Lets talk about minoxidil related fears and try to solve them


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I've been reading alot of posts on this forum and it seems like many guys are afraid to go on rogaine/minoxidil or quit rogaine because of some fears that they have...I'd like the more experienced members to help solve them so we can all enjoy the benefits of this drug.

I'll start by saying I'm scared that my hair will get dependent to the drug and that if I stop in X amount of months my hair will keep falling off...related to that same fear I'm scared that if I don't respond to this drug that the shed it causes will make me look worse a few years down the road.


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havent had no problem with minoxidil foam so far.


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If you stop any hair regrowth product, it doesnt matter if its propecia or rogaine, you will loose anything you gained while you were on it. Thats just the nature of male pattern baldness. You have 2 options either you go bald, or you use minoxidil and/or another medication till something else comes along.


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I’ve been on minoxidil for about 12 years now. The only side effect I’ve ever had was scalp itch & dandruff, which is easily taken care of with the right shampoo.


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I've never understood the fear, aside from the knee-jerk reaction to potential shedding. The fact is that any hair that sheds will fall out anyway, without minoxidil, as the follicles continue to get smaller. What you're doing is kicking those affected follicles into gear, as long as you continue to use it. If you don't use it, those never get kicked into gear and they will most certainly fall out....and at that point the follicle may be miniaturized to a degree that regrowth is difficult or not possible. Perhaps this graph will help explain:



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alfonso, has the effect tapered off or stayed the same over the 12 years?


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My biggest fear is that I'll go from having a full head of hair (thinning, but not that noticeable) to losing most of it the first few months during the initial shed. Even though I am losing hair anyway, it is not as noticeable because it's taking a long time; however, if I lose half the hair on my head in two months, people will notice.

My main question is: how much shedding did people experience? 30 percent? 60 percent? I know everyone is different, but I just wanna get a general idea, so any info on this would be appreciated. Thanks.



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hairwegoagain said:
I've never understood the fear, aside from the knee-jerk reaction to potential shedding. The fact is that any hair that sheds will fall out anyway, without minoxidil, as the follicles continue to get smaller. What you're doing is kicking those affected follicles into gear, as long as you continue to use it. If you don't use it, those never get kicked into gear and they will most certainly fall out....and at that point the follicle may be miniaturized to a degree that regrowth is difficult or not possible. Perhaps this graph will help explain:

