Lifestyle and Hairloss

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They say that asian men had lower rates of male pattern baldness until globalization introduced them to the more American aspects of life, such as eating fat and becoming lazy, lol.

Anyone got any good sources of info on how our American lifestyle may contribute to our male pattern baldness???


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I don't know why this has to be a major concern as the mixing of the lifestyle of the Asian men and that American lifestyle has no possible links to be interrelated. I don't think that eating fat has by any means has lead to the hair loss in Asian men. The example of this could be the Asian men who aren't exposed to the American way of living and still are loosing hair. Just give it a thought.
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Since i didn't know men living on the continent of Asia in the early part of the 29th century, I don't know that they had as high of rates of hair loss prior to introduction to western culture. Do you have some links to support your idea?

As you suggested, I'm just thinking about it (really hard) and I have no prior knowledge of the heads of Asian men whom I never met and who lived decades and centuries before me.

So, if you can provide some info or tell how you came to this conclusion after just thinking about it then let me in on it.


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Do we really eat more fats these days anyway? Any proof of this, :dunno: and any theories as to why eating more fat would lead to hairloss anyway?


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s.a.f said:
Do we really eat more fats these days anyway? Any proof of this, :dunno: and any theories as to why eating more fat would lead to hairloss anyway?

Yes, at least in the US. I doubt the UK is that far off in terms of fat consumption. Fat and sugar... Higher obesity rates, diabetes, fast food, sodas, frozen food, way to much meat and dairy.... I really don't feel the need to link any proof of this, i feel at this point these trends are regarded as fact.

and there are tons of theories. some seem more legit than others. hard to prove at any rate, although again we go back to the following statement- most people don't advocate that diet or fat leads to hairloss, rather it aggravates it in people that are already genetically prone.


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Yeah obviously there are some people that eat too much and nowadays food is available in bigger quantities than in previous generations but in general I dont really see that a huge proportion of the population here in the UK are obese, maybe 10% as to say 20 years ago it would be 5%.

But the obesity epidemic is only really starting to effect kids of the current generation who are too young to be balding anyway in my time not many people had a really bad diet and yet there are still plent of baldies about.

And I dont think theres anything majorly worse now than in previous era's my Gran who's almost 90 has told me that 40/50/60 years ago people were eating stuff like white bread and jam or dripping (fat) and fruit and veg were in pretty short supply because all that was available was whatever was in season and they did'nt have supermarket chains importing produce from around the world.
Or they could'nt keep/store produce anyway because they did'nt have the refrigeration techniques we have today until about 30 yrs ago.
Also meat was considered a luxury and sugary cakes and biscuits were much more a part of the national diet than they are now.
The major difference between then and now is that people had to work harder and so burned off all their calories, but nutrition wise todays diets are certainly no worse than previous generations if anything they're probably better.
Dont take my word for it look it up!


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fair enough... never really considered all of those points. As a whole, our diet does in fact suck. But, it probably sucked for many previous generations.

It would be nice if hairloss could be stopped just from diet changes... highly unlikely. However I do feel it helps the fight in general. Plus, even if it doesn't, it makes hairloss slightly more tolerable, because the rest of you is in good shape and you certainly feel more energetic and positive.


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There is one interesting situation I noticed and thought about for a while. I know very well two groups of people - my friends and footballers. I did a little research I didn't finish, but the results are very clear - cca 15% of my friends who are under 25 have clear hairloss, while the same can be said for cca 5% of footballers at top teams. They obviously live healthier in terms of fitness, but also most of them eat healthier than average people of that age. I'm not assuming it's connected, but it's a fact.


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Obviously professional sportsmen are generally going to have better genetics than ordinary people anyway.
Its abit like saying that most actors/models dont have hairloss its nothing to do with their lifestyle.


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ok heres where I lose you.... most football players and actors having good genetics/less hair loss

I'm sure they do in certain aspects (muscle, speed, etc), however how are these genes at all related to hair loss? I would say for the most part I have pretty good genes (low body fat, very easy for me to stay in shape, dones several triathlons with ease, and slightly abover average looks). but my hair loss is very agressive.

i just don't see a connection. I think you either get the gene or you don't, regardless of the rest of your genetic make up. at that point, diet and lifestyle may have an effect (how much remains to be determined.)


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guitar66 said:
ok heres where I lose you.... most football players and actors having good genetics/less hair loss

I'm sure they do in certain aspects (muscle, speed, etc), however how are these genes at all related to hair loss? I would say for the most part I have pretty good genes (low body fat, very easy for me to stay in shape, dones several triathlons with ease, and slightly abover average looks). but my hair loss is very agressive.

i just don't see a connection. I think you either get the gene or you don't, regardless of the rest of your genetic make up. at that point, diet and lifestyle may have an effect (how much remains to be determined.)


good hair OR athletic prowess attracted "athletic" good females...produce more athletic children...eventually you have a higher-than-average good hair\athletic strain.
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A.J.Killer said:
There is one interesting situation I noticed and thought about for a while. I know very well two groups of people - my friends and footballers. I did a little research I didn't finish, but the results are very clear - cca 15% of my friends who are under 25 have clear hairloss, while the same can be said for cca 5% of footballers at top teams. They obviously live healthier in terms of fitness, but also most of them eat healthier than average people of that age. I'm not assuming it's connected, but it's a fact.

