looking to supplement propecia, lots of rogaine difficulty


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I have been on Propecia for about 6 months and 1 week - I went on as soon as a friend of mine pointed out that I had very slight hair loss (at the time), and I decided I wanted to stop it before it got bad. Both of my uncles on my mom's side are so bald that you can probably see your reflection in their head, and I realized that would probably happen to me. I'm probably seriously at risk and my experiences in the past 6 months confirm that.

Since 6 months ago, I've continued to notice progressive hair loss on the top of my head, the worst being at the pivot point where my hair spins around (not sure what that is called), which is probably about 1cm wide with minimal hair now (short white "rough" hairs). Also, in a 3 inch radius around that, the hair is thinner and maybe 20% see-through. The hair at the front of my head was getting thin, but I think it is getting better, though I have been growing it out so it's hard to say.

Things got really bad about 2 months ago (perhaps shedding from Propecia), at which point I started to grow my hair longer to hide the hair loss. Unfortunately, this makes it harder for me to tell how things are progressing but I think it's still getting worse.

1 month ago, I went to a hair transplant specialist to fill the top a bit, who said I was inoperable because I still have too much hair. I would have been happy to hear that, but it is still getting worse. Now that I know I can't do that, I'm wondering what else to add.

The doctor said I should add Rogaine since I have a limited window of time to keep my hair. However, I used it for about a week and gave up (I thought I got some shedding from that but it might have just been progressive hair loss). The liquid is so greasy that it defeats the purpose. As for the foam, I could apply it to the pivot-point, but I doubt I could get it on the whole 3-inch radius (6-inch diameter) area I mentioned. My hair would soak it up and it's hard to apply without seeing. Also, generally I'm not enthusiastic about having part of my hair be greasy/foamy all day long. And while I can fit in a pill, I don't think I can always fit Rogaine in my schedule.

So... any other options to supplement Propecia that don't involve surgery or applying Rogaine? Maybe a shampoo? Oral Rogaine? Something else? Thanks for your help.


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The big 3 includes finasteride, minoxidil, and Nizoral. Since you've gotten on finasteride, and tried minoxidil and didn't like it, go pick up a bottle of Nizoral shampoo (1 or 2% ketaconazole). It's like the easiest one out of the big 3.

Use 2-3x weekly, it is supposed to help with inflammation (even ones you cannot feel) and acts as a mild anti-androgen. Leave in for 5-10 minutes before rinsing. You can use any shampoo on non-Nizoral days.

Btw, I think the area where your hair swirls is called your vertex.


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Thanks for the tip, I've been looking a bit at that and I think I will do it. Would it be a problem if one followed up (after 5-10 minutes) with a conditioner, or theoretically a 2nd shampoo? Just thinking about the different possibilities.


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Personally, I don't think it matters as long as you leave nizoral in for 5-10 minutes so that the keta penetrates your scalp; I usually do a pre-wash with another shampoo just to make sure I get some absorption. I also use a conditioner so that my hair doesn't get dried out. It's all up to personal preference, really.


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You sound like you have BDD and OCD, Propecia needs at least a year. You quit rogaine after a week because it was too greasy, well that's understandable but you have to sacrifice to make gains, FOAM would be your ideal solution. You need to be patient. What scares me if you went to a hair transplant surgeon for one area, thank god that surgeon was honest and turned you away! Do you realize what could have happened if you went to a hack and he decided to please your obsession and you would have been so much worse off! Please just use rogaine foam stay on propecia, and add Nizoral 2 % 3 X a week. Give this one year. Shedding is a GOOD SIGN if you are unwilling to go through the shedding then don't start it, rogaine will regrow hair and especially at the area you say there is thinning. Most people have that little "hurricane swirl" on the back of the head, some people it's very pronounced some people not so much. Please I know it's hard to be patient but these are proven methods, like the derm told you best to treat it when it's first happening best chance at succeeding.

Best of luck,


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Ok, well I got Nizoral (1%) over the counter and I have been using that for about 3 weeks now. Should I try to get a prescription from my doctor for 2%?

I have also tried Rogaine again, this time as a foam, for about 2 weeks. I have been using it once/day right after I get out of the shower when my hair is thinnest so it is easiest to apply. However, I *hate* what it does to the texture of my hair. It is like an anti-conditioner. My hair gets really scratchy and lighter in color and looks weird. Most of the foam is just soaked up by my hair.

I'm also worried that I can't consistently apply it to the right place. The hair gets in the way so it feels like I am choosing small, specific patches of scalp at random. Also, I can't see where I am getting it on the vertex so it might not even be a consistent place. It's hard enough that it takes me more than 2 cups per effort (they advise 1/2 cup).

If I can't apply it more consistently (in terms of location, not frequency), is it even worth the effort?

Is there any way to make the application easier or more consistent or the impact on texture less severe?

I am at the shedding part now and I am worried about committing myself to this *especially* because of the impact on hair texture, because it kills my ability to style it. I would probably be stuck with this texture for many years. I am considering dropping Rogaine for good and hoping for the best with Propecia and Nizoral, unless you guys can recommend something.

BTW nuttyrich, you are right that it's good that he didn't operate on me, I just didn't know what stage that was a viable option. However, he is a really good surgeon and confirmed my hair loss. I am at an early stage, but I'm not making it up... I just want to stop it before it gets noticeable.

Nashville Hairline

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I completely agree on Rogaine. WORST PRODUCT EVER. Seriously, its like prescribing sandpaper as a treatment for psoriasis. I dread to think of the mornings I sat on the bus with it rolling down my neck from the bald patch at the top of my head, and also it probably drew more attention to my bald patch as it stayed wet in that area for most of the day. Greasy and smells like paint stripper too.
Am currently living with my bald spot (it doesn't appear to be getting any worse using Saw Palmetto, nizoral and tons of vitamins) and hoping one day they devise a topical treatment that doesn't destroy hair on people who don't wear the shaved look.