Looking For A Little Reassurance Been A Rollercoaster 13 Months


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Its been a rollercoaster year for me. In around December of 2015 I had an itching episode. The Doctor prescribed me nizoral, and I used it for about a month and a half. Went back and said the itch was gone but showed him my hair and he prescribed me finasteride. Up until this point I had ZERO idea about hairloss and about finasteride. Nonetheless, I took it as prescribed with no side effects whatsoever. That is up until exam time around april and I started having difficulty peeing. The Doctor told me to go off it for a bit and see what happens. So after taking about 3 months worth of finasteride I got off for 3 weeks and then got back on it in beginning of may. Looking back i just had anxiety issues at the time it had nothing to do with the finasteride. Anyways I got back on the finasteride and have been on it since then. Since that time my hairloss has just been a rollercoaster. Before I got on the finasteride I just had some mild thinning in the top of my head I believe. But then I had a major shed over the summer where my hair thinned out a bunch and sorta stayed that way but nobody could notice. Then towards the end of the summer up until january i started to freak about my hairline. It looked like my temples were receding. But now it appears like my temples are making a recovery. Thats my story. And needless to say i have some questions.

1) What should I consider to be the 1 year mark for me? given that I was on it for three months but then stopped for 3 weeks. Intuitively I would think that I should at least give myself until may to reevaluate especially since things are starting to look better.

2) In relation to the last question, can I really be sure things are starting to be better? Is there anyway for me to know if my temple recovery is really just regrowth with thinner hair? I had a two day span last week where i shedded a bunch of miniaturized hair, but my hair actually looks better. I am thinking the miniaturized hair came from the top of my head, not my hairline, but i really have no idea.

All in all, I know that no one has a solid answer for this but I dont really fall with the fear mongering group and understand that the finasteride could take some time. There is no chance im getting off the finasteride but would just like to know if its possible that the new hair in the temple area is just a mirage. or if i could truly know if im a good responder.


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Bump. Any experience whatsoever? any clue? I would add that my crown went through a bit of a shitty period and now is back to where its always been before the balding began