Let's talk NANO


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hairhoper said:
Jacob is correct in that there there's no evidence that NANO works any better than Tricomin or Revivogen, if at all.

You _do_ understand that we're talking about SHAMPOOS here, don't you? :dunno: :)


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Nizoral is still the best.

Other than that, Nano, Revita, Tricomin, Regenepure seem to all help but in no way are going to solve your problems. Since there is no evidence of which one works, it's best in my opinion to mix them up.


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Bryan said:
You're not even making sense by saying "be specific" or "with specifics" in this context. Here's a little hint for you: just say "Prove it", and leave out the part about specifics.

I'm making perfect sense. But go ahead..finally- Prove it. And be specific while you're at it.

Bryan said:
As you already know but are just "playing dumb", I've already identified two or three of them that aren't on the labels (TEMPO/TEMPOL and PBN), but I believe are mentioned on his Web site. I don't know the identities of the others that have never been revealed.

As usual..it's you who is playing dumb. Or maybe you're not actually playing. We all know those are not the "mysterious" ingreds..as neither you nor Dr. P has mentioned them when asked about the "mysterious" ingreds. And those ingreds have been mentioned many times in the past. "I don't know the identities of the others that have never been revealed." Quit playing dumb then.

Bryan said:
I don't know the answer to that question. My guess is that they probably do, at least at the time in the past when they examined his products.

No, they probably don't. Which is why Dr. P never responded to that question either..and is probably one of the reasons that one thread was taken down. So they examined the products in the past and Dr. P said to them- hey, there's some cool ingreds in it that I'm not putting on the label! I'm sure the FDA does know now though :woot:

Bryan said:
Yes, I "rehash" the same stuff every once in a while (similar to how Propecia and Rogaine get "rehashed" on an even FAR more frequent basis) because it's one of the best available treatments, and quite possibly the best available treatment.

The same stuff frequently..for probably 10+ years. There's no evidence that it even comes close to quite possibly being teh best available treatment. Again..anyone else would be called a shill...long ago.


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k well anyways, i got the stuff yesterday and tried it today...just thought id share my thoughts.

it smells bad- like vinegar, and its a little runny for a shampoo.

However, i left it on for about 4 minutes with no problems as of yet (knock on wood) it dried my hair a little, but in letting it sit for several minutes thats to be expected. It actually seems to have calmed my scalp, since i have not felt any irritation since shampooing with it (my scalp has been largely under control, but this seemed to help further)

The smell isnt a big deal since i follow with a strong smelling conditioner (revivogen) and my hair looked good when it was all said and done. There is a definite thickening effect. I have no idea whether or not its gonna do anything for me (as in regrowth), but so far so good. Of course this is all subject to change, but with the first impressions i cant complain


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Mircalegro said:
k well anyways, i got the stuff yesterday and tried it today...just thought id share my thoughts.

it smells bad- like vinegar, and its a little runny for a shampoo.

That's funny...I've never noticed any unusual smell while using it in the past. That may be some more recent change he's made to its formula.

Mircalegro said:
However, i left it on for about 4 minutes with no problems as of yet (knock on wood) it dried my hair a little, but in letting it sit for several minutes thats to be expected. It actually seems to have calmed my scalp, since i have not felt any irritation since shampooing with it (my scalp has been largely under control, but this seemed to help further)

An interesting thing I read a while back somewhere (must have been on Dr. Proctor's Web site) is that judging by its chemical structure, the chemical we call "NANO" _may_ have spin-label (or spin-trap?) properties of its own, similar to TEMPO/TEMPOL and PBN. If that really is correct, that may be yet another good reason to use it as a topical against male pattern baldness.


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I always liked the smell of Nano. Kind of smelled like almond/Amaretto to me.


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Not surprised the questions once again cannot be answered. And the claims, cannot be proven. Nor is there any evidence for Bryan's last claim there.


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Doubtless Dr Proctor would love to answer all questions that he reasonably can. But, as a bair loss professional, currently he is not allowed to post here.


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But he never answered them before when he was posting here. In fact a whole thread that contained those questions with his non-answers..was deleted. Which I saved.

But it's about time..if that is the case..that the rules are being applied to him as applied to everyone else.

Hmmm..nice first post :)