Looking Into Potential Hair Transplant, Need Some Advice. Very Mild Aesthetic Purpose / Hairline


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Hey guys, hope someone can help me going through a bit of a stressful time because of this damn hair.

My situation is for last 2 years have been on Minoxidil. I think it helped to slow down the rate of my hair but at the same time it didn't do anything to grow it back.

I am most hit on my temples, more my left temple. Last 6 months I have been on Finastride (1mg / 1 tablet a day)

Progress since on finasteride, is there but slow and it's def. not vastly improving my temples. So both of us agree Finastride is working BUT it's not working to the level I personally want from an aesthetic point of view which is to fill in faster/stronger my temples.

He told me Finastride is a slow process and upto a year is when we can know if it's enough to be on Finastride or we have to look at another solution but he said the normal circumstance is that it halts hair loss and the best is that you get regrowth, but regrowth is not always certain in all people.

He knows what I want, I want my hair back to a point I can at least style it up how I prefer it. If you see my pictures, I've shown 1 picture of how I now style it, to a side to cover then I left it also to show the temple area and how bad in my opinion it is. As my Dr. knows what I am after, he suggested either I can be patient for upto a year or if I want this solution now (I am 33, plan to marry by end of year) he suggested someone like me in London he can do the surgery for me and suggested 60 grafts is enough and apparently I am looking at £3K. (I met another guy that said he knows someone that got it done same what I want for half the price)

At the moment my routine is just minoxidil foam twice a day / Finastride.

Does anybody have any first hand experience with what I am experiencing and can give advice on my situation? If I should go with a transplant option or hold on for another 6 months in hope this temple area improves or anything else like Dermarolling to introduce?

The Dr. in London, has quoted me at £3K / he says I need 600 grafts.

I met another guy who said you can get top quality treatment from Turkey where they include accommodation/travel plus the surgery for half the price.

Then someone else is recommending me a good Dr. in India also (http://www.darlingbudsindia.com/hair-transplant-cost)

Then another friend said this is the top guy but most likely way out of my budget (https://www.drpaulnassif.com/medspa/neograft/)

Any tips about this, what to do and how to play this?



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Don't wanna sound mean but If you are going through stressful times over this hairline your problem is mental. You need therapy not hair transplant. You probably have body dysmorphic disorder. Not even kidding.