Link Between Stress And Male Pattern Baldness


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I genuinely believe heavy stress or trauma can trigger male pattern baldness to come on earlier if you are genetically predisposed to it. My dad had a good head of hair until he was knifed in the head. The resulting operations and stress made him lose his hair and he hasn't grown it back - he's totally bald.
Another relative of mine went through a divorce. He lost all his hair in the years that followed.
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I think male pattern baldness is like 98 percent completely out of your control in any way, shape or form. Its some kind of defect that happens slowly over time in genetically susceptible individuals, or the presence of androgens in most men over time kicks off a huge sequence of events that leads to male pattern baldness. It might not be androgens it could be something before this like PGD 2 or a defect in vitamin D3 receptors or who knows what. We dont know yet, but its not something like what you ate last week or stress, or anything under your control
Yes there are a few small studies showing life style has big effects. I dont think the evidence is concrete enough there yet to say its true, and living counter examples makes it tough to believe.
The degree of correlation between the severity/speed of male pattern baldness and your relatives or father is just too big to be a coincidence. Its obviously mostly genetic, and much less life style choices. I have the same life style as many other men who go bald much faster then I do.


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Stressed because you're losing hair, losing hair because you're stressed. Genetics can be a scumbag sometimes lol


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stress can exacerbate the condition, along with androgens.

Armando Jose

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stress affects all hairs, not only certains hairs in a special pattern as seen in common baldness