superfluous, but they truly are some of the things that keep me from talking to girls. You should make such a list. I won't bore everybody with the entire list, but it includes style in general (clothes, attitude), body (a little overweight), and attitude. I don't even *feel* like doing some of the things that I normally used to do, like just hang out by the pool or go for a game of tennis.

Try it. It might help. Don't ask me if it does for sure, because I just started myself. It at least gives you something to work for- a way to improve yourself for yourself, so to speak.

Good luck.


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i feel the same exact way....i feel like im being fake when im doing anything to hide my hair loss even if i used to do it when i was younger with good hair with no worries at all...i dont kno y but i feel like im not showing people whats really goin on...(even if its not my intentions) im always thinkin if someone notices im wearin a hat and lossing hair they'll think "oh ok hes wearing a hat because hes going bald"... sux


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wheyface33 said:
mvpsoft said:
Actually the latest studies on St John's Wort show that it does nothing to stop depression. However, like anything else, particularly involving emotional issues, it can have a powerful placebo effect if you believe it helps.

And you have now just ruined that effect for him haha.



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Hats for balding people are like a safety blanket - hiding your insecurity... and the only people thinking your only wearing a hat to hide your hair is yourself or likeminded balding people. Just try not wearing it for a week and shut that voice up in your head that tells you everybody is looking at my head or talking behind my back about my hair....it really is all in your head.

Personally i would never touch anti depressants because in the long term i don't think they work, well, they dont solve the problem do they? and doctors almost as a knee jerk reaction prescribe them. Your better off down the herbal route.

Safe as houses!

JJ Gittes

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St John's Wort MAY help those stuck in a very mild funk. But, it's not going to help people with serious depression. It's simply not strong enough.

There's some new SSRIs out, such as Lexapro, that have far fewer side effects than the older meds, and can do wonders for people who are genuinely struggling.


Gunner, I have a pal who wears a cap because he is bald as a coot. He also looks like that Gremlin thing out of Lord of the Rings. Now he wears this cap everywhere. Clubs, pubs, bath and shower. he also has this look on his face that says "Hi everyone, I'm wearing this cap because I am bald"

Last time I saw him he shaved the whole lot off. he look 50 times better. He was also 50 times more confident.

Do the same and move on!


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Rawbbie said:
Gunner, you are quite posibly the most paranoid person on this website

i would have to unfortunately second this....get help gunner

Kevin fretwell

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I take 25mg a day of zoloft and wear a cap outside the house all the time and it really sucks!Go with the prescription antidepressants because they're stronger. Also not only do we have to put up with baldness but also frizz associated with subdermal scarring due to dht and therefore the popular term "bad hair day" raises its f*****g head .

Molecular Help

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You guys are f*****g mean.

Anti-depressants aren't the way to go either. They should only be used when someone is depressed for vague or unknown reasons. Pure chemical imbalance. Gunner is depressed because he's going bald. If he had hair he'd be fine. So really he's just got to accept it and realize it's not everything. Medication isn't going to help him realize sh*t. It's just mood altering. Might as well become an alcoholic or do a few heroin lines. At least that's fun too.