I thought this post was interesting since I've considered the idea of distance runners and athletes particularly soccer or footballers.

The reason this struck me was when I first started losing my hair and got on propecia I decided if I was going to be bald, I'd better be in fantastic shape. So, I started running like crazy, more than ever before. Within 6-8 months my hair stopped falling out, it was then winter and I was seeing a girl, so I stopped running.

W/in a few months my hairloss began again and has continued since. Though i am running again I've never been able to get the shedding to stop again. I've always thought that perhaps the vigorous cardio had a connection to the cessation of my shedding.

It's common knowledge that to give oneself the best chance of thwarting hairloss to the greatest possible extent one should maintain a healthy circulatory system and good cardiovascular health.

BTW, I do evercise and run regularly and although my hairline is still receding I still have maintained a thick head of hair over the course of 4 yrs since my hairloss began. I've been on propecia since it started so that has alot to do with it, but perhaps exercise is a factor, also.


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GrowHairLikeStalin said:
It's common knowledge that to give oneself the best chance of thwarting hairloss to the greatest possible extent one should maintain a healthy circulatory system and good cardiovascular health.
Err evidence??????
I guess the likes of Rooney and Stephen Ireland dont do as much cardio as most other guys then. :whistle:

The whole 'bloodflow' theory is absolute bullshit. :thumbdown2:
The fact that your hairloss has'nt progressed is entirely down to the Finasteride.
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s.a.f said:
GrowHairLikeStalin said:
It's common knowledge that to give oneself the best chance of thwarting hairloss to the greatest possible extent one should maintain a healthy circulatory system and good cardiovascular health.
Err evidence??????
I guess the likes of Rooney and Stephen Ireland dont do as much cardio as most other guys then. :whistle:

The whole 'bloodflow' theory is absolute bullshit. :thumbdown2:
The fact that your hairloss has'nt progressed is entirely down to the Finasteride.
Err evidence???? See how that works.
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Also, I just read an article in a Men's Health in which a highly acclaimed dermatologist from the Cleveland Clinic who is known for successful work w/ male pattern baldness says that the main things she recommends for combating male pattern baldness, among nizoral and finasteride, baby asprin for it benefits to the circulatory system. (I'll cite the article when I get ahold of the mag)

Also, isn't the the whole idea behind Min the belief that it improves circ. to the scalp.

Since I've joined this site I've become amazed at the hair loss experts here. I wouldn't think that a guy who's expertise is hair loss and the physiology behind it would need such a site, for he must surely have defied his own balding head with his knowledge.


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s.a.f said:
GrowHairLikeStalin said:
The whole 'bloodflow' theory is absolute bullshit. :thumbdown2:
The fact that your hairloss has'nt progressed is entirely down to the Finasteride.
Err evidence???? See how that works.

Well cut the top of your head, if it bleeds than you dont have a bloodflow problem :roll:
Infact it could be argued that since its your blood supply that delivers DHT straight to the follicles improving it could actually speed up balding.
Its strange how us balding guys lack of bloodflow does'nt manifest itself in any other way. I wonder how many balding men actually have high blood pressure? None I suppose?
Seriously the bloodflow theory is an old wives tale about as credible as the not eating your greens theory.
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s.a.f said:
GrowHairLikeStalin said:
The whole 'bloodflow' theory is absolute bullshit. :thumbdown2:
The fact that your hairloss has'nt progressed is entirely down to the Finasteride.
Err evidence???? See how that works.

Well cut the top of your head, if it bleeds than you dont have a bloodflow problem :roll:
Infact it could be argued that since its your blood supply that delivers DHT straight to the follicles improving it could actually speed up balding.
Its strange how us balding guys lack of bloodflow does'nt manifest itself in any other way. I wonder how many balding men actually have high blood pressure? None I suppose?
Seriously the bloodflow theory is an old wives tale about as credible as the not eating your greens theory.[/quote:33sa615q]
So, in summary you can provide no more evidence than I can on the subject, even though I only provided ONE bit of information (w/out the source which I can dig up if you don't believe me).

You should open up your own medical practice based soley on your opinions. I bet you'd make a killing.


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let's see the source!!! :punk:

also keep in mind aspirin is not harmless. it can cause ulcers and hearing loss.


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i somehow knew i would never be seeing the source :/