Long-term Bonding With Maximum Freedom?


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Hey guys,
I'm 36 (from Germany) and have been wearing hair systems for 9 years now. I'm new here on the board and can share a whole bunch of good and bad experience I collected over my hair-wearing years. (I'll also hand in later my complete story of my hairloss in the suitable sub-forum. Actually I'm immensely pissed off by my development, but that's a different story...)

When, 2 years ago, my hair loss proceded heavily into sides and back, I decided to go for a full cap, 14 inch curly stlye, by the way. As I hesitated to shave my long curly back (and thus couldn't tape the lace full cap down there) because I wanted to integrare my own hair (e.g. for a pony-tail for work), I sewed an elastic band in the back, so it would firmly hold without glue... it looked fine and so... but was not the optimum.

So I finally decided to shave off everything and tape down the complete perimeter, but in the nape, the lace becomes loose only after two days. So I have to face the annoying full cap tape down routine like every 24 or 48 hours, which drives me insane!

When I wore a topper, back then, I remember I achieved tape bonding up to 5 days... more wasn't possible because the various tapes I used totally dissolved, got gooey and made the wig hair sticky, as well as eyebrows, or parts of my skin where the glue wouldn't belong. When working out and showering often, it got even worse. I would feel "fresh and clean" after I shower on day 3. I envied collegues who enjoyed their evening shower after workout, feel like reborn, leaving me with itching and gooeyness on my head. And yes, I have kinda oily skin.

But, online, I've also read a lot about fellow hair wearers who say they work out on an almost daily base, go swimming, or even camping in the wild (Lord, how I'd LOVE that independence again) for 10+ days or so, and still feel clean and tidy on their heads.

I want to be satisfied with maybe one hour of work (clean-up and taping down again) every 14 days, and then LIVE me life and forget that I have a wig on my head. I want to be able to wear my medium or long hairstyle open in the winds, ENJOY nature and running, go showering and feel prepared and confident for a dinner party or a date afterwards.

So let's talk about long-term bonding. I'd appreciate your input about:
1. which tape or glue do you use, and how?
2. how long wearing times can you achieve (with sweating, work-out, showering, swimming), and till which day is everything "easy going"? When is day X, when it starts becoming messy?
3. what is your clean-up procedure like? especially how do you get gooey tape/glue residue out of your systems? (I know about the mirror slide, but I find the system kinda suffers from the sliding... in terms of shedding).